How to say INTERESTING American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the interesting pronunciation

of the word ‘interesting’.

This word can be pronounced a couple of different
ways. Thanks for the request for this video.

This word can be four or three syllalbles.
If it’s four syllables, it can be pronounced

IN-te-res-ting. Interesting. Oh, that’s
interesting. Or, as you know, Americans sometimes

drop the T after an N. So you’ll definitely
hear it pronounced this way: IN-er-es-ting.


I pronounce it as just three syllables. And
when we do that, we tend to change the T to

a CH sound. We do this with the TR cluster
a lot, you’ve probably noticed. ‘Train’

usually sounds more like ‘chrain’.

As a three-syllable word, stress is still
on the first syllable. DA-da-da. Interesting.

In. The IH as in SIT vowel. It can be difficult
for non-native speakers. The tendency is to

make the EE vowel instead. EE-nteresting.
Een. But it should be ‘in’. It’s a little

more relaxed. Though the tongue position is
similar, it’s not as close to the roof of

the mouth, ih, in-. Also, think of droping
your jaw just a little bit more. Een-, in-.

So the tongue tip is forward, lightly touching
the back of the bottom front teeth, while

the mid-front part arches up. But again, it
doesn’t get too close to the roof of the

mouth, ih. For the N, the tongue tip goes
to the roof of the mouth. In-ch. Now it’s

where it needs to be for the CH: at the roof
of the mouth. We stop the air, and pull the

tongue back for the R, in-chr. Notice how
the lips flare for the CH and the R. In-chr.

Now we have the schwa so the tongue relaxes
forward again so the tip is down. I’m going

to show how the tongue moves in this word
with my finger. Interesss. For the S, the

tongue tip is also down, and we push air through
the teeth, ss. “Inchrusss.”

Now we have a True T, but it’s a little
weak. It doesn’t start a stressed syllable,

so, (with hand), TT, the escape of air isn’t
quite that strong. But the tongue does go

to the roof of the mouth and pull away. Interest-.
Tt, tt, tt, a little burst of air. Interes-ting,

-ting. Now we have the IH vowel, but it does
get a little tighter when it’s followed

by an NG. So, in this case, maybe you can
think of it being like an EE vowel. –Ting,

interesting, -ting. It’s unstressed, so
it should be fast, -ting. Back of the tongue

touches the roof of the mouth for the NG sound
at the soft palate. Interesting.

Though I’ve taught you here with the CH
sound, you can also just make a T sound: Interesting,

tt, tt, tt, interesting. I think ‘interesting’
with the CH is a little easier, and little

more common.

Now you’ve learned the mechanics of how
to make the word. Work on that for a little

while, and then forget it. Now, just do some
listen and repeat with me.


Great, now let’s see this word up close
and in slow motion.

Because of the position of the teeth, you
can barely see the tongue move up for the

N. You can clearly see the flared lips for
the CH and R. The lips come into a tighter

circle for the R. The corners relax out for
the schwa and S. And you can’t even see

the last syllable because the jaw doesn’t
really need to drop. Let’s watch again.

Because of the position of the teeth, you
can barely see the tongue move up for the

N. You can clearly see the flared lips for
the CH and R. The lips come into a tighter

circle for the R. The corners relax out for
the schwa and S. And you can’t even see

the last syllable because the jaw doesn’t
really need to drop.

If there’s a word or phrase you’d like
help pronouncing, please put it in the comments


Also, I’m very excited to tell you that
my book is now on sale. If you liked this

video, there’s a lot more to learn about
American English pronunciation, and my book

will help step by step. You can get it
by clicking here, or in the description below.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.



方式发音。 感谢您对这个视频的要求。


IN-te-res-ting。 有趣的。 哦,这很
有趣。 或者,如你所知,美国人有时会

在 N 后去掉 T。所以你肯定会


当我们这样做时,我们倾向于将 T 更改

为 CH 声音。 您可能已经注意到,我们经常使用 TR 集群执行此操作
。 “Train”


在第一个音节上。 哒哒哒。 有趣的。

在。 IH 在 SIT 元音中。
对于非母语人士来说可能很难。 趋势是

改为使用 EE 元音。 EE 有趣。
恩。 但它应该是“在”。 它

更轻松一些。 舌头的位置虽然

,嗯,在-。 另外,想想再把
你的下巴放下一点。 恩-,在-。


而中前部向上拱起。 但同样,它

,嗯。 对于 N,舌尖
到达嘴顶。 英寸。 现在

它是 CH 需要的位置:在
嘴的顶部。 我们停止空气,将

舌头拉回 R,in-chr。 注意
CH 和 R. In-chr 的嘴唇是如何张开的。

现在我们有了 schwa,所以舌头
再次向前放松,所以尖端向下。 我将

。 兴趣。 对于 S,

,ss。 “Inchruss。”

现在我们有了一个 True T,但它有点
弱。 它不以重读音节开头,

那么强烈。 但是舌头确实

到了嘴巴的顶部并拉开。 兴趣-。
Tt,tt,tt,一阵空气。 有趣,-

婷。 现在我们有了 IH 元音,但是
当它后面跟着一个 NG 时,它确实会变得更紧一点

。 所以,在这种情况下,也许你可以
把它想象成一个 EE 元音。 ——婷,

有趣,——婷。 它没有压力,
所以应该很快,-ting。 舌后部

上颚,在软腭发出 NG 音。 有趣的。

虽然我在这里教过你用 CH
音,但你也可以只发 T 音:有趣,

tt,tt,tt,有趣。 我认为
CH 的“有趣”更容易,也


如何造词的机制。 稍微努力

一下,然后忘记它。 现在,只需



您几乎看不到 N 的舌头向上移动

CH 和 R 的张开的嘴唇。R 的嘴唇变得更紧

了 schwa 和 S。你甚至看不到

真的不需要掉下来。 让我们再看一遍。

您几乎看不到 N 的舌头向上移动

CH 和 R 的张开的嘴唇。R 的嘴唇变得更紧

了 schwa 和 S。你甚至看不到




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