How to Pronounce TOMORROW American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation of

the word ‘tomorrow’.

This week’s Word of the Week is ‘tomorrow’.
‘Tomorrow’ is a three-syllable word with stress

on the middle syllable. So, we have da-DA-da.
Tomorrow, tomorrow. The first syllable follows

the same rules as the word ‘to’. So, the vowel
will reduce to the schwa. To-, to-, just like

the word ‘to’. You may even make the first
sound, the True T, a Flap T, depending on

the sound before. Check out the video on how
to say the word ‘to’ for those rules.

The second syllable, stressed, begins with
the M consonant sound: tom-, tom-, tom-. Then

we have the AH as in FATHER vowel, so the
jaw will need to drop. Tomo-, tomo-. Then

the tongue will pull back and up for the R
consonant sound. Tomor-. And the jaw will

close for that somewhat as the tongue raises
towards the roof of the mouth: tomor-, tomor-.

And finally, in the last syllable, we have
the OH as in NO diphthong. Tomorrow, tomorrow.

So make sure your lips round for that. Tomorrow.
What are you gonna do tomorrow? Did you notice?

I didn’t make a True T, I made it a Flap.
Do tomorrow. Do to-, do to-, do tomorrow.

What are you going to do tomorrow?

That’s it, your Word of the Week.  Try
it out yourself.  Make up a sentence with

the word, record it, and post it as a video
response to this video on YouTube.  I can’t

wait to watch it.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.




于中音节。 所以,我们有 da-DA-da。
明天,明天。 第一个音节

遵循与单词“to”相同的规则。 因此,元音
将减少为 schwa。 To-,to-,就像

‘to’这个词。 您甚至可以根据之前的声音发出第一个
声音,True T,一个 Flap

T。 查看有关如何

以 M 辅音开头:tom-、tom-、tom-。 然后

下巴需要下降。 托莫-,托莫-。

发出 R 辅音。 明天-。


有 OH,就像在 NO 双元音中一样。 明天,明天。

因此,请确保您的嘴唇为此而圆润。 明天。
你明天要做什么? 你注意到了吗?

我没有做一个真正的 T,我把它做成了一个襟翼。
明天做。 做-,做-,明天做。


自己尝试一下。 用这个词组成一个句子

回复发布到 YouTube 上。 我


Rachel 的英语。