S Consonant Clusters American English Pronunciation

Made especially for speakers of Spanish and
Portuguese, in this American English pronunciation

video, we’re going to go over the pronunciation
of words that start with an S consonant cluster.

Special thanks to my users who helped me develop
this topic. In Spanish and Portuguese, words

do not start with an S consonant cluster.
But in English, there are many common words

that do. For example, study. So, these speakers
tend to put an ‘eh’ sound in front: eh-study.

Last week I went to a gala, and a woman there
accepted an award. She was a native Spanish

speaker, and as she gave her speech, she said
the word ‘spiritual’. And she pronounced it

eh-spiritual, with that eh-vowel. I noticed
it especially because so much about her accent

was very, very good. So, even after someone
has done a lot of work and corrected a lot

of problems, this beginning S consonant cluster
tends to stick around.

So how should you work on beginning words
with the S consonant cluster? Luckily, in

both Spanish and Portuguese, there are words
that start with the S consonant. For example,

‘sin’ in Spanish, and ‘sem’ in Portuguese.
So, when you’re practicing words that begin

with S consonant clusters, I would alternate
this with your word that begins with an S

consonant. For example: sssssin, sssstudent,
and so on.

Let’s go over all of the different beginning S
consonant clusters. ST, like student.

STR, street. SM, smart.
SN, snake. SL, slap.

And, the SK consonant cluster,
which can be spelled four different

ways: school, scoop, skip, square. SP, space.
SPL, split. SPR, spring. And SW, swift.

I can hardly believe how many consonant clusters
there are! But now that you know what they

are, practice them. Drill them. Look for words
that you use in everyday conversation that

begin with an S consonant cluster. Keep track
of that, and at the end of the day, use those

words to drill. If you can start a word with
an S, you can start a word with an S cluster.

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.


S 辅音簇开头的单词的发音。

这个主题的用户。 在西班牙语和葡萄牙语中,单词

不以 S 辅音簇开头。

词。 例如,学习。 所以,这些扬声器

领奖。 她的母语是西班牙语

了“精神”这个词。 她

用那个 eh 元音发音为 eh-spiritual。 我

口音非常非常好。 所以,即使

很多问题,这个开头的 S 辅音簇也

带有 S 辅音簇的开头词呢? 幸运的是,

以 S 辅音开头的单词。 例如,


以 S 辅音簇开头的单词时,我会将
其与您以 S 辅音开头的单词交替使用

。 例如:sssssin、sssstudent

让我们回顾一下所有不同的起始 S
辅音簇。 ST,喜欢学生。

STR,街道。 SM,聪明。
SN,蛇。 SL,一巴掌。


方式:学校,勺子,跳过,方形。 SP,空间。
SPL,分裂。 SPR,春天。 和 SW,迅速。

! 但既然你知道它们是什么,那就去

实践它们。 钻它们。 寻找

使用的以 S 辅音簇开头的单词。

词进行练习。 如果可以
以 S 开头单词,则可以以 S 簇开头单词。

感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。