How to Pronoune VERY American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation of

the word ‘very’.

This week’s Word of the Week is ‘very’. ‘Very’
is a two-syllable word with stress on the

first syllable. Ver-y, ver-y, very, very.
It begins with the V consonant sound. If you

come from India, look out. You might want
to make it a [w], ww, where your lips round.

But it’s a V, vv, where the bottom lip comes
up and makes contact with the top teeth. Vv,

vv, ve-. Then we have the EH as in BED vowel.
The jaw needs to drop for that. Ve-, ve-.

Next we have the R consonant. That can be
tough. And in this word a lot of people will

want to flap the R, where the front part of
the tongue bounces off the roof of the mouth.

We do not want this position. We want this
position, where the middle part of the tongue

stretches up and touches the roof of the mouth,
about here. Ver-. The front part of the tongue

doesn’t touch anything, and you should be
able to hold out that sound. Very. And finally,

the EE as in SHE vowel, unstressed, to finish
the word. Very, very. I’m very sorry.

That’s it, your Word of the Week.  Try
it out yourself.  Make up a sentence with

the word, record it, and post it as a video
response to this video on YouTube.  I can’t

wait to watch it.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.



本周的本周词汇是“非常”。 “非常”

第一个音节有重音。 非常,非常,非常,非常。
它以 V 辅音开始。 如果您

来自印度,请注意。 你可能
想把它变成一个 [w], ww,你的嘴唇是圆的。

向上并与上齿接触。 Vv,

vv,ve-。 然后我们有床元音中的 EH。
下巴需要为此而下降。 维-,维-。

接下来我们有R辅音。 这可能
很难。 在这个词中,很多人会

想要拍打 R,舌头的前

我们不想要这个职位。 我们想要这个

大约在这里。 版本-。 舌头的前部

能够发出那个声音。 非常。 最后,

用 SHE 元音中的 EE,不重读,
完成单词。 非常非常。 我很抱歉。

自己尝试一下。 用这个词组成一个句子

回复发布到 YouTube 上。 我


Rachel 的英语。