Speech Exercise Relaxing around the R Sound American English

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to invite Tom to give you a

practice tip on relaxing around the R.

Tom and I have been working together on Rachel’s
English since 2012. He is a fantastic teacher

and pronunciation coach. And I’ve invited
him here today to give you a practice tip.

Take it away, Tom!

The American English R sound can be a tricky
one for many students. It tends to create

tension in the vowels and diphthongs around
it. Whenever any extra tension is used to

create any American English sound, that tension
creates an accented quality to the English

being spoken. Here is an exercise that I use
with my students to begin building a habit

of releasing the tension of the R sound into
clear, open vowels and diphthongs.

First, if you aren’t sure how to make the
American English R sound, check out Rachel’s

video on this sound. For those of you who
are ready to drill, try this:

Start with a nice easy and open AH as in FATHER
vowel. Ah, ah. Then, very slowly and smoothly,

lift the middle of the tongue up, pull it
back a little bit, and push your lip corners

out a little and create the R sound: Ahr,
ahr. Now, do the same thing, but release right

back into that open AH vowel. Ah-rr-ah, ah-rr-ah.
See if you can do this without stopping the

airflow of the sound. So it’s not ahr, ah,
but ah-rr-ah. Keep the sound connected as

you slowly move from AH to R and back again.
Ah-rr-ah-rr, etc. Nice. You want to be able

to create the same open and clear AH vowel
after the R sound that you created before

the R. One more time: Ah-rr-ah-rr, etc.

Now, you can practice this with any of the
vowel and diphthong sounds. Lets do two more


The AA as in HAT vowel. Start with a clear
open AA vowel, then move into the R sound

and then move back and forth between them.
Aa-rr-aa-rr-aa. Our goal is to easily release

the tongue from the R sound back into that
open and clear vowel sound.

How about a more difficult one? The OH diphthong.
For this sound, really pay attention to any

lip tension that wants to creep in. Don’t
let it! Let your lips round easily to create

this diphthong sound and then move into the
R sound, and then back and forth between them.

Oh-rr-oh-rr, etc.

This kind of practice is great for building
a more effortless quality into your American

English R sound. Don’t try and rush this practice!
It should take time. Think about this as if

you’re going to the gym. It’s going to take
time. But after dedicated and regular practice

you will notice that you’re able use the R
sound with less effort.

Tom, thank you so much. That was great. If
you’re interested in working 1-on-1, I cannot

recommend Tom enough. He is a world-class
pronunciation coach. And, he still has room

in his schedule for a few more students. So,
if you’re interested, check out this page.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using
Rachel’s English.

我们将邀请 Tom 为您提供一个

在 R 周围放松的练习技巧。自 2012 年以来

,我和 Tom 一直在研究 Rachel 的

和发音教练。 今天我邀请


美式英语的 R 音对许多学生来说可能是一个棘手的问题
。 它往往会

。 每当使用任何额外的张力来


。 这是

将 R 音的张力释放为

美式英语 R 发音,请查看 Rachel

关于此声音的视频。 对于

从一个简单而开放的 AH 开始,就像在 FATHER
元音中一样。 啊啊。 然后,非常缓慢而平稳地


啊。 现在,做同样的事情,但立即释放

回那个开放的 AH 元音。 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

。 所以不是啊,啊,
而是啊-rr-啊。 当

您从 AH 缓慢移动到 R 并再次返回时,请保持声音连接。
Ah-rr-ah-rr 等等。不错。 您希望能够在 R 音之后

创建与在 R 之前创建的相同的开放和清晰的 AH 元音

。再一次:Ah-rr-ah-rr 等。

元音进行练习 和双元音。 让我们一起做两个

HAT 元音中的 AA。 从一个清晰的
开放 AA 元音开始,然后移动到 R 音

啊-rr-aa-rr-aa。 我们的目标是轻松地

将舌头从 R 音释放回

更难的怎么样? OH 双元音。

让它! 让你的双唇轻松地变圆以产生

R 音中,然后在它们之间来回移动。

Oh-rr-oh-rr 等。

在您的美式英语 R 声音中构建更轻松的品质

。 不要急于练习!
这应该需要时间。 想一想,就好像

你要去健身房一样。 这需要
时间。 但是经过专门和定期的练习后,

您会发现您可以轻松地使用 R

汤姆,非常感谢。 那很棒。 如果

推荐 Tom 再合适不过了。 他是世界级的
发音教练。 而且,

他的日程安排中还有更多学生的空间。 因此,

Rachel 的英语。