R vs. W Sounds American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the difference between

the [w] and [ɹ] consonants.

A lot of people have problems with the R consonant
sound. So what they’ll do is substitute in

a W consonant. We don’t want to do that. How
are these two sounds the same? For both of

these sounds, the lips will round. Ww, ww,
wow. Or, for the R, rr, Rachel, Rachel. The

tongue position, however, is quite different.
For the W consonant, the tongue tip is down

here, and the back part of the tongue stretches
up, so the tongue stretches this way. Ww,

ww, wow. For the R consonant, the back part
of the tongue does stretch up, here towards

the middle part of the roof of the mouth.
The front part of the tongue pulls back. So,

with the W, the tongue is stretching. With
the R, the tongue is sort of pulling up into

itself. So, the front part of the tongue shouldn’t
be touching anything. The middle part of the

tongue is raising, it’s lifting here towards
the roof of the mouth, and it’s touching either

the roof of the mouth, or the insides/bottom
of teeth here. Rr, rr. So, for the W, stretch.

For the R, pull.

Some students can get a solid beginning R
sound, but then still have problems in clusters.

For example, the word break, break. This will
often sound like ‘bweak, bweak’. So the only

issue is the tongue position. You have to
take just a little bit more time to make sure

your tongue is pulling back and up. You might
want to hold out the R as you practice, brrrrrrrreak.

And feel the contact here to make sure you
know that you’re getting the right tongue

position. Here’s a list of the R consonant
clusters. And remember, the tongue must pull

back and up. Feel that point of contact. Practice

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English


讨论 [w] 和 [ɹ] 辅音之间的区别。

。 所以他们要做的就是

用W辅音代替。 我们不想那样做。
这两个声音怎么一样? 对于这

两种声音,嘴唇都会变圆。 哇,哇,
哇。 或者,对于R,rr,Rachel,Rachel。



哇,哇,哇。 对于 R 辅音,

舌头的前部向后拉。 因此,

对于 W,舌头正在伸展。
使用 R 时,舌头有点向上

拉。 所以,舌头的前部不
应该接触任何东西。 舌头的中部在


。 呸,呸。 因此,对于 W,伸展。

对于 R,拉。

有些学生可以得到一个坚实的开始 R

例如,单词break,break。 这
通常听起来像’bweak,bweak'。 所以唯一的

问题是舌头的位置。 你

你的舌头向后和向上拉。 你可能
想在练习时按住 R,brrrrrrrreak。


。 这是 R 辅音簇的列表
。 请记住,舌头必须

向后向上拉。 感受那个接触点。

感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语