How to Say WIN vs WHEN American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the difference between


I have several videos comparing vowels, but
in this video we’re going to compare two different

words. Thanks to the fan who suggested this
topic. These two words, WIN and WHEN are a

minimal pair. A minimal pair is a set of two
words where only one sound is different. In

this case, it’s the middle sound, the vowel
sound. WIN has the IH as in SIT vowel, WHEN

has the EH as in BED vowel. What’s the difference
between these two vowel sounds? For the IH

vowel in WIN, we drop the jaw just a bit.
The tongue tip stays down, touching the back

of the bottom front teeth. But the front part
reaches up towards the roof of the mouth.

IH, ih. For WHEN, the EH vowel, the jaw will
drop a little more. Rather than the front

part raising here, the middle part might lift
a bit. Whe-, eh. And the back part of the

tongue will feel wide. Whe-, eh, when.

The other two sounds are the same, with the
lips rounding for the W, and the tongue lifting

to the roof of the mouth for the N, when.
Make sure that the tongue is flat, wide, and

relaxed when it lifts for the N.

Let’s watch these two words in slow motion.

Please put any questions and suggestions for
videos in the comments. That’s it, and thanks

so much for using Rachel’s English.


WIN 和 WHEN 之间的区别。


单词。 感谢提出这个话题的粉丝
。 这两个词,WIN 和 WHEN 是

最小的一对。 最小对是一组两个
单词,其中只有一个声音不同。 在

元音。 WIN 有 IH,如 SIT 元音,WHEN

有 EH,如 BED 元音。
这两个元音有什么区别? 对于

WIN 中的 IH 元音,我们稍微下巴一下。

下门牙的后部。 但前部

嗯,嗯。 对于 WHEN,EH 元音,下巴会
下垂一点。 不是前

抬高一点。 什-,嗯。 而且

舌头的后部会感觉很宽。 什,呃,什么时候。

其他两个音是一样的,W 音是

N 音是当舌头上扬到上颚。
确保舌头在抬起 N 时平坦、宽阔且



。 就是这样,

非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。