How to Say MOUNTAIN and SENTENCE American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation of

the word ‘mountain’, ‘sentence’, and other
similar words.

I’ve had a few requests for words where we
have the T, schwa, and N sound. For example,

the word ‘mountain’, or the word ‘curtain’.
First, let’s take a look at the word ‘mountain’.

So here, the T is coming after an N, and before
a schwa. Normally, when the T is in a consonant

cluster, like ‘mount’, we would say a true
T. But often, when it follows the N, we actually

live it out altogether, like in the word ‘center’.
Center. I say no T there.

But this is an exception. When we have the
T sound, the schwa sound, and the N sound,

most native speakers will make that T a Stop
T. So rather than ‘mountain’, with a True

T, we get mountain, mountain. Do you hear the

So, to make this word, my tongue
is coming to the roof

of the mouth for the N, mount-n. Then I just
leave it there. I stop the flow of air with

my throat, to make the Stop T, mount-ain,
then I release and let it go again into the

schwa-N sound.

Mountain. [3x]

Let’s take a look at the word ‘curtain’. Now
here the T comes after an R and before a vowel

sound, the schwa. So normally, that would
be a Flap T, like in the word ‘party’. But

again, because we have a T-schwa-N sound,
it’s an exception. So, it’s a Stop T. Cur-tain.

Cur-tain. So, to make this word, my tongue
is going from the R, pulled back, cur-, to

a position where the front part of the tongue
is touching the roof of the mouth. Then again,

I cut off the airflow here to signify the
Stop T. Cur-tain. Then I don’t need to move

my tongue, it’s already in position for the
schwa-N sound. Curtain.

The word ‘sentence’ doesn’t end with a T-schwa-N
sound, but it’s the same rule. Because we

have those three sounds together, many people
will say sen-tence, making a Stop T there.

So again, my tongue is already in the right
position because it came up for the first

N. Sen-tence. So, I just cut off the airflow,
and then jump right back into the schwa-N


One final example, the word ‘cotton’. So here,
the T is coming between two vowel sounds.

Normally, that would be a Flap, like in the
word ‘cutting’. There, it’s a Flap T where

the tongue just bounces agains the roof of
the mouth and there’s no stop of sound. But

in the word ‘cotton’, it’s the T-schwa-N,
so we’re going to make that a stop instead.

Cotton. So, my tongue is going up into position
for the T, it’s the same as the position for

the N. I never move the tongue once it’s there.
I just cut off the airflow, nn, and then make

the N sound.

Other example words with the Stop T-schwa-N
sound: fountain, kitten, button, written,

Clinton, Manhattan. So don’t forget: move
your tongue into position for the N, stop

the sound, and then make the N sound. That’s
how you should pronounce T-schwa-N.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s



有 T、schwa 和 N 声音的单词的请求。 例如,


所以在这里,T 出现在 N 之后和
schwa 之前。 通常,当 T 在辅音

T。但通常,当它跟在 N 之后时,我们实际上

中心。 我说那里没有 T。

但这是一个例外。 当我们有
T 音、schwa 音和 N 音时,

大多数母语人士会将 T 变成 Stop
T。因此,使用 True T 而不是“山”

,我们会得到山,山。 你听到


上颚来表示 N,mount-n。 然后我
就把它放在那里。 我用喉咙停止气流

,使停止 T,mount-ain,

schwa-N 声音。

山。 [3x]

让我们看一下“窗帘”这个词。 现在
这里的 T 出现在 R 之后和元音之前

,即 schwa。 所以通常情况下,这将
是一个 Flap T,就像“派对”这个词一样。 但

同样,因为我们有 T-schwa-N 声音,
所以这是一个例外。 所以,这是一个 Stop T. Cur-tain。

窗帘。 所以,要说这个词,我的

部接触到上颚的位置。 话又说回来,

Stop T. Cur-tain。 然后我不需要移动

发出 schwa-N 的声音了。 窗帘。

“句子”这个词不以 T-schwa-N
音结尾,但规则相同。 因为

会说句子,在那里打一个Stop T。


N. 句子中。 所以,我只是切断了气流,
然后直接跳回 schwa-N


最后一个例子,“棉花”这个词。 所以在这里
,T 出现在两个元音之间。

“切割”这个词一样。 在那里,它是一个 Flap T

上颚,并且没有停止声音。 但是

在“棉花”这个词中,它是 T-schwa-N,

棉。 所以,我的舌头上升到
T 的位置,它

与 N 的位置相同。一旦舌头到了那里,我就再也不动了。


其他带有 Stop T-schwa-N 发音的例句

克林顿、曼哈顿。 所以不要忘记:将
你的舌头移动到 N 的位置,

停止声音,然后发出 N 的声音。 这就是
你应该如何发音 T-schwa-N。

就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的