Beginner English Listening Lessons


my house

I live in a house my house is small my

house has two bedrooms

my mom and dad sleep in one bedroom my

sister and I share the other bedroom my

house has a kitchen

my mom and dad cooked dinner there every

night my house has a living room my

family watches television there every

night my house has a big bathroom my

house has a lot of closets my house has

a basement

my dad has a workshop in the basement

my dad makes wood furniture my house

does not have a second floor

my house has a garage my house has a big

backyard my backyard has a maple tree my

backyard has a swimming pool my backyard

has a vegetable garden

family likes our house

my flower garden

my name is Anne I love flowers I have a

flower garden

is in front of my house

my neighbor has a garden too my garden

has different types of flowers I have

roses in my garden I have tulips in my

garden I have petunias in my garden my

garden has different colors I plant red

flowers I plant orange flowers I plant

blue flowers I plant purple flowers I

take care of my garden I water my garden

every day I kill the weeds in my garden

I kill insects that eat my flowers I

love my beautiful garden

Jessica’s first day of school

today is Jessica’s first day of

kindergarten Jessica and her parents

walked to school

Jessica’s mom walks with her to her


her teacher

his name is mr. Parker

the school bell rings at 8:45 a.m.

Jessica hugs and kisses her mom goodbye

says I love you

at 9:00 a.m. Jess

stands for the national anthem

calls out children’s names each child

yells back here

Parker teaches them about letters

mr. Parker teaches them about numbers

at 10:15 a.m. the students have recess

recess is fun

play and eat

at 10:30 a.m. the students go to gym

class at 11:15 a.m. the students return

to mr. Parker’s classroom

mr. Parker tells the students to sit on

the carpet

mr. Parker reads the students a story

teaches the students a song

the lunch bell rings

Jessica’s first day of school is over

going camping

the brightfamily went camping on the

weekend the bright family went to silent

Lake the bright family left on Friday

they camped for three days the bright

family brought a big tent they brought a

lot of food they brought insect

repellent the bright family had a

campfire on Friday they roasted


they sang campfire songs on Saturday

they went canoeing on saturday they went

fishing on Saturday they went swimming

they went hiking on Sunday the

brightfamily saw many birds they saw

Blue Jays they saw hummingbirds what

brightfamily saw many animals they saw

raccoon they saw a squirrel but they

didn’t see a bear the bright family had

a fun vacation

my first pet

my name is Sarah I am 14 years old I

have a pet cat my cat’s name is Milo my

cat is black and white Milo’s paws are


milos body is black she is very cute

Milo’s fur is very soft Milo was a very

small kitten Milo is a very big cat Milo

cannot have kittens she is fixed

Milo likes to eat

likes to play outside Milo likes to hunt

for birds Milo likes to hunt for mice

she likes her ears scratched Milo likes

to sit in my laughs

Milo likes to sleep on my bed Milo is a

good pet

Jennifer the firefighter

Jennifer Smith is a firefighter she is

one of the first female firefighters

Jennifer works hard every day

Jennifer exercises everyday she lifts

weights she wants her muscles to be very

strong she saves people’s lives every

day she is very strong Jennifer is

married her husband is a schoolteacher

Jennifer’s husband is proud of her

Jennifer is a mother

she has two daughters

daughters are proud of her - Jennifer is

happy being a firefighter

is happy being a wife

fur is happy being a mother

summer vacation

today is the last day of school it is

summer vacation grace is very excited

this summer will be fun

grace is going to visit her grandparents

they have a cottage the cottage is on

Lake Erie it is a lot of fun grace is

going to swim she is going to play board

games she is going to talk with her


grace is going to have fun grace is

going to a summer camp she will sleep in

a cabin

make lots of new friends grace will

learn campfire songs camp will be fun

grace is going to Cape Cod with her

parents we are going for two weeks we

are going to drive grace will see the

ocean Cape Cod will be beautiful summer

vacation is fun

Mark’s big game Mark’s favorite sport is

hockey he is 15 years old

mark practices three times a week

practices are two hours long

mark plays one game a week mark is a

good hockey player he plays on Friday


Friday night hockey games are popular

Mark’s family watches him play Mark’s

friends watch him play too

there are always many fans tonight is

the big game

coaches are coming to watch mark play

wants to play in the National Hockey

League mark wants to make a lot of money

it is very hard to play in the NHL

Mark’s parents want him to go to college

they want him to have an education they

want mark to be successful they want

mark to be happy

the Easter egg hunt

Samantha is going to an Easter egg hunt

Tracy is going to an Easter egg hunt the

Easter egg hunt is at Sydney’s house it

is going to be fun Sydney’s mom hid

chocolate eggs Sydney’s mom hid

chocolate bunnies

everybody is here everybody has an

Easter basket the Easter egg hunt can

start everybody must close their eyes 1

2 3 go

Samantha finds an Easter egg the Easter

egg is behind a table she puts it in her

basket Tracy finds a chocolate Easter

Bunny it’s under the couch

Tracy puts it in her basket Sydney finds

a chocolate Easter Bunny too

it’s in front of the television

she puts it in her basket

everybody finds lots of chocolate

everybody shares their chocolate

Samantha Tracy and Sydney law of Easter

Joe’s first car

Joe is 18 years old Joe works at


saves all his money Joe has $2,500 in

the bank he wants to buy a sports car

Joe starts to look for a new car

books in the newspaper Joe looks in


Joel finds a car he likes Joe goes to

see the car with his dad

really likes it

have enough money

Joe’s dad tells him to keep saving his

money Joe wants this car a lot

Joe asks his dad to help him Joe and his

dad make a deal Joe’s dad will lend him

the money

Joe must work hard he must pay the money

back to his dad Joe is very happy Joe

owns his first car

a baby

my aunt just had a baby girl we went to

the hospital to visit my aunt and to see

the new baby

my aunt was feeling fine although as she

was just a bit tired she walked with us

to a big window that had lots of babies

behind it she pointed to a crib with a

baby in it the baby was wrapped in a

pink blanket we all said how pretty the

baby looked I couldn’t believe how tiny

the baby was she was asleep so we

couldn’t see her eyes when the baby went

home we went to visit her

we heard the baby she was crying my aunt

said the baby was hungry my aunt had a

baby bottle full of warm milk she fed

the baby with it the baby was happy

after that my aunt patted the baby on

the back until the baby burped and then

the baby fell asleep I held the baby I

looked at her tiny fingers and tiny toes

I was very careful with her she opened

her eyes and looked at me I spoke to the

baby but I knew that she could not

understand me babies have to learn to

walk and talk my aunt changed the baby

babies were diapers so they need to be

changed often the baby has a lot of toys

but she is still too young to play with

them my aunt says that it won’t be long

before the baby is crawling and trying

to talk babies are cute I have seen

pictures of myself when I was a baby and

it’s hard to believe that I was once

that small

wild animals

some animals are wild they don’t live in

homes or cages they live in jungles or

on plains the lion is the king of the


he is very mighty he roars loudly the

giraffe has a long neck

he eats leaves from the tallest trees

the elephant is very large he has a

trunk and two tusks a tiger has stripes

some bears are black and some are brown

there are even white bears called polar

bears a kangaroo lives in Australia that

is the only place that you would find a

kangaroo except in a zoo it might be

frightening to run into a wolf or a fox

monkeys run and play in the trees in

Canada we don’t see lions tigers

giraffes or monkeys running wild there

are squirrels in my backyard sometimes I

see a raccoon or a chipmunk

in Northern Ontario you might see a

moose or a bear I have seen a deer in

the forest there are many wild animals

you can see wild animals if you go to

the zoo

Susan’s wedding day

Susan is getting married her fiance’s

name is Michael

are in love

getting married today Susan wakes up

early she is getting her hair done Susan

is having her makeup done - Susan looks


puts on her white wedding dress

it’s on her veil Susan needs something

blue her garter is blue Susan needs

something old her grandmother’s ring

is old Susan needs something borrowed

she is wearing her mother’s jewelry

Susan needs something new her shoes and

dress on you

needs a penny for her shoe it will bring

her good luck Susan is ready to get



my family and I went on vacation to Lake

Huron the water is beautiful and blue

there and the sand is nice and white the

week that we were there was very hot the

Sun was hot but the water was still very

cold I went swimming and tried to catch

little fish in my hands I was careful

not to get sunburned we stayed at a

hotel that had a pool and a game room

I played pinball and video games

sometimes I’d like to swim in the hotel

pool but I like the beach better I would

lie on a big beach towel and get warm

then I would jump in the water and cool

off sometimes I would just lie on the

sand and watch the waves roll up on

shore I found some seashells and saw a

crab walking on the sand at first I was

a bit lonely because I didn’t know

anyone there it wasn’t long before I met

some other kids my age

we built sand castles together and swam

in the lake the other kids were from

different towns so we told each other

stories about our schools and friends we

found that we had a lot in common even

though we were from different places our

families got together and went to

restaurants together we played

volleyball on the beach and we sat

around a campfire at night and sang

songs at the campfire we would roast

marshmallows on a stick

I always burn my marshmallows that is ok

I like them that way mostly we just swam

in the lake until we were very tired I

was sorry when our vacation was over I

had a good time at Lake Huron I met some

very good friends there we still write

to each other maybe we’ll see each other

next summer

the restaurant

when you go to a restaurant you might

see a sign that says please wait to be

seated a host or hostess will ask you

how many people are in your party then

they will want to know if you want to

sit in the smoking or non-smoking

section the host or hostess will take

you to your seat you might sit at a

table or at a booth the host or hostess

will give you a menu to look at

sometimes there are different menus for

different meals there can be a breakfast

menu a lunch menu and a dinner menu

sometimes there is also a wine list and

a dessert menu the food and the prices

of the food are listed on the menu on

your table there will be cutlery cutlery

is the knives forks and spoons there

will also be a napkin you are supposed

to put your napkin on your lap when you

eat your waiter or waitress will take

your order you might want an appetizer

before your meal some people want a

salad or soup before their meal after

your meal you might have a dessert or

tea or coffee when it is time to go you

will pay your bill and leave a tip for

the waiter or waitress

my house

I live in a two-story house the bottom

of the house is painted white the upper

part of the house is made of red brick

the chimney is also made of red brick if

you go through the front door and turn

right you’ll see the living room the

living room is very large and

comfortable there are easy chairs a

coffee table and a sofa in there I like

to sit in there and relax next to the

living room is the dining room there are

a dining table and chairs in there we

use this room whenever we have visitors

over for dinner beside the dining room

is the kitchen the kitchen has a stove

and a refrigerator in it there’s also a

kitchen table with some benches at it

most of the time we eat in the kitchen

upstairs there are three bedrooms my

parents bedroom is very big

they have a large queen sized bed in

there and there are two closets for

their clothes my room is smaller my room

is painted pink and I have ruffled

curtains on the windows from my bedroom

window you can see the front yard

there’s a pine tree in the front yard my

brother’s bedroom is painted blue he has

blinds on the windows he has a bunk bed

in his room if he has a friend stay over

one of them can sleep on the top bunk

and the other can sleep on the bottom

bunk you can see the backyard from his

bedroom window there are rose bushes and

a picnic table in the backyard there is

also a white fence that has a gate in it

in the basement there is a recreation

room this is where we watch television

and have friends over to visit the

laundry room is also in the basement

there’s a washing machine and a dryer in

there beside our house is a garage we

keep the car in the garage

whenever the weather is bad our house is

just the right size for our family

friends are always welcome at our house


if you were in an orchestra what would

you play would you play a tuba a trumpet

or a saxophone perhaps you would prefer

a stringed instrument like a violin or a

cello maybe you would enjoy percussion

more you could play the kettle drum

there are instruments that have

keyboards a piano and an Oregon have

keyboards there are instruments that

have strings on them a guitar banjo &

mandolin have strings on them there are

instruments that you blow into a flute a

French horn and a harmonica are all

instruments that you blow into there are

instruments that you hit with a stick a

drum and a cymbal are two things that

you would hit with a stick if you are in

an orchestra you have to watch the

conductor he will lead you through the

piece of music you might just want to be

in a band for fun you could join a rock

band or a dance band some people learn

to read music music notes are written on

a staff each note represents a sound

there are whole notes half notes quarter

notes and eighth notes each one of these

is held for a different number of beats

it is good to learn about music you have

to learn your scales and learn about

sharps and flats if you want to learn

how to play an instrument it is best to

take music lessons

my family

my grandparents are coming to visit us

from Calgary Alberta my father is very

happy because they are his parents and

he’s glad that he will see them we don’t

see them very often because Calgary is a

long way from Toronto my grandparents

have two sons my father and my uncle

bill uncle bill is married to my aunt


they have a daughter who is my cousin my

cousin is a lot older than I so we do

not have a lot in common they also have

a son who is the same age as me he is my

favorite cousin because we both like the

same television shows and the same games

I have two brothers and one sister my

brothers are both younger than I they

are twins so they have the same birthday

my sister is one year older than I

people say that my sister and I look


we both have blonde hair and blue eyes

my mother’s parents live near us

they are my grandmother and grandfather

who visit us often my mother does not

have any brothers or sisters she is an

only child I like it when all my family

is together I don’t have a lot of

cousins like some people do but I have

fun with my relatives my uncle will

often take my cousin and me to the

movies I like to take my grandparents

for walks so they can see my school and

they can meet my friends my parents

talked to my brothers and my sister and

I a lot we are a very close-knit family

people who have close families are very


the museum

the museum was very interesting there

were so many things in the museum that I

would need more time to really see

everything there were clothes from the

past I don’t know how people wore some

of those things they look like they

would be uncomfortable I like to wear my

jeans there were things from Wars there

were bullets and cannons and even

uniforms from the soldiers I don’t think

that war is a good thing but it is good

to remember the past and honor the

people who died for your country there

was an old fire truck at the museum this

fire truck was pulled by a horse there

were some very old photographs of the

firemen putting out fires there were

rooms in the museum that were set up

like an old house there were antique

irons and sewing machines the women used

to clean the clothes with a washboard

there were no modern appliances back

then I’m glad that we have electricity

and modern appliances the things that we

have make life so much easier

there were mummies from Egypt at the

Museum I was fascinated by those there

were artifacts from the Indians

there were arrowheads and cradles that

the babies slept in I tried my best to

see everything but it was almost

impossible the museum is a good place to

learn about your past I tried to imagine

my grandparents using some of the things

that were on display at the Museum


what kinds of food do you like to eat I

am lucky because in Canada there are

many foods to choose from I like to eat

hot dogs hamburgers and steak these are

all meat products I also like cheese ice

cream and yogurt these are all dairy

products I like vegetables my favorite

vegetables are broccoli cabbage carrots

and peas I eat a lot of fruit I eat

whatever fruit is in season in

strawberry season I eat a lot of


in peach season I eat many peaches

sometimes my mother will make a peach

pie many different crops grow in Canada

we have many orchards and farms fresh

fruit and vegetables are plentiful in

Canada meat and fish are also plentiful

here in Canada we have a lot of

different foods to choose from in my

city there are a lot of Italian

restaurants my favorite food at the

Italian restaurant is pizza my parents

would rather have spaghetti or lasagna

there are Greek restaurants Mexican

restaurants and Chinese restaurants in

fact there are restaurants from most

cultures I can go around from restaurant

to restaurant and pretend that I am

travelling the world and trying all the

different foods from around the world

sometimes I eat things that aren’t good

for me

I eat potato chips and candies these

foods aren’t part of a nutritious diet

but they are fun to eat


people move from place to place there

are lots of ways you can move around

from one place to another sometimes you

can just move your feet and walk walking

is good for you some places are too far

to walk to you might have to ride a

bicycle or ride on a skateboard

some places are too far away to ride

your bicycle too you might have to drive

in a car or a van or even a truck my

father has a car my uncle has a van I

have never been in a big truck trucks

are usually used to carry big loads from

one city to another I would like to be a

truck driver I would travel all over and

sit high up in the cab I have been in a

taxicab once my mother and I took a taxi

to the hospital there was a special

meter in the taxi when we finished our

taxi ride the driver looked at the meter

to find out how much money we owed him I

once rode a horse i sat in the saddle

and held on tight to the reins the horse

ran very fast it was a bumpy ride and I

was afraid that I would fall off the

horse not too many people around here

use horses for transportation they used

to use horses for transportation in the

old days if you want to travel very far

away you have to go on a train a plane

or boat if you are in a hurry it is best

to take a plane planes fly through the

air very fast trains go along the tracks

sometimes I can hear the train whistle

from my house boats take a long time to


Oshin great big boats that cross the

oceans are called ships if you like to

take it easy and look out at the water

then ships are a good way to travel they

say that the world is a lot smaller now

because of transportation people can

travel to all parts of the world quickly

and easily the world is not really

smaller but it has become easy to get to

faraway places

which direction

which direction should I go in should I

go up if I go up I will head toward the

sky I can go up the stairs should I go

down I can go down the stairs to the

basement I can climb down into a hole

should I go left or right I am

right-handed so I know which way right

is should I go backwards I would be

going away from the things that I am

facing now if I went backwards if I went

backwards from the thing that I am

facing I would go away from it

should I go forward I will just go

straight ahead if I go forward if I am

facing something and I go forward then I

will go toward the thing that I am

facing maybe I should go sideways but

which side left or right it sounds very

complicated but it is not directions are

very easy to follow if you just stop and

think about them


there are 12 months in the year January

is the first month of the year it is

usually cold in January February is the

second month of the year it is still

winter when February comes they say that

March comes in like a lion and goes out

like a lamb that means that it is still

usually cold and sometimes stormy when

March begins by the time that March ends

the weather is starting to get a little

better April is the rainy month April

showers bring May flowers many of the

spring flowers bloom in May the weather

can be quite mild in May June is usually

a nice warm month many people get

married in June July can be hot people

have vacations in July it is a month to

do summer things it is still summer in

August but the summer is winding down

August is the time to have last-minute

vacations in September we go back to

school the autumn winds begin to blow

October really feels like autumn October

is Halloween time November is when we

really start to feel the chill December

is the Christmas month most people do a

lot of Christmas shopping in December

they spend quite a bit of time getting

ready for Christmas all of the months

are different which month were you born


Halloween night

Halloween is fun my mom buys candy

my mom buys potato chips

mom buys chocolate bars

trick-or-treaters my mom buys me a

costume it is a ghost costume I am going

to be scary my sister is going to dress

up as a princess

we’ll have a wand

we’ll have a crown she will look

beautiful my dad buys a pumpkin it is

going to be a jack-o'-lantern we draw a

face on the pumpkin we carved the face

with a knife

our jackal

looks funny we go trick-or-treating

neighbors door we say trick-or-treat our

neighbors give us candy we say thanks

to many houses we go home our parents

check our candy it’s safe we eat lots of


we don’t feel very good we go to bed

cleaning up leaves

the leaves are changing colors I see red

maple leaves

I see orange maple leaves I see yellow

maple leaves

leaves are beautiful

is starting to get cold the wind is

strong winter is coming

the leaves fall off the trees

Saturday we will clean them up the whole

family helps

dad gets the wake my mom gets the

garbage bags

my brother and I help too

gather leaves with our hands we make a

big pile my brother and I jump in the

leaves we make a big mess our parents

don’t mind our parents fill our coats

with leaves

really big everyone laughs playtime is


back to work

Remembrance Day

my grandfather fought in World War two

my grandmother was a nurse in World War

two today is November 11th today is

Remembrance Day

day we celebrate soldiers everyone wears

a poppy poppies are red flowers poppies

remind me of my grandparents poppies

remind me of their sacrifice at 11 a.m.

there are two minutes of silence

people remember their friends and family

will recite the poem in Flanders field

it is a sad poem it helps us remember

wish for peace in the world

Christmas Eve

Ben and Melissa are getting ready for

Christmas Ben and Melissa’s house has

lots of lights on the roof the lights

are many colors inside they listen to

Christmas music Ben and Melissa drink

eggnog eggnog tastes good

Mellisa hang stockings on the fireplace

they string popcorn

Mellisa put the popcorn string on the

Christmas tree

Christmas lights on the tree they put

tinsel on the tree

Ben and Melissa put ornaments on the


they put a star on top of the tree they

get ready for Santa Claus

they leave milk and cookies for Santa

Ben opens one present Melissa opens one

present they go to sleep Ben and Melissa

wake up early they run downstairs

a lot of presence under our tree

wake up their mom and dad Ben and

Melissa opened their presents they loved

our presence everyone cleans up the

wrapping paper it is time for breakfast


vegetables are very good for you they

say that you should have three servings

of vegetables every day I like green

peas peas come in pods I also like snow

peas you eat the pods on the snow peas I

like corn when it is on the cob carrots

are good to eat raw beans are good for

you there are many different types of

beans there are string beans kidney

beans baked beans and lots of other

types of beans some people don’t like

green vegetables like broccoli and

brussel sprouts I like broccoli and

brussel sprouts you can make a salad and

put lots of different vegetables into

the salad in my salads I like lettuce

tomatoes celery cucumber radishes

cauliflower and spring onions I try to

have a salad with dressing on it every

day my dad likes root vegetables like

beets and parsnips my brother will only

eat potatoes he likes his potatoes baked

my mother likes to buy her vegetables at

the market she says they are fresher

there my mother buys a lot of onions

she puts onions in almost all the meals

that she cooks some children won’t eat

their vegetables I didn’t like some

vegetables at first but I have become

used to them

I like having vegetables with my meals

the kitchen

the kitchen is where we make and eat our

meals there is a stove in the kitchen

inside the stove there is an oven where

you bake things you can put a cake into

the oven to bake on top of the stove our

burners the burners get hot you put pots

or pans on the burners the refrigerator

is where we store the food that needs to

be kept cold

we keep milk eggs cheese and vegetables

in the refrigerator at the top of the

refrigerator is the freezer the freezer

keeps things frozen we have frozen

vegetables ice cream and ice cubes in

the freezer we have a toaster in the

kitchen you put the bread in the toaster

and it turns into toast we have an

electric kettle we boil water to make

tea in the kettle there is a double sink

in the kitchen that is where we wash the

dishes we turn on the hot tap and put

some dish detergent into the sink to

wash the dishes sometimes we put the

dishes into the dishwasher and the

dishwasher washes the dishes there are

other things in the kitchen

there are utensils like knives forks and

spoons there are tea towels and dish

cloths there are other myths and

potholders to take hot things out of the

oven there are pots to cook and boil

things in there are pans to fly things

we have dishes that we eat from we have

plates for our dinner and balls that we

can put our soup in we drink from cups

or coffee mugs or glasses we keep our

juice in a pitcher or a jug there is a

timer that you can set when you are

cooking the timer buzzes when the food

is ready we also have a microwave oven

in the kitchen if we are in a hurry we

cook our food in the microwave

pets there are many different animals

that you can have for pets

the most common pets are cats and dogs

I think the second most common pets are

birds and fish you can hug a cat or a

dog you can play with a cat or dog but

it is difficult to play with a bird or a

fish some birds are very smart and they

can be taught to do things parrots are

very clever

some of them even talk birds usually

stay in bird cages fish have to stay in

the water in a tank or a fishbowl some

people have gerbils or guinea pigs as

pets there are even people who have

ferrets as pets I have a friend who has

a lizard for a pet she has to buy live

crickets for her lizard to eat another

friend of mine has a pet snake I don’t

think I would like to have a pet snake

there are different types of dogs some

dogs are very big and some are small a

Labrador Retriever is a big dog a poodle

is usually a small dog although there

are some large poodles some dogs are

noisy and they bark a lot other dogs are

quiet and obedient I once had a dog it

was a cocker spaniel I used to take it

for walks there are different types of

cats too

my favourite type of cat is a Siamese

cat Siamese cats have blue eyes my

mother had a Persian cat it was very

furry my mother said that it used to

shed fur all over the house pets are a

lot of fun but they are a lot of work to

to be a good pet owner you have to be

very responsible


we are having Thanksgiving at our house

family is coming my parents bought a


weighs 30 pounds it takes a long time to


surely to cook the turkey

the house with my dad the house smells


the kitchen I peel potatoes and carrots

makes pumpkin pies my mom cooks squash

make stuffing I mix the bread and spices

we make good stuffing

it goes inside the turkey we put on nice

clothes I set the table

my dad carves the turkey

my mom makes the gravy our relatives

arrive we say thank you for all we have

we eat and eat it is a good Thanksgiving


some fruit grows on trees apples grow on

trees you can get red yellow or green

apples some apples are green until they

ripen then they turn red

peaches grow on trees peaches have a

fuzzy skin cherries grow on trees you

can climb a ladder and pick cherries

from the tree cherries and peaches have

pits inside them the pits are not edible

pears also grow on trees

lemons grow on trees they are very sour

have you ever picked strawberries

strawberries do not grow on trees you

have to bend down to pick strawberries

have you ever tried strawberry shortcake

it is very good grapes grow on vines

people use grapes to make wine there are

many types of berries there are

blackberries blueberries raspberries and

cranberries just to name a few some

fruits are more exotic

there are mangoes and papayas they don’t

grow in Canada bananas and oranges don’t

grow in a Canadian climate either but we

are able to buy them here some fruits

have to be peeled and some can be eaten

as they are it is always a good idea to

wash fruit before you eat it

the farmers spray the crops with

pesticides to kill bugs so it is good to

wash that off


I’d like to pretend I like to make up

things that aren’t real I use my

imagination I was pretending that I was

in a time machine I set the date for a

prehistoric time I turned on the time

machine and it buzzed inward and spud

madly when it stops spinning I opened

the door and stepped out into a very

thick jungle I listened carefully to the

sounds of the jungle

I could hear strange animal noises and

the leaves were rustling I wasn’t sure

if I’d gone back in time or just landed

in a jungle somewhere in the 21st

century it didn’t take me long to

realize that I had indeed gone back in


a very strange bird-like creature with a

large beak flew overhead I had never

seen anything like it in my life I took

a few steps out into the long grass and

ferns I didn’t want to go too far away

from my time machine I heard a noise

over on my right side there was a man

who looked quite different from me he

was dressed in an animal skin and he

carried a big stick I didn’t want him to

see me so I hid behind a tree he didn’t

speak any language that I could

understand he grunted at someone who

must have been in the distance then I

felt the earth shake beneath my feet

I heard giant thumps on the ground as

the floor of the jungle shook the man

and the animal skin began to run I saw

why he was running a giant dinosaur

appeared above the tops of the trees it

was bigger than anything I had ever seen

my heart began to pound in my chest it

was coming toward me

I ran toward my time machine and jumped

in I set the dial for the 21st century

the machine word and buzzed my time

machine landed in the 21st century I got

away just in time

learning how to drive

amy is 16 years old she lives in a small

town amy is learning how to drive Amy’s

dad is giving her lessons

Amy’s dad’s name is Howard

amy has had three lessons

Amy and her dad argued during the

lessons Amy’s mom is giving her driving

lessons amy’s mom’s name is Jane

Jane has given Amy a lesson

has decided to stop giving a me lessons

Jane and Amy argued during the lessons

to amy’s parents call a driving school

amy is going to get lessons from a

professional the classes cost three

hundred dollars for ten lessons

lessons are very good Amy learns how to


Amy gets her license


red is a vibrant color roses are

sometimes red blood is red white is the

color of snow clouds are very often

white blue is the color of the sky and

the ocean black isn’t really a color at

all tar is black a crow is black green

is the color of grass it is also the

color of leaves on the trees in the

summer Brown is the color of dirt many

people have brown hair yellow is a

bright color

most people use yellow when they draw a

picture of the Sun orange is an easy

color to remember that is because an

orange is orange pink is the color that

we dress baby girls in we dress baby

boys in blue purple is the color of some

violets the Canadian flag is red and

white what color is your flag

traffic traffic moves along on the

streets and highways there are rules

that drivers must follow to make the

traffic flow smoothly you must wear a

seatbelt the seatbelt helps to keep you

safe you must stop and all stop signs

you must also stop at a red light a

green light means go and a yellow light

means to be careful if you see a sign

that says school crossing you have to be

careful because you are near a school

and children might be crossing the

street some places are crosswalks those

are places where people cross the street

people who are walking have the

right-of-way if you hear a siren behind

you you must pull over an emergency

vehicle like a police car or an

ambulance might need to get somewhere

fast when a school bus puts on its

flashing signals you have to stop you

can’t go past the school bus because

children may be crossing the street from

the bus

you should always obey the speed limit

it is not good to drive too fast people

should never drink and drive driving is

a serious business you have to obey all

the rules to be a good driver

the two sexes

there are two sexes or genders there is

the male gender and there is the female

gender males and females are different

both physically and mentally

humans are both male and female and

animals are both male and female if you

have a dog it is either a girl dog or a

boy dog boys grow up to be men men grow

hair on their faces and are usually more

muscular than women men dressed

differently than women men are males

males are masculine girls grow up to be

women only women can have babies

women are females females are feminine

another word for women is ladies it is

good that we have males and females your

father is a male your grandfather

brother and uncle are males your mother

is a female your grandmother sister and

aunt are female


do you ever think about your emotions

what kinds of things make you sad I get

sad when I get a bad mark in school or

when someone that I like moves away I

sometimes see sad movies that make me

cry I don’t like to be sad I don’t like

to have a frown on my face I’d like to

be happy I’m happy most of the time

parties make me happy being with my

friends makes me happy lots of things

make me happy if someone tells me a joke

I laugh I enjoy laughing funny movies

make me laugh I think that people look

the best when they smile what kinds of

things make you mad I get mad when my

brother breaks one of my toys I try not

to show it when I get mad my parents get

mad at me if I come home late

I don’t think anger is a good emotion it

is best to stay calm and talk things


emotions come from inside you but they

show on your face people can tell when

you’re mad or sad or happy I prefer to

look happy

sometimes I even smile when I’m feeling

sad and the smile makes me feel a little



I am special nobody in the world is

exactly like I am they might have the

same hair color and eyes that I do but

they are not exactly like me I am the

only person in the world who thinks my

thoughts no two people in the world are

exactly alike it is good to be your own

person it is good to be creative and be

natural people have to follow the laws

and the rules people should always be

kind to others I try to follow all the

rules I am kind to others I am a lot

like many other people yet I am

different I am like my friend Jane but

she has red hair and I have dark hair

she has a loud voice and I have a soft

voice she likes to eat vegetables and I

do not Jane and I are the same height we

both like movies and we are both afraid

of spiders we wear the same size shoes

and we both have the same favorite color

we are best friends but sometimes we

disagree about things we are alike in

many ways and different in many ways if

we were all exactly the same the world

would be a very boring place I am myself

and I am glad that I am special you are

special to use your own special talents

and take the time to meet other people

the world is made up of a lot of

different people and that’s what makes

life exciting

my classroom

my classroom is a large room it’s full

of brightly colored pictures my teacher

hangs pictures up all over the walls

there are blackboards at the front of

the room my teacher always has writing

all over the blackboards sometimes the

chalk squeaks when she writes on the

blackboard we cover our ears when that

happens our classroom is full of desks

there are a lot of students in our class

our desks are full of books notebooks

and pens I try to keep my desk neat but

I have a lot of things in there my ruler

and pencils are always falling out of my

desk at the back of the room is a

bookcase full of books we can sign those

books out and take them home to read I

have read a lot of the books I like

mysteries and biographies so I have

taken many of those home there are also

tables at the back of the room that’s

where we do our artwork we spread out

big sheets of paper and use paints or

crayons to make pictures sometimes we

cut things out of magazines with

scissors and we glue pictures to the

paper I like art class after school my

friends and I often erase the

blackboards for the teacher then we take

the erasers outside and clock them

together to get the chalk dust out of

them my friends and I walk home together

and talk about what we did in school and

what we’re going to do after supper

the police

my mother always told me that if I was

lost I could go up to a policeman and

that he would help me to find my way

home I never did get lost but I always

remembered what my mother told me about

the police

I think policemen look very nice in

their uniforms I see police officers

drive by in their police cars in my town

we even have police officers armed

bicycles policemen and police women have

a job that can sometimes be dangerous

they have to catch people who break the

law sometimes they have to chase people

or try to calm people down to be a

police officer you need a lot of

training it’s important to be able to

deal with people effectively a police

officer came to our school he had a

police dog with him the officer showed

us how the dog could track down

criminals the dog was very smart he

could even find things that were hidden

criminals sometimes hide things that

they don’t want the police to find the

policeman told us that he and his dog

were partners his dog lives at his house

with the policeman and his family

sometimes I see police cars on the side

of the road the police stop people who

are speeding or are not wearing their

seatbelts the police officers warn

people or give out tickets sometimes

they even have to arrest people police

officers are just doing their job when

they arrest people some people need to

be arrested and put in jail to make it

safer for the rest of us


it rains a lot in the spring the trees

are full of buds and the flowers are

starting to bloom my favorite spring

flowers are tulips and daffodils the

birds come back from the south I can

always tell that spring is here when I

see my first Robin of the season

the Robins pull worms from the wet

ground when it isn’t raining my friends

and I go outside and toss a ball around

we look forward to the summer but we are

glad to get outside after the long

winter the air smells so fresh in the

spring my mother always tells me not to

track mud into the house it’s very muddy

in our yard in the springtime I wipe my

muddy feet before I go into the house

there are a lot of puddles in my yard

I sometimes splash in the puddles and I

get wet and cold so I have to go into

the house I like it when the snow has

melted the rain has stopped and the Sun

comes out on sunny days I always get

together with my friends on those days

we either wide our bikes or play ball my

parents like to go for walks on spring

evenings they also like to clean up the

yard in the spring everyone seems to be

outside the spring time brings people

out of their houses

the zoo

my class took a trip to the Toronto Zoo

I had a wonderful time there my favorite

animals were the Lions they look very

powerful and strong they say that the

lion is the king of the forest and I

think that title suits him the monkeys

were funny they were looking at us just

as much as we looked at them they were

swinging from branches and doing tricks

to impress us there was a baby monkey

that was clinging to its mother’s back

it was very cute the Tigers were pacing

back and forth they seemed Restless the

stripes on a tiger are very beautiful we

watched the toll giraffes as they

nibbled leaves off the tallest trees we

spoke to a colourful parrot that spoke

back to us we saw exotic animals that we

had never seen before some of them were

very strange there were different types

of bears there there were black bears I

saw a black bear once when I was camping

up north we saw polar bears polar bears

are white they like the cold we even saw

panda bears one of my friends bought a

toy panda bear from the gift shop

because she thought that the pandas were

so cute

we saw slithery snakes some of the

snakes had very bright skins most of the

girls were afraid of the snakes the

zookeeper was looking after the snakes

and one of them hissed at him he has to

be very careful when he works with the


the last thing that we saw at the zoo

was the elephant he was enormous he

looked at us then he raised his trunk

and made a loud sound it made us jump

jobs there are many different jobs that

you can choose from you can be a doctor

or a nurse you could work in a hospital

or doctor’s office you might be a

firefighter and put out fires a

policeman enforces the law an actor

plays roles on stage or in the movies

you could drive a taxi or be the pilot

of an airplane what kinds of things do

you like to do you might want to be a

sales clerk in a store maybe you are

good at a sport you could be a baseball

player or a hockey player being a

dentist is a good job a dentist fixes

teeth if you are good at arguing you

might want to be a lawyer do you like to

fix people’s hair you could be a

hairdresser or a barber if you are good

with your hands you might want to be a

carpenter or a mechanic if you like to

travel you could be a stewardess or a

travel agent you could be a teacher or a


are you artistic or creative you might

want to be an artist or a writer you

could work on construction and build

houses you could look after animals and

be a veterinarian if you like to cook

you could be a cook or a chef there are

so many places to work and so many jobs

to do maybe you could fix computers or

work in a library you

could wash windows or be the captain of

a ship there is no limit to what you can



every family that I know has at least

one car some families have two or even

three cars most people get their license

to drive when they are 16 in my house we

just have one car if my father takes the

car to work my mother will take the bus

I ride in a school bus to school my

sister works in another town

she gets on the train to go to work

the train station is not far from my

house the train tracks run right by my

house my grandfather from Ireland comes

to visit us he came over by boat

he had to cross the ocean we went to

Florida last year we flew on a plane the

plane flew right through the clouds my

friend’s brother drives a motorcycle

he wears a helmet I rode on his

motorcycle once I had to sit on the back

and hold on tight I ride my bicycle when

the weather is nice I also have a

scooter that I used to travel around I

took a helicopter ride once

the helicopters propellers were going

around when I got on I went straight up

in the air I enjoyed the ride I would

like to learn how to fly a plane or a

helicopter I like flying through the air

my body

on the top of my head I have hair below

my hair is my face I have two eyes

I have eyebrows and eyelashes below my

eyes I have a nose my mouth is below my


I have lips if I open my lips you will

see my teeth and my tongue below my

mouth is my chin on the sides of my head

I have two ears my cheeks are on either

side of my nose my neck holds up my head

my neck attaches my head to my chest on

either side of my chest are my shoulders

my arms hang down from my shoulders

I have wrists on my arms my hands are

attached to my wrists my fingers are

part of my hands I have ten fingers and

ten fingernails my back is at the back

of me further down there is my waist if

I wear a belt I put it on my waist my

hips are below my waist my legs come

down from my hips my legs are made up of

my thighs my knees and my cats my knees

can bend my ankles are below my legs my

feet are attached to my ankles my toes

are part of my feet I have ten toes and

ten toenails I am me from the top of my

head to the tip of my toes

Travel it is fun to take a trip to a

faraway place my brother just went to

Italy and France he got on a plane at

Toronto Airport he took a flight to

France he stayed there for a couple of

days he visited the Eiffel Tower he was

in Paris he said that he enjoyed the

food in France he then traveled to Italy

he saw many towns and villages in Italy

he went to Rome and visited many of the

tourist attractions in Venice he saw the

canals he tried to speak Italian but he

is not too good at it

he said that the people were very

helpful they tried to understand him he

bought souvenirs for us when he was in

Italy he ate Italian food

he said that pizza in Italy is quite

different from the pizza we eat here in

Canada he saw many streets that were

made of cobblestones he saw many old

buildings a lot of people in Italy

travel around on scooters he stayed at a

very nice hotel in Italy he was sorry

when it was time to come home my brother

likes to travel

he likes to fly in airplanes

the airlines lost his luggage once he

was not too pleased about that next year

he would like to travel to England

the shopping mall

there are many different stores in the

shopping mall there are ladieswear

stores they sell dresses blouses and

many kinds of clothes for women in the

menswear stores there are suits ties

shirts and slacks

there are also clothing stores that

appeal just to teenagers some clothing

stores only sell children’s clothes

there is even a store that sells bathing

suits and cover-ups for the beach or

pool there are lingerie stores that sell

ladies underwear and nightwear there are

hardware stores that sell tools there

are shoe stores you buy shoes and boots

in a shoe store there are book stores

you can buy a book on almost any topic

at the book store there are stores that

sell compact discs those stores also

have tapes and videos there are sports

stores that sell special shoes and

clothes for sports they also sell sports

equipment and t-shirts and hats with the

logo of your favorite teams there are

gift stores that sell all kinds of

things that someone might want for their

house there are kitchen stores where you

can buy utensils and pots and pans those

kinds of stores also sell aprons and

napkins and anything you might need for

your kitchen there is a movie theater at

the mall there is a jewelry store that

has a lot of gold and silver jewelry

there is a hairdresser in the mall

sometimes I go in there to get my hair

cut there are fast-food places in the

mall you can get a quick lunch like a

hamburger or some french fries

there are also fancier restaurants in

the mall you can sit down for a nice

meal there is a furniture store in the


you can buy a new sofa or bed at the

furniture store

there are bulk food stores and a bulk

food store all the foods are in bins you

take as much as you want and pay for it

at the counter

there is even a telephone store and an

electronics store at the mall my

brother’s favorite store is the toy

store he could spend hours in there

there are also department stores at the

mall department stores sell all kinds of


they sell perfume clothes shoes kitchen

utensils or just about anything you

might need you can get almost anything

you want at the shopping mall


I changed my clothes a lot if I am going

somewhere fancy I wear a dress I wear

stockings on my legs and I wear a pair

of nice shoes if I am going to play

sports I wear sweatshirt and jeans if I

am going to the beach I wear a bathing

suit or a bikini

my brother wear swimming trunks to the

beach at work I wear a skirt and the

blouse underneath my clothes I wear

underwear a lady wears a bra and panties

as underwear a man wears boxer or jockey

shorts as underwear today I am wearing a

blouse and a pair of jeans over my

underwear I have socks and shoes on my

feet in the summer I often wear sandals

on my feet in the summer the tops that I

wear are usually sleeveless I usually

wear shorts in the summer sometimes I

wear a sweater or a jacket if the

weather is cool I wear a cap or a hat on

my head I wear a belt to hold up my

jeans or my slacks women sometimes wear

a dress or a skirt men wear a pair of

slacks and a shirt some men wear a suit

and a shirt and tie

if it is very cold outside I wear winter

coat if it is cold I like to wear gloves

or mittens on my hands sometimes I wrap

a scarf around my neck to keep warm

I wear a to con my head in cold weather

I wear boots on my feet in the winter if

it is raining I wear a raincoat the way

that I dress depends a lot on the


movies I go to the movies almost every

week sometimes I rent movies from the

video store my favorite films are action

films I like to watch car chases I like

it when the bad guy has a shootout with

the good guys I like the good guys to

win I also like science fiction movies I

like things that take place in the

future I like movies that have aliens

from different planets in them some of

the science fiction movies can be silly

and unbelievable I don’t like those ones

my mother likes dramas she has a lot of

favorite actors and actresses she

sometimes watches sad movies that make

her cry she also likes comedies she

laughs out loud if a comedy is very

funny my father likes horror movies he

likes movies with monsters in them he

also likes thrillers I have watched some

thrillers that keep you tense and on the

edge of your seat sometimes I have to

shut my eyes if the movie gets too scary

my brother likes animated films in

animated films there are no actors just

cartoon characters my brother goes to

the movies on Saturday afternoons with

his friends he goes to the matinee

he gets popcorn candy and pop he usually

comes back with a stomachache because he

eats so much sometimes my father watches

documentaries documentaries are about

real things you can learn a lot from

watching a documentary I watch

documentaries with him sometimes but I

would rather see a good

in film


there are hundreds of different types of

flowers most people like roses roses

grow on bushes and may smell beautiful

you have to be careful that you don’t

prick your finger on a rose thorn roses

come in many colors there are red pink

yellow and white roses in the spring

tulips are in bloom in Ottawa there are

many tulips some people go there just to

see all the tulips in the spring

forget-me-nots are also spring flowers

they are tiny and blue release of the

valley look like white bells where I’ll

live many of the trees have blossoms on

them in the springtime the apple and

cherry trees look particularly beautiful

when they are in blossom we have a

Blossom Festival in my town my neighbors

like to plant geraniums petunias and

marigolds in the summer some people

plant sunflowers sunflowers grow very

tall they have bright yellow petals all

of those flowers grow best in the

sunshine if your garden is shady you

have to plant different things

hostas grow well in a shady garden

chrysanthemums are fall flowers

chrysanthemums come in many colors also

there are purple yellow and white


flowers are good to give as gifts women

like to receive a dozen roses on

Valentine’s Day

carnations also make a nice gift they

have a very sweet smell

many people give away lilies for Easter

poinsettias are very festive

at Christmastime if someone goes to a

dance they often give their partner a

flower to wear if you go to a wedding

you will probably see a lot of flowers

there flowers help to make places


[音乐] 我的房子 我住在一个房子里 我的房子很小 我的房子有两间卧室 我爸爸妈妈睡一间卧室 我和姐姐共用另一间卧室 我的房子有厨房 我爸爸妈妈每天晚上都在那里做饭 我 房子有一个客厅 我的家人每天晚上都在那里看电视 我的房子有一个大浴室 我的房子有很多壁橱 我的房子有一个地下室 我爸爸在地下室有一个车间 我爸爸做木家具 我的房子没有第二个 地板 我的房子有车库 我的房子有一个大后院 我的后院有一棵枫树 我的后院有一个游泳池 我的后院有一个菜园 家庭喜欢我们的房子 我的花园 我的名字是安妮 我喜欢花 我有一个花园 在我家门前 我的邻居也有一个花园 我的花园里有不同类型的花 我的花园里有玫瑰 我的花园里有郁金香 我的花园里有矮牵牛 我的花园有不同的颜色 我种红色的花 我种橙色的花 我种蓝色的花 我种紫色的花 我照顾我的花园 我每天给花园浇水 我杀死花园里的杂草 我杀死吃我花的昆虫 我爱我美丽的花园 杰西卡今天上学的第一天是杰西卡的第一天 幼儿园的杰西卡和她的父母步行去学校杰西卡的妈妈和她一起去她的教室她的老师他的名字是先生。 帕克 上午 8 点 45 分,学校铃声响起。杰西卡拥抱并亲吻她的妈妈,说再见,说我爱你,早上 9 点。杰斯代表国歌喊出孩子们的名字,每个孩子都在这里大喊,帕克教他们关于字母先生。 帕克在上午 10 点 15 分教他们关于数字 学生们有课间休息 上午 10 点 30 分是有趣的玩耍和吃饭 学生们在上午 11 点 15 分去上体育课 学生们回到先生。 帕克的教室先生。 帕克让学生们坐在地毯上,先生。 帕克给学生讲故事 教学生一首歌 午饭铃响 杰西卡开学的第一天结束 去露营 明亮的家人周末去露营 明亮的家人去静默湖 明亮的家人周五离开 他们露营了三天 明亮的家庭带来了一个大帐篷 他们带来了很多食物 他们带来了驱虫剂 明亮的家庭周五有篝火 他们烤棉花糖 他们周六唱篝火歌曲 他们周六去划独木舟 他们周六去钓鱼 他们去游泳 他们去远足 星期天,brightfamily 看到了很多鸟,他们看到了蓝鸟,他们看到了蜂鸟 岁 我有一只宠物猫 我的猫的名字是 Milo 我的猫是黑白的 Milo 的爪子是白色的 milos 身体是黑色的 她很可爱 Milo 米罗的毛很软 米罗是一只很小的小猫 米罗是一只很大的猫 米罗不能养小猫 她是固定的 米罗喜欢吃 喜欢在外面玩 米罗 喜欢打鸟 米罗喜欢打老鼠 她喜欢抓耳朵 米洛喜欢坐在我的笑声中 米洛喜欢睡在我的床上 米洛是一个很好的宠物 詹妮弗消防员 詹妮弗史密斯是一名消防员 她是第一批女性消防员之一 詹妮弗每天努力工作 詹妮弗每天都锻炼 她举重 她想要她的肌肉 很坚强 她每天都在拯救人们的生命 她很坚强 詹妮弗结婚了 她的丈夫是一名教师 詹妮弗的丈夫为她感到骄傲 詹妮弗是一位母亲 她有两个女儿 女儿为她感到骄傲 - 詹妮弗很高兴成为一名消防员很幸福 做妻子皮草很高兴当妈妈今天是学校的最后一天暑假是暑假格蕾丝很兴奋这个夏天会很有趣格蕾丝要去见 她的祖父母 他们有一间小屋 小屋在伊利湖 很有趣 格蕾丝要去游泳 她要玩棋盘游戏 她要和祖父母交谈 格蕾丝会玩得很开心 格蕾丝要去一个 夏令营 她会睡在小屋里 结交很多新朋友 格蕾丝会学习篝火歌曲 夏令营会很有趣 格蕾丝会和她的父母去科德角 我们要去两个星期 我们要去开车 格蕾丝会看到大海 科德角会 美丽的暑假很有趣 马克的大型比赛 马克最喜欢的运动是曲棍球 他今年 15 岁 马克每周练习 3 次 练习时间为 2 小时 马克每周打一场比赛 马克是一名优秀的曲棍球运动员 他周五晚上会打 周五晚上的曲棍球 比赛很受欢迎 马克的家人看他打球 马克的朋友也看他打球 今晚总是有很多球迷 是大型比赛 教练要来观看 马克比赛 想参加全国冰球联赛 马克想 要赚很多钱 在 NHL 打球很难 马克的父母希望他上大学 他们希望他接受教育 他们希望马克成功 他们希望马克快乐 寻找复活节彩蛋 萨曼莎要去 去寻找复活节彩蛋 特蕾西要去寻找复活节彩蛋 寻找复活节彩蛋是在悉尼的家 这会很有趣 悉尼的妈妈藏巧克力蛋 悉尼的妈妈藏巧克力兔子 每个人都在这里 每个人都有一个复活节篮子 寻找复活节彩蛋可以 开始 每个人都必须闭上眼睛 1 2 3 开始 Samantha 找到一个复活节彩蛋 复活节彩蛋在桌子后面 她把它放在她的篮子里 Tracy 找到一个巧克力复活节兔子 它在沙发下面 Tracy 把它放在她的篮子里 Sydney 找到一个巧克力复活节兔子 也在电视机前 她把它放在篮子里 每个人都发现很多巧克力 每个人都分享他们的巧克力 Samantha Tracy 和悉尼 复活节法则 乔的第一辆车 乔 18 岁 乔在 麦当劳存了他所有的钱 乔在银行里有 2,500 美元 他想买一辆跑车 乔开始在报纸上寻找新车 乔在杂志上看书 乔找到一辆他喜欢的车 乔真的和他爸爸去看车 喜欢它有足够的钱 乔的爸爸告诉他要继续存钱 乔非常想要这辆车 乔让他爸爸帮助他 乔和他爸爸达成协议 乔的爸爸会借钱给他 乔必须努力工作 他必须付钱 回到他爸爸身边 乔很高兴 乔拥有了他的第一辆车 一个孩子 我阿姨刚生了一个女婴 我们去医院看望我阿姨并看到新宝宝 我阿姨感觉很好 虽然她只是有点累 她和我们一起走到一扇大窗户,窗户后面有很多婴儿 她指着一张婴儿床,里面有一个婴儿 婴儿裹在一条粉红色的毯子里 我们都说婴儿看起来多么漂亮 我不敢相信婴儿多么小 是不是她睡着了所以我们看不到她的眼睛 你回家了 我们去探望她 我们听到宝宝在哭 我阿姨说宝宝饿了 我阿姨有一个装满热牛奶的婴儿奶瓶 她用它喂宝宝 宝宝很开心 在那之后我阿姨拍了拍宝宝 直到婴儿打嗝然后婴儿睡着了 我抱着婴儿 我看着她的小手指和小脚趾 我对她非常小心 她睁开眼睛看着我 我和婴儿说话但我知道她可以 不懂我 宝宝要学会走路和说话 我姨妈给换了 婴儿是尿布所以需要经常换 没多久,宝宝会爬,想说话 宝宝很可爱 我看过自己小时候的照片,很难相信我曾经是那种小野生动物 有些动物是野生的 他们不住在家里 或笼子他们住在丛林或平原上的狮子 是百兽之王 他非常强大 他大声咆哮 长颈鹿脖子很长 他吃最高的树上的叶子 大象很大 他有一个树干和两根象牙 老虎有条纹 有些熊是黑色的,有些是棕色的 甚至还有被称为北极熊的白熊袋鼠生活在澳大利亚这是唯一一个你会发现袋鼠的地方除了在动物园里遇到狼或狐猴在加拿大的树上奔跑玩耍可能会很可怕我们 没有看到狮子 老虎 长颈鹿或猴子在狂奔 我的后院有松鼠 有时我在安大略省北部看到浣熊或花栗鼠 你可能会看到驼鹿或熊 我在森林里看到过鹿 有很多野生动物 你 如果你去动物园可以看到野生动物 苏珊的婚礼 苏珊要结婚了 她的未婚夫的名字叫迈克尔今天要结婚了 苏珊起得很早 她正在做头发 苏珊正在化妆 - 苏 珊看起来很漂亮 穿上她的白色婚纱 戴在她的面纱上 苏珊需要一件蓝色的她的吊袜带是蓝色的 苏珊需要一件旧的 她祖母的戒指是旧的 苏珊需要借来的东西 她戴着她母亲的珠宝 苏珊需要一件新的 她的鞋子和衣服穿在你身上 她的鞋需要一分钱,这会给她带来好运 苏珊准备结婚度假 我的家人和我去休伦湖度假,那里的水美丽而湛蓝,沙滩又好又白 很热 太阳很热,但水还是很冷 我去游泳,试着抓一些小鱼 我很小心不要被晒伤 我们住在一个有游泳池和游戏室的酒店 我玩弹球和视频 游戏 有时我想在酒店的游泳池里游泳,但我更喜欢海滩 我会躺在一条大沙滩巾上取暖,然后我会跳入水中降温 有时我会躺在沙滩上 看着海浪在岸边翻滚 我发现了一些贝壳 看到一只螃蟹在沙滩上行走 一开始我有点寂寞 因为我不认识那里的任何人 不久之后我遇到了一些和我同龄的孩子 一起建造沙堡 在湖里游泳 其他孩子来自不同的城镇 所以我们互相讲述了我们学校和朋友的故事 我们发现我们有很多共同点 即使我们来自不同的地方 我们的家人聚在一起去了 一起去餐馆 我们在沙滩上打排球 晚上我们围坐在篝火旁 围着篝火唱歌 我们会在棍子上烤棉花糖 我总是烧我的棉花糖 没关系 我喜欢它们 大部分时间我们只是在湖里游泳直到 我们很累 假期结束时我很抱歉 我在休伦湖玩得很开心 我在那里遇到了一些非常好的朋友 我们仍然互相写信 也许明年夏天我们会见面 你去餐厅时的餐厅 公牛 你可能会看到一个标语,上面写着请稍等 主人或女主人会问你聚会中有多少人,然后他们会想知道你是想坐在吸烟区还是非吸烟区 主人或女主人 会带你到你的座位 你可能会坐在桌子旁或摊位上 主人或女主人会给你一个菜单 有时不同的饭菜有不同的菜单 有时可能有早餐菜单 午餐菜单和晚餐菜单 还有一份酒单和一份甜点菜单 食物和食物的价格都列在你桌子上的菜单上 会有餐具 餐具是刀叉和勺子 还有一张餐巾 你应该放餐巾 当你吃饭时放在你的腿上 你的服务员或女服务员会为你点菜 你可能在饭前想要一份开胃菜 有些人在饭前想要一份沙拉或汤 饭后你可能会在该走的时候吃甜点或茶或咖啡 你有 我会付账,给服务员或女服务员小费 我的房子 我住在一栋两层楼的房子里 房子的底部涂成白色 房子的上半部分是用红砖砌成的 烟囱也是用红砖砌成的 如果你穿过前门右转你会看到客厅 客厅很大很舒适 里面有安乐椅 一张咖啡桌和一张沙发 我喜欢坐在客厅旁边放松 是餐厅吗 那里有餐桌和椅子 我们用这个房间 每当我们有客人过来吃饭时 餐厅旁边是厨房 厨房里有炉子和冰箱 还有一张厨房桌子和一些长凳 大多数时候我们在楼上的厨房里吃饭,那里有三间卧室,我父母的卧室很大,他们那里有一张大号床,还有两个衣橱放他们的衣服,我的房间比较小,我的房间漆成粉红色 褶边 d 窗帘挂在我卧室的窗户上 你可以看到前院 前院有一棵松树 我哥哥的卧室被漆成蓝色 他的窗户上有百叶窗 他的房间里有一张双层床 如果他有一个朋友留下来 一个睡上铺,一个睡下铺,从他卧室的窗户可以看到后院,后院有玫瑰花丛和野餐桌,还有一道白色的栅栏,里面有一扇门 在地下室有一个娱乐室这是我们看电视和有朋友来参观的地方洗衣房也在地下室里有一台洗衣机和烘干机在我们家旁边是一个车库我们把车停在车库里 每当天气不好时,我们的房子大小正好适合我们的家人朋友随时欢迎我们的家庭音乐如果你在管弦乐队你会弹什么你会弹大号、小号或萨克斯管也许你更喜欢 像小提琴或大提琴这样的弦乐器 也许你会更喜欢打击乐 你可以演奏水壶鼓 有些乐器有键盘 钢琴和俄勒冈州有键盘 有些乐器上有弦乐器 吉他班卓琴和曼陀林有弦乐器 他们有一些乐器,你可以吹长笛法国号和口琴都是你吹进去的乐器有你用棍子敲击的乐器鼓和铙钹是两种你会用棍子敲击的东西,如果你是 在管弦乐队中,您必须观看指挥 他会带领您完成一段音乐 您可能只是想加入乐队以获得乐趣 您可以加入摇滚乐队或舞蹈乐队 有些人学会阅读音乐 音符写在上面 五线谱 每个音符代表一个声音 有全音符 半音符 四分音符和八分音符 每一个音符都有不同的节拍数 学习音乐很好 你必须 学习你的音阶,学习升号和降号 如果你想学习如何演奏乐器,最好上音乐课 我的家人 我的祖父母要从卡尔加里艾伯塔来看我们 我父亲很高兴,因为他们是他的父母,他是 很高兴他能见到他们 我们很少见到他们 因为卡尔加里离多伦多很远 我的祖父母有两个儿子 我的父亲和我的叔叔比尔 比尔叔叔嫁给了我的姑姑苏珊 他们有一个女儿是我的表弟 表弟比我大很多 所以我们没有太多共同点 他们还有一个和我同龄的儿子 他是我最喜欢的表弟 因为我们都喜欢相同的电视节目和相同的游戏 我有两个兄弟和 一个姐姐 我的兄弟都比我小 他们是双胞胎 所以他们的生日相同 我姐姐比我大一岁 人们说我姐姐和我长得很像 我们都有金发蓝眼睛 我妈妈的父母住在我们附近 他们 我的祖母和祖父经常来看我们吗 我的母亲没有兄弟姐妹 她是独生子 我喜欢全家都在一起 我没有很多表兄弟姐妹,但我和某些人很开心 我的亲戚 我的叔叔经常带我和表弟去看电影 我喜欢带我的祖父母去散步,这样他们就可以看到我的学校,他们可以见到我的朋友 我的父母和我的兄弟姐妹交谈过 非常亲密的家庭 有亲密家庭的人非常幸运 博物馆 博物馆很有趣 博物馆里有很多东西 我需要更多时间才能真正看到所有东西 有过去的衣服 我不知道如何 人们穿着一些他们看起来不舒服的东西 我喜欢穿我的牛仔裤 有战争的东西 有子弹和大炮,甚至是士兵的制服 我不认为战争是一件好事,但它是好的 吨 o 记住过去,向


致敬 博物馆里有一辆旧消防车 这辆




像老房子一样 有古董

熨斗和缝纫机 女人用来



电器 我很高兴我们有电

和现代电器 我们拥有的东西

让生活如此美好 更容易

博物馆里有来自埃及的木乃伊 我对那些很着迷 有



婴儿睡的摇篮 我尽力



关于你的过去 我试着想象



食物 你喜欢吃什么样的食物 我

很幸运,因为在加纳 da 有

很多食物可供选择 我喜欢吃

热狗 汉堡和牛排 这些

都是肉制品 我也喜欢奶酪

冰淇淋和酸奶 这些都是

乳制品 我喜欢蔬菜 我最喜欢的

蔬菜是西兰花 卷心菜 胡萝卜

和豌豆 我吃一个 很多水果 我吃草莓


在桃子季节吃很多草莓 我吃很多桃子


派 加拿大种植了许多不同的作物

我们有许多果园和农场 新鲜

水果和蔬菜 加拿大有很多


在加拿大这里也有很多 我们有很多

不同的食物可供选择 在我的


餐厅 我最喜欢的

意大利餐厅的食物是比萨饼 我的父母


有希腊餐馆 墨西哥


餐馆 事实上有来自大多数

文化的餐馆 我可以从一家餐馆

到另一家餐馆 假装我正在







从一个地方移动到另一个地方 有时你


步行对你有好处 有些地方太远而




你也不能骑自行车 你可能不得不

开汽车、面包车甚至卡车 我

父亲有车 我叔叔有面包车 我

从来没有坐过大卡车 卡车


一个城市运送到另一个城市 我想成为一名

卡车司机 我会四处旅行并

坐在出租车上 我曾经坐过

出租车 有一次我和妈妈乘出租车

去医院 ta有一个特殊的

仪表 xi 当我们结束我们的


看看我们欠他多少钱 我

曾经骑过一匹马 怕

掉马 如果你赶时间,

最好坐飞机 飞机在

空中飞行 非常快的火车沿着铁轨行驶




奥辛 穿越

海洋的大船 被称为船,如果你想





快速轻松地前往世界各地 世界不是真的




上去 我会朝

天空走 我可以上楼梯 如果我

下楼 我可以下楼梯去 地下室

如果我向左或向右,我可以爬进洞里 我是









也许 我应该侧身走,




的月份 一年有 12 个月 一月


一月份通常很冷 二月份是

第二个 一年中的月份,





,天气通常仍然很冷,有时还会有暴风雨。 开始

好转 四月是雨月 四月

阵雨带来五月花 许多

春天的花朵在五月盛开 五月的天气

可能相当温和 六月通常是

一个温暖的月份 许多人

在六月结婚 七月可能是热的人

七月放假 是做暑假的一个月

八月还是夏天 但夏天

就要过去了 八月是最后一分钟

放假的时候 九月我们回

学校 秋风开始吹

十月真的感觉 就像秋天 10 月

是万圣节 11 月是我们











会很吓人 我姐姐会



我们会有一顶王冠 她会看起来很

漂亮 我爸爸买了一个南瓜 它

会是一个南瓜灯 我们画一个

南瓜上的脸 我们


了脸 我们的豺狼

看起来很有趣 我们去不给糖就

捣蛋的邻居门口 我们说不

给糖就捣蛋 我们的邻居给我们糖果 我们说

感谢许多房子 我们回家我们的父母

检查我们的糖果 很安全 我们吃了很多


我们感觉不太好 我们去睡觉


树叶 叶子正在变色 我看到红色


我看到橙色枫叶 我看到黄色



漂亮 开始变冷了 风

很大 冬天来

了 叶子掉了 树

星期六 我们会清理它们


爸爸起床 我妈妈

拿垃圾袋 我和哥哥也帮忙 用手收集树叶 我们

堆成一大堆 我和哥哥跳进

树叶里 我们把树叶弄得一团糟 我们的父母

不介意 我们的父母用树叶填满我们的外套

真的很大 每个人都笑 游戏时间






今天是 11 月 11 日 今天是

纪念日 我们庆祝士兵 每个人都

戴着罂粟 罂粟是红色的花朵 罂粟

让我想起了我的祖父母 罂粟

让我想起了他们在上午 11 点的牺牲




这是一首悲伤的诗 它可以帮助我们记住




圣诞节做准备 本和梅丽莎的房子

屋顶上有很多灯 灯

里面有很多颜色 他们听

圣诞音乐 Ben和Melissa喝

蛋酒 蛋酒味道很好




放在圣诞树上 他们把




他们在树顶上放了一颗星星 他们



本打开一件礼物 梅丽莎打开一件

礼物 他们去睡觉 本和

梅丽莎起得很早 他们跑

下楼很多 我们树下的存在

叫醒他们的爸爸妈妈 Ben 和

Melissa 打开了他们喜欢的

礼物 我喜欢绿

豌豆 豆荚里的豌豆 我也喜欢雪

豆 你吃雪豆上的豆荚 我

喜欢玉米棒子 胡萝卜

很粘 d 吃生豆对

你有好处 有很多不同类型的

豆子 有四季豆

芸豆 焗豆和很多其他

类型的豆子 有些人不喜欢


芽甘蓝 我喜欢西兰花和球

芽甘蓝 你可以做沙拉,在我的沙拉里



西红柿 芹菜 黄瓜 萝卜

花椰菜和葱 我试着



甜菜和欧洲防风草 哥哥

只吃土豆 他喜欢他烤的土豆



新鲜 我妈妈买了很多洋葱



他们的蔬菜 一开始我不喜欢一些



了 我喜欢在吃饭

时候吃蔬菜 厨房 厨房是我们制作和吃我们的

地方 eals 厨房里有一个炉子


可以用来烤东西 你可以把蛋糕

放进烤箱 在炉子上烤 我们的炉子 炉子

很热 你把锅

或平底锅放在炉子上 冰箱


我们将牛奶 鸡蛋 奶酪和蔬菜

放在冰箱里 冰箱顶部

是冰柜 冰柜用来

冷冻食物 我们有冷冻

蔬菜 冰激凌和冰块

放在冰箱里 我们有 厨房里的烤面包机


,它变成了烤面包 我们有一个

电热水壶 我们

在水壶里烧水泡茶 厨房里有一个双水槽


我们打开 热水龙头,


洗碗 有时我们





oons 有茶巾和

抹布 有其他的神话和



可以把汤放进去的球 我们从杯子

或咖啡杯或玻璃杯里喝 我们把


里 烹饪时可以设置

计时器 食物准备好时计时器会响起


厨房里有微波炉 如果我们赶时间




宠物 最常见的宠物是猫和狗


鸟类和 鱼 你可以拥抱猫或

狗 你可以和猫或狗玩耍,但



可以教他们做事 鹦鹉


有些甚至 会说话的鸟通常

呆在鸟笼里 鱼必须

待在水箱或鱼缸的水中 有些


作为宠物 甚至有人养雪

貂 蜥蜴要吃 我的另一个



有不同类型的狗 有些


拉布拉多猎犬是大狗 贵宾犬

通常是 一只小狗 虽然

有一些大贵宾犬 有些狗

很吵而且它们经常吠叫 其他狗很

安静而且听话 我曾经养过一只狗 那

是一只可卡犬 我过去常常带着它

去散步 也有不同类型的

我最喜欢 猫的类型是暹罗

猫 暹罗猫有蓝色的眼睛 我

妈妈有一只波斯猫 它非常

毛茸茸 我妈妈说它曾经

在家里到处掉毛 宠物




感恩节我们在家里过 感恩节

就要到了 我父母买了一只

30 磅重

的火鸡 煮火鸡肯定需要很长时间

和我爸爸一起煮火鸡 房子闻起来

很香 厨房 我削土豆和胡萝卜

做南瓜派 我妈妈煮南瓜

做馅 我把面包和香料混合在一起


馅 放进火鸡里 我们穿上漂亮的

衣服 我摆好桌子


我妈妈做肉汁 我们的亲戚

来了 我们说谢谢你为我们所做的一切

我们吃吃吃吗 感恩节的好


有些水果长在树上 苹果长在

树上 你可以得到红色的黄色或绿色的

苹果 有些苹果是绿色的,直到


桃子长在树上 桃子的

皮毛茸茸的 樱桃 在树上你


从树上摘樱桃 樱桃和桃子

里面有坑 坑不能吃


柠檬长在树上 它们很酸


草莓不是长在树上 你



脆饼 非常好 葡萄长在藤蔓上


浆果有很多种 有

黑莓 蓝莓 覆盆子 和

蔓越莓仅举几例 一些



不在加拿大种植 香蕉和橙子也不



必须去皮 有些可以直接

吃 水果在吃之前洗一下总是个好主意


以杀死虫子 所以最好把它









当它发疯时 停止旋转 我


茂密的丛林 我仔细聆听丛林的



,树叶沙沙作响 我


在 21 世纪某处的丛林中,







蕨类植物中 我不想

离我的时间机器太远 我听到一声响动



他穿着兽皮 他






感觉到下面的大地在震动 我的脚



,兽皮开始奔跑 我

明白他为什么要奔跑 一只巨大的恐龙





进去 我设置了 21 世纪的表盘

机器字并嗡嗡作响 我的时间

机器降落在 21 世纪 我



艾米 16 岁 她住在一个

小镇 艾米正在学习如何驾驶 艾米的





课程中争吵 艾米的妈妈正在给她上驾驶

课 艾米的妈妈叫简







课程非常划算 好 艾米学会




红色是鲜艳的颜色 玫瑰

有时是红色 血液是红色 白色

是雪云的颜色 很多时候是

白色 蓝色是天空和海洋的颜色


颜色 焦油是黑色 乌鸦是黑色 绿色

是草的颜色 它也是夏天


的颜色 棕色是泥土的颜色 许多

人的头发是棕色的 黄色是一种


大多数人使用黄色 他们

画了太阳 橙色是一种

容易记住的颜色 那是因为

橙色是橙色 粉红色

是我们给女婴穿的颜色 我们给


紫罗兰的颜色 加拿大国旗是红色的

白色 你的旗帜是什么颜色


街道和高速公路上行驶 有


交通顺畅 你必须系好

安全带 安全带有助于确保你的

安全 你必须停车和所有停车标志

yo 你还必须在红灯处停下来,






马路 是人行横道 那些



通行权 如果您听到身后的警笛声




停下来 校车

发出闪光信号 你必须停车 你

不能越过校车 因为



开得太快是不好的 人们

不应该喝酒和 驾驶 驾驶是

一项严肃的工作 你必须遵守


司机 两种性别


性别 有男性 有女性


不同 ph 从生理上和精神上,







哥哥和叔叔是男性 你妈妈

是女性 你的祖母 姐姐和





难过 我在学校成绩不好或

喜欢的人搬家时会难过 离开 我


哭泣的悲伤电影 我不喜欢悲伤 我不

喜欢皱眉 和我的

朋友妈妈 让我开心 很多事情

让我开心 如果有人跟我讲笑话

我会笑 我喜欢笑 有趣的电影



生气时尽量不表现出来 如果我回家晚了,父母会生我的








和我一模一样 他们可能和我有

同样的头发颜色和眼睛 但

他们不完全像我 我是


想法的人 世界上没有两个人

完全一样 成为你的人很好 自己的


人必须跟随 低法律

和规则 人们应该永远

善待他人 我努力遵守所有

规则 我善待他人


她声音很大 我声音很轻

她喜欢吃蔬菜 我

不喜欢 简和我身高一样 我们

都喜欢电影 我们都

害怕蜘蛛 我们穿同样尺码的

鞋子 我们都 有同样喜欢的颜色

我们是最好的朋友 但有时我们

在很多方面存在分歧 如果

我们都完全相同 世界

将是一个非常无聊的地方 我是我

自己 我很高兴我 我很特别 你很

特别 可以利用自己的特殊才能


人 世界是由许多




我的教室是一个大房间 它充满

了色彩鲜艳的图片 我的老师

挂了 墙上

挂满了画 教室前面有黑板


在黑板上写字 有时




和笔 我尽量保持桌子整洁,但里面

有很多东西 我的尺子



书柜里装满了书 我们可以


做我们的艺术 我们铺开


蜡笔画画 有时我们



纸上 我喜欢放学后的艺术课 我

和我的朋友们经常 e












他们的制服非常漂亮 我看到警察


我们甚至有警察 武装

自行车 警察和女警察



违法的人 有时他们必须 追逐人


警官 你需要大量的

培训 能够

有效地与人打交道很重要 一名

警官来到我们学校 他有一只

警犬和他在一起 警官 向


罪犯 这只狗非常聪明 他


隐藏的东西 罪犯有时会隐藏



是他的狗生活的伙伴 在他家















开始开花 我最喜欢的春天的














我在进屋之前擦了擦泥泞的脚 我的院




走进屋子 我喜欢雪化

了 雨停了 太阳

出来了 阳光明媚的日子 我总是

和我的朋友在一起 那些日子

我们要么放宽自行车 要么打球 我

父母喜欢去散步 在春天的





厉害 他们说


认为这个头衔很适合他 猴子

很有趣 他们看着

我们的眼神就像我们看着他们一样 他们


那儿耍花样给我们留下深刻印象 是一只


背上的小猴子 非常可爱 老虎来回踱步

他们看起来 不安分

老虎身上的条纹非常漂亮 我们



对我们说话的五颜六色的鹦鹉 我们看到了我们

以前从未见过的外来动物 其中一些

非常奇怪 有不同类型

的熊 那里有黑熊


我们看到了北极熊 北极熊

是白色的 他们喜欢寒冷 我们甚至看到

熊猫 我的一个朋友




我们看到了一些滑溜溜的蛇 f 这些

蛇的皮肤很亮 大多数





我们在动物园看到的最后一件事 动物园

是一头巨大的大象 他

看着我们 然后抬起他的鼻子

并发出响亮的声音 这让我们跳了

工作 有许多不同的工作

可以选择 你可以是医生

或护士 你可以在医院工作

或医生办公室 你可能是一名


警察执法 演员



你喜欢做什么样的事情 你可能会做 想

成为商店的售货员 也许你

擅长一项运动 你可能是一名棒球




可能想成为一名律师 你喜欢

修理别人的 头发 你可以成为

美发师或理发师 如果你

的手很好 你可能想成为

木匠或机械师 如果你喜欢

旅行 你可以成为空姐或

旅行社 你可以成为老师或

摄影师 你是 艺术或创意 你可能

想成为一名艺术家或作家 你


房屋 你可以照顾动物并

成为一名兽医 如果你喜欢做饭


有很多地方可以工作 还有这么多工作






一辆车,有些家庭有 两辆甚至

三辆汽车 大多数

人在 16 岁时在我家获得驾驶执照


开车上班,我们只有一辆车 我母亲会乘公共汽车

我坐校车上学 我

姐姐工作 另一个

小镇她 坐火车

上班 火车站离我家不远


家旁边 我的爱尔兰祖父来看

我们 他坐船过来

他要渡海 我们

去年去佛罗里达 我们坐飞机

飞机飞过云层 我


他戴着头盔 我骑着他的

摩托车 有一次我不得不坐在后座

上紧紧抓住 我

在天气好的时候骑自行车 我也 有一辆

我曾经四处旅行的踏板车 我


直升机 上车时直升机螺旋桨

旋转时 我直接

在空中飞行 我很享受这次骑行 我


直升机 我 就像在空中飞翔


在我的头顶 我的头发在

我的头发下面是我的脸 我有两只眼睛


我有一个鼻子 我的嘴在我的鼻子下面

我有嘴唇 如果我张开 我的嘴唇你会

看到我的牙齿和我的吨 我嘴下面

是我的下巴 在我头的两侧

我有两只耳朵 我的脸颊在

我的鼻子两侧 我的脖子支撑着我的头

我的脖子把我的头贴在我的胸部 在我的


我的 手臂从肩上垂下来

一条腰带 我系在腰间 我的

臀部在我的腰部以下 我的腿

从我的臀部下来 我的腿由

我的大腿组成 我的膝盖和我的猫 我的膝盖

可以弯曲 我的脚踝在我的腿下面 我的脚附在我的腿上

脚踝 我的脚趾

是我脚的一部分 我有十个脚趾和

十个脚趾甲 从


旅行 去一个很

远的地方旅行很有趣 我哥哥刚去过

意大利和法国 他在多伦多机场上了飞机


法国 他在那里呆了几个

几天他参观了埃菲尔铁塔 他

在巴黎 他说他喜欢

法国的食物 然后他去了意大利



了威尼斯的许多旅游景点 他看到了

运河 他 试图说意大利语,但他







与 我们在加拿大吃的披萨


由鹅卵石砌成的街道 他看到了许多古老的

建筑 很多意大利人

骑着踏板车到处旅行 他住

在意大利一家非常不错的酒店 他很

抱歉该回家了 我的 哥哥


旅游 喜欢

坐飞机 航空公司丢了行李 有





商店 商场 有女装

店 他们卖连衣裙 衬衫和


男装店 有西装 领带



只对青少年有吸引力 有些


甚至还有一家商店 出售



罩衫 有卖女士内衣和睡衣的内衣

店 有卖工具的五金店



你可以买到 几乎所有主题

的书都在书店 有商店

出售光盘 这些商店也

有磁带和录像带 有运动


衣服 他们还出售运动

器材和带有标志的 T 恤和帽子

你最喜欢的球队 有




可以 买餐具和锅碗瓢盆 这类



商场里有电影院 有一家珠宝店


那里有理发师 商场


那里剪头发 商场里有快餐店


汉堡包或炸薯条 商场


餐厅 你可以坐下来吃

一顿美餐 商场里有一家家具店



食品店 所有的食物都放在垃圾箱

里 你想吃多少就拿多少,然后


商场里甚至还有一家电话店和一家电子产品店 我


他可以在那里呆上几个小时的玩具店 商场里还有

百货公司 百货公司出售各种

他们卖香水的东西 clo 这些鞋子 厨房


可能需要的东西 你几乎


衣服 如果我要去

某个漂亮的地方,我会换很多衣服 我穿裙子 我


漂亮的鞋子 如果我要去

运动 我穿运动衫和牛仔裤 如果

我去海滩 我穿



海滩 我穿裙子和

衣服下面的衬衫 我

穿内衣 女士穿胸罩和内裤

作为内衣 今天男士穿平角内裤或骑马

短裤 作为内衣 我在内衣外面穿一件

衬衫和一条牛仔裤 夏天



夏天穿脚 我

穿的上衣通常是无袖的 我夏天通常

穿短裤 穿上我的

牛仔裤或我的 缺乏 女人 有时

穿裙子或裙子 男人穿

休闲裤和衬衫 有些男人穿

西装 衬衫 打领带

如果外面很冷 我穿冬衣

如果很冷 我喜欢戴手套

或连指手套 我的手 有时我会




如果下雨 我穿雨衣 我穿的



电影 我几乎每周都去看电影


音像店租电影 我最喜欢的电影是动作

片 我喜欢看汽车追逐 我



win 我也喜欢科幻电影 我


未来的事情 我喜欢里面有



和难以置信 我不喜欢那些

我妈妈喜欢戏剧 她 有很多

喜欢的演员 d 女演员 她


她哭泣的悲伤电影 她也喜欢喜剧


有趣,她会大声笑 我父亲喜欢恐怖电影 他

喜欢有怪物的电影 他

也喜欢惊悚片 我看过一些








他去的朋友一起去看电影 日场










花 大多数人都喜欢玫瑰 玫瑰




玫瑰有很多种颜色 春天有红粉


郁金香在渥太华盛开 有

很多郁金香 有人去那里只是为了








开花的时候特别漂亮 我们镇上有一个

开花节 我的邻居

喜欢在夏天种天竺葵 矮牵牛和

金盏花 有些人种

向日葵 向日葵长得很

高 它们有明亮的黄色花瓣


阳光下长得最好 如果你的花园阴凉,你






菊花是很好的礼物 女人


康乃馨也是很好的礼物 它们




跳舞,一品红在圣诞节非常喜庆 他们经常给他们的伴侣



