How to use yet already and still in English Learn English Grammar
history my name is alicia and in this
week’s live lesson we are going to talk
about how to use yet already and still
this lesson is going to focus on use of
present perfect patterns
so we’re going to use those a lot
throughout the lesson but i’m also going
to talk about some other grammar
patterns that we use this word or we use
these words with
so i hope that you can get some good
practice today as you joined please
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that other people can find today’s
lesson that would be super super cool so
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that’s all for announcements i think
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everybody there on youtube hello nad and
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yes jean-marie from haiti hello uh sorry
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everyone’s here welcome everybody great
everything looks okay so
let’s take a look at today’s lesson
topic today’s lesson topic is yet
already and still here are today’s
lesson boards so you can take a picture
if you want we’re going to talk about
using yet
uh and we’ll also talk about it as a
coordinating conjunction not just in
these um perfect tense structures we’re
going to talk about already and still so
one two three
very basic
flow for today’s lesson but i hope it’s
helpful so as you join please make sure
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button and share this video so others
can find today’s lesson okay let’s get
started with yet yet okay
let’s talk about this uh use with
perfect tense structures okay with
perfect structures so just yet
to express an action
or a condition
that has not happened
that we expect
to happen so the key with yet
is there’s some expectation we think
that thing or that condition is going to
happen but it has not happened we use
yet when we want to express this
here’s a basic pattern we can use to
create a yet sentence we have subject
plus hasn’t
or haven’t so no the negative form not
has or have but has not and have not
so subject hasn’t
past participle verb
subject haven’t
past participle verb
so note we use the negative form here
has not and have not are reduced to
hasn’t and haven’t
so let’s look at some example sentences
that use yet in this way you can send
some in the chat i’ll try to check yours
live so first example we’re going to see
these uh in today’s lesson these three
sentences a lot okay so i haven’t
lunch yet
i haven’t eaten lunch yet so let’s break
this down so i is our subject
is right here my negative have not for
this structure and then eaten is my past
participle verb in this case eaten lunch
what did i eat or not eat and yet at the
end of the sentence
so this shows we have an expectation
there’s some expectation we’re going to
eat lunch but
it didn’t happen or it has not happened
so this sentence i haven’t eaten lunch
is 100 correct i haven’t eaten lunch the
difference is this sentence i haven’t
eaten lunch
sounds like a simple fact right we’re
just reporting information i haven’t
eaten lunch yet sounds like i’m planning
to or there’s some expectation
let’s go to the next one then
he hasn’t finished his homework yet
he hasn’t finished his homework yet
so this sentence uses a he subject he
hasn’t he hasn’t
and here our verb is finished he hasn’t
his homework yet
he hasn’t finished his homework yet so
again we are expressing an expectation
this sentence is also correct he hasn’t
finished his homework but when we use
yet it expresses the expectation so
maybe if you’re this person’s teacher or
their mother father or whatever
he hasn’t finished his homework yet
we’re expecting something
okay some examples
riddy singh writes i haven’t yet eaten
lunch correct or not good point yeah
sometimes you may see yet
before the verb like i haven’t yet eaten
lunch this sounds at least in today’s
american english that’s this tends to
sound a little bit old-fashioned or it
might sound a little more formal so if
someone prefers to have a more formal
speaking style they might use yet in
this position generally we use it at the
end of the sentence here
all right christopher uh on facebook
says is yet a conjunction yeah we’re
going to talk about it down here too
all right so let’s continue to the next
one they haven’t arrived yet they
haven’t arrived yet all right so again
my subject they
haven’t my negative form and my verb is
arrived with yet
okay so the key with yet in this use is
it expresses expectation
right we think that something is going
to happen or we expect that something
will be true
okay so let’s now let’s move to the
second part with this one
about using yet as a coordinating
conjunction a coordinating conjunction
this sounds scary but a coordinating
conjunction means a word we use to
connect two sentences yeah for example
and or but or or those words are
coordinating conjunctions and yet is
also a coordinating conjunction
so we use yet to connect our sentences
to connect two ideas
and the meaning in this case is although
or despite that okay
so how do you know it’s a coordinating
conjunction when you see yet in the
middle like between two ideas between
two sentences it’s probably a
coordinating conjunction
so for example
she hasn’t answered the phone all day
she’s in the office
she hasn’t answered the phone all day
yet she’s in the office so this is like
saying she hasn’t answered the phone all
although she’s in the office so in this
case we’re showing like hmm i know this
is true why isn’t that true so we use
to have this feeling this meaning
all right
cool okay some other examples we haven’t
finished our class yet okay i haven’t
brushed muhajir as easy on facebook i
haven’t brushed past participle verb
yeah my teeth yet okay hello i haven’t
written in french yet okay
uh someone christopher wrote they
haven’t ate yet h is the simple past
form you need to use the past participle
verb yeah i haven’t eaten so eat becomes
eaten not eight in this grammar pattern
okay cool
all right
so let’s uh end part one there with yet
that’s a lot okay
let’s move on to part two for today
we’ll take a super quick break and then
go to part two if you missed it earlier
there is a level check in the
description test your level now says
this banner you can find this uh in the
link below the video if you’re watching
on youtube or above the video if you’re
watching on facebook i will show you one
more time so you can see what i am
talking about this thing okay so our
team made this level check uh level
check test so if you want to take a look
at your english level and get some
recommended courses from our lesson
library you can take a look here you
will find
the test and the information at so check that out
if you want to check your level
and see what you want to do next okay
all right cool let’s go to part two then
for today uh already already so if you
haven’t yet
please make sure to hit the like button
and share this video yeah it helps other
people find the lesson
all right onward to all ready to already
okay so already let’s talk about this
uh already so we use already to express
an action or a condition that has
and that we expected to happen we expect
it to happen so like with yet the
expectation is really important here
so we’re expressing that feeling we
thought something was going to happen so
we had an idea
with already the action happened it’s
finished or it started already all right
okay so let’s move on
to the pattern for this one so we have
the subject again
here we’re going to use the positive has
and have when we use yet we use the
negative right hasn’t and haven’t
okay so subject has already
passed participle verb subject has
already passed participle verb or
subject have i have already past
participle verb so again we’re not using
simple past tense here we’re using past
participle verb here
all right i’m looking for your stuff all
okay i’m looking for your questions i’m
checking your questions live let’s go to
the examples with already them so first
one so these are the same examples from
part one we’re just changing the keyword
i have already eaten lunch i have
already eaten lunch so again we have our
subject our auxiliary verb here have or
our helping verb i have and then already
in this position plus our past
participle verb right here i have
already eaten lunch
another one he has already finished his
homework he has already finished his
and finally they have already arrived
they have already arrived
so again
we’re using the positive form of these
has and have words and already comes
before the verb in this
pattern okay some examples are coming
evelyn says i have already sent you the
link nice okay
um nick nick says i have already eaten
my breakfast yet i forgot to make coffee
oh no coffee is very important okay
other examples he has already eaten all
his food excellent eric cd alright cool
that looks good so already looks pretty
clear nice everybody
alicia can i use yet before the past
participle verb as a question more
formal can you give me an example before
the verb as a question i’m not sure what
you mean okay let’s go to
uh the next couple points here we use
already sometimes as a response
in a conversation
so we use it as a one word response to
show surprise or to show shock i have
that here can use as a response to show
surprise okay for example in a
conversation with teens mr a and mr b so
first person says i finished my holiday
shopping i finished my holiday shopping
second person says already
it’s november already it’s november
so this already shows that we’re
surprised or shocked this person
finished holiday shopping
than expected like it seems very very
fast this person says it’s november
you finished already so there was some
expectation of holiday shopping but if
it happens very quickly
you can use already to do that another
example might be someone in your office
or your school says hey
i already or maybe like i went for lunch
um with my friends an hour ago you might
say already it’s only 10. so when
something happens earlier than expected
you can use already to show your
okie dokie
uh good examples of already are coming
in i have already seen that
riddy says i’m already told him about
not i am not i am i have already told
him i have already told him so
make sure if you are making these
sentences for the first time follow this
pattern yeah this should be i we you
they have has already and ver yeah so
just follow the pattern
what’s your youtube channel says
friendly english class 101
look it up
same as the facebook page okay
all right let’s go to the last point
here the last point uh
maybe used at the end of a sentence you
may hear some people use it in this
position for example i have eaten lunch
already you may hear this as well
we tend to use it in this one i have
already eaten lunch he’s already
finished this homework
and as i just did native speed tends to
kind of smush those letters together so
not already but i’ve already eaten lunch
this sentence becomes i’ve already eaten
lunch already already i have already
eaten lunch so the pronunciation becomes
a lot shorter i’ve already eaten lunch
that’s how we would say it
okay cool some more examples are coming
in i have already signed a contract says
test king okay tarek says i have already
seen this movie good uh hugo says i have
already finished my workout good
i already had dinner okay that works for
me karina nice okay
uh i have already eaten breakfast today
good okay lots of people are talking
about food perfect examples good job
okay let’s go to the last part facebook
i’m looking for you
uh some of you are writing some
unrelated comments i have already eaten
lunch eliza i have already eaten lunch
many people i think
are missing this part
i’ve seen this error a few times they’re
not i am but i have i have already okay
all right phew let’s take one more quick
break and then we’ll go to still our
last point for today’s lesson if you are
just joining live today’s lesson is
about how to use yet already and still
we are focusing on using perfect tense
grammar structures in this lesson but we
are talking about a couple other points
here and there too okay
let’s go to our super quick break and
then we’ll go to the last part so if you
missed it earlier the team put together
a level check test that you can find
from the link below the video uh if
you’re watching on youtube or above the
video if you’re watching on facebook so
click that link and you will go to and you will find
the level check page you need your name
and an email address to take the test
it’s free and then you can find the
recommended courses the english courses
from our lesson library so check that
out if you want to check your level
okay cool let’s go two
the final topic for today the final
all right
uh please don’t spam the facebook
chat fred fredly i told you the youtube
channel it’s the same as the facebook
page all right let’s go to the last part
still still so let’s talk about still
expresses a continuing action or state a
continuing action or state and
it’s unexpected so it’s like a surprise
or something that’s shocking or we’re
kind of like what i’m confused maybe too
so we can use still with many grammar
patterns there are lots of different
grammar patterns we use still with today
we’re going to practice this perfect
tense pattern and then we’ll look at a
few other grammar patterns too
so let’s look at this one first and then
i will continue on so to make a perfect
uh sentence with this we use subject
plus still
plus negative here hasn’t or haven’t
plus our past participle verb okay so
again just like with yet at the
beginning of the lesson we need to use
the negative form here
notice too this part
still comes before
these uh have and hasn’t haven’t hasn’t
sections right so this position is
different right let’s take a look at
some examples and see how we do this all
right so
i still
haven’t eaten
i still haven’t eaten lunch so here’s my
subject right here
in this position after the subject
haven’t follows and eaten lunch the past
participle verb form
all right i still haven’t eaten lunch so
what does this communicate this
communicates we have some expectation
well rather there’s there’s an
expectation we’re going to eat lunch but
it hasn’t happened yet and we are
surprised so for example maybe i say
this at like 3 p.m three in the
afternoon i still haven’t eaten lunch
that expresses the action hasn’t
continued or my state
of not eating lunch is continuing like
oh no
we expect this action
should happen but it’s been too long
that’s the feeling so me not eating
lunch has continued and i’m surprised i
still haven’t eaten lunch
okay let’s look at another one so he
still hasn’t finished his homework he
still hasn’t finished his homework so
here’s my subject he
plus still in the next position
negative hasn’t he still hasn’t finished
past participle verb his homework
he still hasn’t finished his homework so
we expect
by now his homework should be done but
it’s not so
we’re expressing
like the continuing state of not being
finished it might be kind of an odd way
to think of it or we could just imagine
it as like
we expect this thing should be done by
now but it is not
he still hasn’t finished his homework
okay some examples are coming in marine
life says i still haven’t eaten
breakfast oh no okay
olivia says she still hasn’t told me her
secret ooh that’s a good example
sentence okay
uh yeah mean says we still haven’t
identified thief nice ones everybody
okay al tariq says i still have not had
a break good
other examples i still haven’t finished
my work okay good good good good
everybody’s examples are super okay uh
oh one more so they still haven’t
arrived they still haven’t arrived one
more example
so these are examples that use these
perfect tense patterns yeah let’s finish
today’s lesson let’s look at some other
grammar patterns we use still
so the first one you’re still working
it’s 9 p.m
you’re still working it’s 9 p.m
so here we have still
directly before this verb yeah so you
are is what this means you are still
working question mark exclamation point
so we’re expressing a surprise it’s 9
p.m it’s 9 00 at night
so this expresses surprise or shock
you’re not finished yet that’s how we
use still in a sentence like this
let’s look at another example
he didn’t study for the test but he
he didn’t study for the test but he
still passed
so this expresses our surprise yeah he
didn’t study for the test right he
didn’t study for the test but even
though that’s true
he passed so this is another kind of
grammar pattern another use of still
alright and one more
we knew the dessert wasn’t healthy
but we still ate it
we knew the dessert wasn’t healthy
but we still ate it so again this still
before the verb expresses that like that
even though feeling right so these are
some other uses of still
and you’ll notice these come before
the verb in simple past tense we still
ate it it’s like saying even though
we knew this
we ate it right it’s the even though
feeling okay
so again we can use still with other
grammar patterns but i wanted to
practice it uh with the perfect tense
structures for today’s lesson to compare
uh with yet and already okay
uh some other examples are coming in
andre says i’m still working at this
time okay uh alaratam says i still feel
unhealthy okay
on hualim says can we play still at the
end of the sentence
as in like here like they haven’t
arrived still
we wouldn’t put that in flick in writing
for example if i were writing a text
message to someone i wouldn’t put it at
the end here
but in speech
you might hear someone add
after they say something like because
they want to express that surprise or
that unexpected thing for example in
this case like you’re waiting at the
airport maybe you might think ah they
haven’t arrived
so you might hear it like that in speech
like like after the sentence the speaker
wants to add that feeling of shock so
you might hear it in that way but if
you’re writing something
uh we wouldn’t use it in that way so i
hope that that helps you interesting
okay phew that’s it so we have talked
about yet already and still today that
was super super fun uh so i’ll finish up
for today’s lesson oh my gosh time has
run out very quickly if you want to take
a picture of today’s lesson boards get
ready here you go
okay so today we talked about using yet
and already
and still so the focus grammar for today
was again present perfect tense uh but
we can use
these words in other grammar patterns as
well okay cool so i’ll finish up for
today’s lesson uh there uh next week’s
lesson information let’s take a look
next week i’ll be back as always next
week come on next week okay next week
next week’s lesson will be november 10th
wednesday november 10th at 10 p.m
eastern standard time that is new york
city time if you don’t know your local
time please google it or set a
notification on our youtube channel or
our facebook page or if you follow me on
instagram i always post a link and a
topic reminder in my story so you can
check that out too
next week i’m going to focus on some
prepositions yay next week i’m going to
talk about how to use by two and four
great right don’t we love preposition
so join me next week to focus on these
three prepositions all right cool so
that is it for this week thanks so much
for joining me thank you for sharing
your awesome example sentences and your
great questions as always i appreciate
that and thanks so much for liking and
sharing the video too that’s super cool
if you want to check your level make
sure to check the link below the video
uh or above the video on facebook uh and
if you want to send me your questions
send them to me at
ask hyphen alicia you can also find my
social media links from the youtube
description too all right cool so i will
say goodbye for this week so have a
great day have a great night have a
great weekend and i will see you again