How to Pronounce the Word TO American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
I’m going to go over how to pronounce the

word ‘to’ in conversation.

The word ‘to’ is a preposition, so it’s a
function word. Function words will normally

be unstressed in a sentence. And the word
‘to’ will even reduce. Reduce means a sound

will change. So, ‘to’ on its own: true T with
the ‘oo’ as in ‘boo’ vowel. But, in a sentence,

it will be come to, true T with the schwa
sound. Or, it might even become to, D sound

with the schwa sound. Using the flap T pronunciation
will smooth out your line even more. I’ve

looked at lots of examples to try to figure
out: is there a rule for when it’s appropriate

to use the Flap T or not? And I’ve decided
you can use the flap T in the word ‘to’ any

time except when the word ‘to’ follows a word
that ends in a T. Now, if this rule is too

confusing for you, don’t worry about it. You
can always pronounce it with a true T and

a schwa, and that reduction is fine. However,
a flap T will smooth things out just a little

bit more.

So, let’s look at some examples. We went to
dinner. [3x] Now you’ll notice the word before

ends in T, so I’m pronouncing ‘to’ ‘to’. True
T, schwa sound. I’m not pronouncing two T’s.

We went to dinner. [2x]

Come to my party. Here I’m pronouncing the
T as a flap. Duh, duh, duh. Come to my party. [2x]

Much smoother than ‘Come to my party’.
Come to my party.

Let’s go to the store. Here, ‘to’ is pronounced
duh, duh. Go to, go to, go to the, go to the.

Let’s go to the store. I wanted to get more.
Wanted to, wanted to. Notice I’m not pronouncing

two D’s here. Wanted to. The first D, at the
end of ‘wanted’, is a stop. Wanted to. Then

I’m pronouncing ‘to’ with the flap T/schwa
sound. Wanted to [3x]. I wanted to get some


Did you notice that I did not pronounce the
T sound in the word ‘wanted’. I said wanted,

I dropped the T. This is not an uncommon practice
when the T follows an N. Other examples: ‘center’

becomes cenner, cenner. Or, interview can
be pronounced innerview, innerview. Dropping

this true T smooths out speech. Even though
I dropped the T, the -ed ending still follows

the rule for a word that ends in T or D, and
is pronounced with the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ vowel

and the D consonant. Wanted is a fairly common
word. Don’t be afraid to pronounce it ‘wannid’ [2x]

You’ll notice many native speakers pronouncing
it this way.

I wanted to get some more.

I thought to myself … [2x] Here I’m pronouncing
‘to’, tt, with a true T because the word before

ends in a T. Notice though, I am not pronouncing
two T’s. I thought to myself. [2x]

We’re going to your play. Going to, going
to: flap. We’re going to your play.

Don’t forget to reduce and link the word ‘to’.
It’s a very important part of this stressed

/ unstressed nature of American English.

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.

I’m excited to announce that I’m running another
online course, so do check out my website

for details. You’ll find on there all sorts
of information about the course, who should

take the course, and requirements. I really
hope you’ll check it out and consider signing

up. I’ve had a blast with my first online
course, and I’m looking forward to getting

to know you.

Don’t stop there. Have fun with my real-life
English videos. Or get more comfortable with

the IPA in this play list. Learn about the
online courses I offer, or check out my latest




虚词。 虚词通常

在句子中不重读。 而
‘to’这个词甚至会减少。 减少意味着声音

会改变。 所以,‘to’ 本身:真正的 T
和 ‘oo’ 就像在 ‘boo’ 元音中一样。 但是,在一个句子中,

它会变成带有 schwa
音的 true T。 或者,它甚至可能变成 D 音和

schwa 音。 使用襟翼 T 发音
将使您的线条更加流畅。 我


适合使用 Flap T? 而且我已经决定
你可以在任何时候在“to”这个词中使用襟翼 T,

跟在一个以 T 结尾的词之后。现在,如果这个规则

对你来说太混乱了,别担心 关于它。 你
总是可以用一个真正的 T 和

一个 schwa 来发音,而且这种减少很好。 然而
,襟翼 T 会让事情变得


所以,让我们看一些例子。 我们去
吃饭了。 [3x] 现在你会注意到前面的单词

以 T 结尾,所以我发音 ‘to’ ‘to’。 真
T,schwa 音。 我没有发音两个T。

我们去吃饭了。 [2x]

来参加我的聚会。 在这里,我将
T 发音为襟翼。 啧啧啧。 来我的派对。 [2x]


我们去商店吧。 在这里,‘to’ 发音为
duh, duh。 去,去,去,去。

我们去商店吧。 我想得到更多。
想要,想要。 请注意,我在这里没有发音

两个 D。 想要。
‘wanted’ 结尾的第一个 D 是停止。 想要。 然后

我用襟翼 T/schwa 音发“to”
。 想要[3x]。 我想得到


在“wanted”这个词中发T音。 我说希望,

我放弃了 T。
当 T 跟随 N 时,这并不少见。其他示例:“中心”

变成 cenner,cenner。 或者,interview
可以发音为 innerview、innerview。 去掉

这个真 T 可以使语音变得平滑。 即使
我删除了 T,-ed 结尾仍然遵循

以 T 或 D 结尾的单词的规则,
并且与“坐”元音和 D 辅音中的“ih”一起

发音。 通缉是一个相当普遍的
词。 不要害怕发音为 ‘wannid’ [2x]



我心想… [2x] 在这里,我
用真正的 T 发音 ‘to’,tt,因为前面的单词

以 T 结尾。但请注意,我没有发音
两个 T。 我心想。 [2x]

我们要去看你的戏。 去,
去:拍打。 我们去看你的戏。


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