How to Say Are You Sure American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to study the pronunciation of

the phrase: Are you sure?

This is part of a sentence study series, where
we look at a short, common phrase, and discuss

its pronunciation.  First let’s look at this
phrase up close and in slow motion.

First let’s talk about the stress. It’s a
three-syllable phrase with stress on the last

syllable: are you sure? da-da-DA, da-da-DA.
We want the first two syllables to be really

short to contrast with the last, longer syllable.
da-da-DA, are you sure?

The word ‘are’ can reduce to just the R sound.
rr, rr, rr-you sure, rr-you sure? The lips

will probably flare out a little, but not
too much because we’re not starting a stressed

syllable, and it will be really quick. The
tongue is pulled back and up, and the middle

part might be touching the roof of the mouth
or the inside of your teeth here, rr, rr,

but the tip isn’t touching anything. To transition
into the Y sound, my tongue comes back down

and forward. The tip will touch here, behind
the bottom front teeth, and the front/middle

part will touch here, the roof of the mouth,
a little further forward than it was for the

R. Rr-yy, rr-yy. While the tongue is at the
roof of the mouth for the Y, my throat is

making this sound. Yy, yy. My jaw really doesn’t
need to move much between these two sounds,

rr-yy [3x]. Now we have the schwa, because
I’m reducing the OO as in BOO vowel. It would

still sound very natural with an OO vowel,
as long as you can make it really fast. Just

like ‘are’, are you, are you, are you. They’re
both very fast. Are you sure? Are you sure?

Are you [3x].

Now we have the stressed word, ‘sure’. It
begins with the SH consonant sound. The tongue

was down for the schwa, so we want to lift
it to the roof of the mouth. The front part

of the tongue will be very close to the roof
of the mouth, but not yet touching, sh, sh.

The teeth are closed and the lips will flare,
sure, sure. Then we have the UR has in HER

vowel and R consonant sound. The tongue will
pull back and up just like it was for the

word ARE. So the tongue is back for ARE, rr,
then comes forward for the Y and SH sounds,

and then back again for the R. Are you sure?
Notice the voice goes up in pitch at the end.

Are you suuure? That’s because it’s a yes/no
question, and these questions usually go up

in pitch at the end. Are you sure? Are you

Let’s watch one more time in slow motion.

This video is part of a series. Click here to see
other videos just like it.  If you have a

phrase you’d like to suggest for this series,
please put it in the comments.

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.


这句话的发音:Are you sure?


其发音。 首先让我们

首先让我们谈谈压力。 这是一个

音节重读:你确定吗? 达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达达。


“are”这个词可以简化为 R 音。
rr,rr,rr-你确定,rr-你确定? 嘴唇




但尖端没有接触任何东西。 为了过渡
到 Y 音,我的舌头向后向下

和向前移动。 尖端将接触这里,在


R. Rr-yy, rr-yy 稍微向前一点。 当
舌头在 Y 的上颚时,我的喉咙

发出这种声音。 哟哟哟。 我的下巴真的

rr-yy [3x]。 现在我们有了 schwa,
因为我在 BOO 元音中减少了 OO。

使用 OO 元音听起来还是很自然的,

就像“是”一样,是你,是你,是你。 他们
俩都非常快。 你确定吗? 你确定吗?


现在我们有了强调词“确定”。 它
以 SH 辅音开头。

schwa 的舌头向下,所以我们想把
它举到嘴巴的顶部。 舌头的前


当然,当然。 然后我们有 UR 在 HER

元音和 R 辅音中。 舌头会
像 ARE 一样向后和向上拉

。 因此,舌头在 ARE 和 rr 中返回,
然后在 Y 和 SH 音中前移,

然后再在 R 中返回。你确定吗?

你追了吗? 那是因为这是一个是/否的

在最后出现。 你确定吗? 你确定吗?


该视频是一个系列的一部分。 点击这里查看
其他类似的视频。 如果


感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。