How to Pronounce Work vs. Walk American English

Today I’m going to go over two words that
often trip people up: work and walk. Let’s

take a look at the IPA transcriptions. First,
notice that the word walk, even though it

is spelled with an L, had no L sound in it.
The word ‘work’ is written with four different

IPA symbols. The ‘ur’ as in ‘her’ vowel is
always followed by the R consonant sound [], and

really they are the vowel and consonant concept
of the same sound, rrr. So though it’s written

with four different symbols, it’s really just
three sounds: ww, rr, kk. And walk, ww, aw,

kk. So the difference in these words is the
middle sound, rrr, and aw. For the rr sound,

the tongue pulls up and back some. And the
middle raises and stretches wide, pressing

against the insides of the top teeth. Rr,
rr. The front of the tongue then just hangs

forward, comes down, but it’s still up and
back enough so that the tip of the tongue

isn’t touching anything. Rr, rr. Also, notice
the lip position. The corners come in and

the lips pucker a little bit. Rr. For the
aw sound, the jaw drops a little bit more.

And the tongue is sort of raised slightly
all over. Not more in one place than in another.

Aw. The tip of the tongue is forward. It can
either be lightly touching behind the bottom

teeth, or just behind it. Aw. Notice the cheeks
come in just a little bit on this vowel sound.

Aw. And the lips round a little bit. Ww, rr,
kk, ww, aw, kk. Now, the first sound in these

words in the W sound. And notice that the
lips do need to be in a tight circle for that.

And you make a sound with your vocal cords
before opening into the vowel. The final sound

is the K consonant sound, kk, where the tongue
will stretch up in the back, kk, touch the

soft palate back there, let a little bit of
air build up, and then pull away. And in that

pull away, the sound is released. Kk. The
two middle sounds really are pretty different.

Let’s alternate them. Rr, aw, rr, aw, repeat
with me. Rr, aw, rr, aw. The rr sound feels

further up in the face for me, rr, rr, right
here. Aw, the jaw is dropped a little bit

more, the sound feels more in the middle of
the face. Aw, rr. And now let’s put all the

sounds together to make the words. Ww, rr,
kk, ww, rr, kk, ww, rr, kk, ww, rr, kk, work.

Ww, aw, kk, ww, aw, kk, ww, aw, kk, ww, aw,
kk, walk. Work, walk. That’s it, and thanks

so much for using Rachel’s English.

经常绊倒人们的词:工作和步行。 让

我们看一下国际音标的转录。 首先,请
注意单词 walk,

即使拼写为 L,也没有 L 音。

国际音标符号组成。 ‘her’ 元音中的 ‘ur’
后面总是跟着 R 辅音 [],

实际上它们是同一个音 rrr 的元音和辅音概念
。 所以虽然它是

三种声音:ww、rr、kk。 走,ww,aw,

kk。 所以这些词的区别是
中间的声音,rrr和aw。 对于 rr 声音


压在上牙的内侧。 呸,
呸。 然后舌头的前部只是向前悬垂


舌尖没有碰到任何东西。 呸,呸。 另外,
注意嘴唇的位置。 角落进来

,嘴唇皱起一点。 Rr。 对于
aw 声音,下巴会稍微下降一点。

上扬。 一个地方不比另一个地方多。

哦。 舌尖向前。 它

,也可以在它后面。 哦。 请注意,

哦。 嘴唇也圆了一点。 Ww,rr,
kk,ww,aw,kk。 现在,这些词中的第一个音在

W 音中。 请注意,

。 最后一个

声音是 K 辅音 kk,舌头

空气积聚,然后拉开。 在那

拉开的过程中,声音被释放。 克。

让我们交替使用它们。 Rr,aw,rr,aw,
跟我重复一遍。 呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 rr 的声音

在这里。 哦,下巴再下垂

。 哦,RR。 现在让我们把所有的

声音放在一起组成单词。 Ww,rr,

kk,走。 工作,走路。 就是这样,

非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。