Words Americans Overuse Weekly Words with Alisha

Today’s video is on words Americans overuse. I haven’t seen these words yet, but

apparently it’s gonna be a series of words
that we, as Americans, I’m American, um…

we over-use. We use too often. So let’s start.

Uh, oh, the first word is “definitely.” “Definitely” is definitely a word that Americans overuse.

We use it to, ah, put emphasis at the end of a phrase, to put emphasis at the end of a sentence, as in,

“Oh, that party last week was so great. Yeah, definitely!” or to agree

with somebody like that.

Oh, god! “Literally.” Uh… Just in the last
few days I’ve seen the word “literally” so

many times on the internet and used it in
just such stupid ways. The word “literally”

means “actually” or “truly something.” “This is literally the best hamburger I have ever

eaten!” So, “literally,” meaning “truly” or
“actually,” would mean that, in that person’s

entire life, that is the best hamburger they’ve ever eaten.

However, it gets misused a lot in sentences like, “George Bush was literally supporting

the war in Iraq,” or something like that.
Taking a phrase like that literally would

have to mean that, you know, the president, the former president would be, you know, physically

supporting a war with his body.

Onward. Onward. “Hilarious.” “Hilarious” is
the next word. I like to use the word “hilarious”

when something is actually funny. Um.. “hilarious” of course means “something that is really

funny, super funny” It’s a step above funny.. maybe two step, three steps. I don’t know.

However, people like to use this word in place of laughter. So, for example, friends are

talking… instead of just laughing, the friend will say, “That’s hilarious.” Well if it’s

so hilarious, just laugh.

Oh, this must be the last one because this
is the worst one. This word is “like.” Um,

I’ve probably said it several times already
today. For that for the purposes of this video,

the word “like” is used as a filler word,
so it’s the same as something such as “um”

or “uh” or “hmm,” for example. We use “like,” um, as a filler word when we’re trying to

think about something. It’s not uncommon to hear the word repeated like three, four, five

times in a row when someone is thinking. They’ll say, “Oh, you know that party that I went

to like, like ah.. like uh… like uh… do
you know who was there?” It just invades your

speech sometimes when you’re trying to think of something and no other filler words come

out but the word “like” does.

Ah, this wasn’t the last word. There is another one. “Seriously.” “Seriously” is used.. oh,

it’s good for anytime you receive bad news. Well, not from your boss. It’s a really casual

word. But if you hear something, um, like
your friend lost their job, and you can sympathize

with them or maybe empathize with them by saying “Seriously? Oh, that’s too bad.” or

“Oh, tell me, like, all your problems.” Oh
my god, I just used “like.” Oh.. God. Oh,

I hate myself.
Is that the end? It’s the end.

Alright, I hope you enjoyed learning about
a few, um, words that Americans overuse. I’m

sure that there are more words that Americans overuse, but perhaps you’ll find those out

on your own. Thanks very much for watching and we’ll see you again next time.

Bye, bye.

今天的视频是关于美国人过度使用的词语。 我还没有看到这些词,但


我们过度使用。 我们用得太频繁了。 所以让我们开始吧。

呃,哦,第一个词是“肯定”。 “绝对”绝对是美国人过度使用的一个词。


“哦,上周的那个派对太棒了。是的,当然!” 或者同意


天啊! “字面上地。” 呃……就在最近

如此愚蠢的方式使用它。 “字面意思”这个词的

意思是“实际上”或“真正的东西”。 “这简直是我吃过的最好的汉堡

!” 所以,“字面意思”的意思是“真的”或






向前。 向前。 “好笑。” “热闹”

当事情真的很有趣时,我喜欢使用“搞笑”这个词。 嗯..“热闹”当然是指“真的很

有趣,超级有趣的东西”。这比有趣要高出一步……也许两步,三步。 我不知道。

然而,人们喜欢用这个词代替笑声。 所以,例如,朋友们在

说话……而不是只是笑,朋友会说,“这很有趣。” 好吧,如果它


是最糟糕的一个。 这个词是“喜欢”。 嗯,

。 出于本视频的目的


或“uh”或“hmm”之类的词相同。 当我们试图思考某事时,我们使用“喜欢”作为填充词

。 当有人在思考时,听到这个词连续重复三、四、五次的情况并不少见

。 他们会说,“哦,你知道我去




啊,这不是最后一句话。 还有一个。 “严重地。” 使用“Seriously”.. 哦,

任何时候收到坏消息都有好处。 好吧,不是来自你的老板。 这真是一个很随意的

词。 但是如果你听到一些事情,嗯,比如

同情他们,或者说“说真的?哦,那太糟糕了”。 或者

“哦,告诉我,比如,你所有的问题。” 哦,
我的上帝,我只是用了“喜欢”。 天啊。 哦,

就这样结束了吗? 这是结束。

学习一些美国人过度使用的单词。 我敢


。 非常感谢您的收看,我们下次再见。
