Learn the IPA Consonants American English

Let’s take a look at the letter T. It can
be silent, like in the word ‘fasten’, it can

be pronounced CH, ch, as in the word ‘future’.
It can be pronounced tt like in the word ‘tap’.

When paired with the H, it can be th, the
unvoiced TH, as in the word ‘thanks’. Or it

can be th, the voiced TH, as in the word ‘this’.
The letter T can actually represent various

sounds. This is why the International Phonetic
Alphabet makes it easier to study the pronunciation

of foreign languages. This video focuses on

What is the International Phonetic Alphabet?
It’s a system of phonetic notation, and I

use it a lot on my website and when I teach
students. I’ve also used it a lot when I’ve

studied foreign languages. The IPA is especially
handy when studying English because English

is not a phonetic language. This means when
you see a letter or a group of letters, it

will not necessarily be pronounced the same
in each word in which it occurs, just as in

the example at the beginning of this video.

The IPA has a written symbol for each phonetic
sound. So, this makes it easier to read about

and write about pronunciation. As a student
of pronunciation, it’s important that you

become familiar with the symbols that represent
the sounds of American English.

Dd, say that with me, dd. This sound is in
dime, redo, smiled.

Tt, say that with me, tt. This sound is in
washed, untie, tip.

Vv. This sound is in value, of, love.

Ff. This sound is in staff, enough, phone.

Bb, bb. This sound is in big, sob, abandon.

Pp, pp. This sound is in pan, ship, reapply.

Gg, gg. This sound is gap, exhibit, fog.

Kk, kk. This sound is in choir, quiet, back.

Th, th. This sound is in thanks, filthy, with.

Th, th. This sound is in bother, this, bathe.

Ss, ss. This sound is in ice, some, ax.

Zz, zz. This sound is in lazy, flowers, possess.

Sh, sh. This sound is in polish, ocean, issue.

Zh, zh. This sound is in beige, vision, azure.

Ch, ch. This sound is in chase, march, chapter.

Jj, jj. This sound is in joy, grudge, change.

Hh, hh. This sound is in happy, rehash, hi.

Rr, rr. This sound is in wrong, operate, ear.

Yy, yy. This sound is in yummy, yes. And it
often occurs in the EW as in FEW diphthong

in words like music.

Mm, mm. This sound occurs in words like
my, mumble, some.

Nn, nn. This sound occurs in the words nine,
no, undo.

Ng, ng. This sound occurs in the words ring,
thanks, anger.

Ll, ll. This sound occurs in the words follow,
lie, feel.

Ww, ww. This sound occurs in the word quiet,
will, one.

Great. Familiarizing yourself with these symbols
should make it easier to study pronunciation.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s



当与 H 配对时,它可以是 th,
清音 TH,如单词“thanks”。 或者它

可以是 th,浊音 TH,如单词“this”。

声音。 这就是为什么

外语的发音。 本视频重点介绍


。 我在学习外语时也经常使用它


不是语音语言。 这意味着当



。 因此,这使得阅读

和写作发音变得更容易。 作为


dd,跟我说,dd。 这声音

TT,跟我说吧,TT。 这个声音在

Vv。 这种声音是有价值的,爱的。

法。 这声音在工作人员,够了,电话。

bb,bb。 这声音在大,啜泣,放弃。

Pp, pp. 这个声音在 pan, ship, reapply。

格格,格格。 这个声音是间隙,展览,雾。

克,克。 这个声音在合唱中,安静,回来。

钍,钍。 这声音是在感谢,肮脏,与。

钍,钍。 这个声音在打扰,这个,洗澡。

咝咝,咝。 这个声音是在冰,一些,斧头。

兹,兹。 这声音在慵懒、花里、拥有。

嘘,嘘。 这个声音是波兰语,海洋,问题。

日,日。 这个声音是米色的、视觉的、天蓝色的。

通道,通道。 这声音在追逐,进行,章节。

杰,杰。 这声音在喜悦,怨恨,变化。

呵呵呵。 这个声音很高兴,重新散列,嗨。

呸,呸。 这个声音是错误的,操作,耳朵。

哟哟哟。 这个声音很好吃,是的。 它
经常出现在 EW 中,就像在

音乐之类的词中出现在 FEW 双元音中一样。

嗯,嗯。 这种声音出现在诸如
my、mumble、some 之类的词中。

嗯,嗯。 这个声音出现在单词九,

吴,吴。 这个声音出现在戒指、

来,来。 这种声音出现在跟随、

哇,哇。 这个音出现在安静、

伟大的。 熟悉这些符号

就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的