In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to study American English by looking

at a short text. Topic: free time.

I call this a Ben Franklin exercise. This
is when you take very good notes, very detailed

notes, on what you’re hearing. And then go
back and try to record yourself based on what

you’ve written down, the notes. Did you write
down a Flap T, or the way two words link together?

After you’ve recorded yourself, compare it
to the original. Did you do everything that

you wanted to do? In this video, we’re going
to take notes together.

One of my favorite things to do with a free
day is to ride my bike. Sometimes I’ll ride

along the Hudson River or in Central Park,
and sometimes I’ll go visit friends in Brooklyn.

One of my favorite things to do

One of my favorite. I definitely here ‘one’
and ‘fav-’ as being stressed. ‘Of my’ is very

quick, very different than ‘one’ and ‘fav’.
Of my, of my, of my. So I’m using the schwa

here, and I am giving the V sound: of my,
of my, of my, but it’s very flat and quick.

One of my favorite [3x]

I notice that I’m dropping the middle, unstressed
syllable in ‘favorite’. So it’s not FA-vo-rit,

but simply, FA-vrit. Favorite. Favorite things.
And I notice that I am making that a Stop

T, I’m not releasing it. I’m going straight
into the TH. One of my favorite things.

One of my favorite things to do with a
free day [3x]

One of my favorite things to do with a free
day … so I notice both the words ‘free’

and ‘day’ have a lot more length than the
others. ‘Things’ is a content word, it is

a noun, but it’s more generic than ‘free’ and
‘day’, I think that’s why I didn’t give it

as much time. One of my favorite things to
do with a free day.

One of my favorite things to do with a
free day [3x]

I notice, with the word ‘to’, I am reducing
that to the schwa sound. It’s not ‘to do’, it’s


To do [3x] with a free day.

Also the article ‘a’, of course, is a schwa.
Now I pronounced the ending TH unvoiced, with

a, with a. Sometimes when people link the
ending TH that is unvoiced into a voiced sound,

like the vowel schwa, they will voice it and
say ‘with a’. With a. But I left that unvoiced:

with a, with a, with a free day.

with a free day [3x]

Is to ride my bike. Ride, bike. Those were
the two longest words in that sentence fragment.

Is to ride my bike. I notice again, I reduced
this to the schwa sound. It’s not ‘to’, it’s

to, to, is to, is to, is to ride, is to ride
my bike.

Is to ride by bike. [3x]
Sometimes I’ll ride along Hudson River

What did you hear as the most stressed syllables
there? I’m hearing some-, ride, Hud-, Riv-.

As you practice your own speech, listen to
it and make sure that you can pick out stressed

syllables in a sentence. If you can’t, then
they all sound too much the same. And we’re

lacking good rhythmic contrast. So, it’s always
good to study other speech, and to note what

do you hear as being the longest syllables.
Usually it will go along with adjectives,

adverbs, nouns, and verbs.

Sometimes I’ll ride along the Hudson River

What else do you notice?

I notice the ending S here is pronounced as
a Z. Sometimes I’ll ride. Also, did you notice

how I pronounced that contraction? I didn’t
say I’ll, I said I’ll, I’ll. So it sounded

a lot like this word. In fact, it sounded
just like this word. I’ll, I’ll. I used the

‘aw’ as in ‘law’ vowel. Sometimes I’ll, sometimes
I’ll ride. So, I reduced the contraction,

which is already a reduction of ‘I will’,
to I’ll, I’ll, I’ll. Sometimes I’ll ride.

Sometimes I’ll ride along the Hudson River. [3x]
The Hudson River. The word ‘the’ pronounced

with the schwa. Sometimes it’s pronounced
with an EE vowel. That would be when the next

word begins with a vowel or diphthong. Here
it begins with a consonant, the H sound, Hudson,

Hudson, so it was a schwa. The Hudson, the
Hudson River.

The Hudson River. [3x]

Did you notice how the second and unstressed
syllable of ‘Hudson’ was pronounced? It’s

written with the letter O, but there’s the
schwa vowel in there. As an unstressed syllable,

it’s very fast, -son, -son, -son. And when
the schwa is followed by the N sound, you

don’t need to worry about making a separate
schwa sound. It gets absorbed by the N. -Son,

-son, -son, Hudson. The Hudson.

The Hudson River [3x]
or in Central Park.

I notice I did not reduce the word ‘or’, that
can be reduced to ‘er’, Hudson River or Central

Park. But in this case I didn’t. I said ‘or’.
Wait, I just realized I missed the word ‘in’.

Or in Central Park, or in Central Park. Do
you hear how fast the word ‘in’ is? Or in,

or in, or in, or in Central Park. Central.
Stressed syllable of ‘Central’ is the first

one. Cen-, Cen-. The second syllable has the
schwa: -tral, -tral.

In Central [3x]

Did you notice? I’m making more of a CH sound
here instead of a T sound for the T in ‘Central’.

Cen-tral, -tral, -tral. This can happen when
the T is followed by an R.

In Central [3x] Park, and sometimes I’ll
go visit friends in Brooklyn.

And sometimes. I definitely dropped the D
in that word, and sometimes, and sometimes,

reducing the word ‘and’.

And sometimes [3x]

Let’s talk about stress in that last part
of the sentence.

And sometimes I’ll go visit friends in

What do you hear as being the most stressed
syllables? Some-, sort of, but even stronger,

vis-, friends, Brook-. Verb, noun, noun. The
content words. And did you notice the contraction

‘I’ll’? Again, pronounced with the ‘aw’ as
in ‘law’ vowel, reduced to ‘I’ll’, ‘I’ll’.

And sometimes I’ll [3x] go visit friends
in Brooklyn.

Also, all of these words, as always in a thought
group, were very connected. I had a Stop T

here in ‘visit’, so I didn’t bother to release
it, which would have made a little gap in

my line. Visit friends, visit friends.

visit friends [3x] in Brooklyn.

Also, the ending Z sound of ‘friends’ linked
into the beginning vowel of the next word,

friends in, friends in, friends in, friends
in Brooklyn.

visit friends in Brooklyn. [3x]

One of my favorite things to do with a free
day is to ride my bike. Sometimes I’ll ride

along the Hudson River or in Central Park,
and sometimes I’ll go visit friends in Brooklyn.

I hope this has given you some ideas on how
to take notes and study the speech of native

speakers. Do this on your own. Take video
and audio clips that interest you or that have

topics that are important to your field of
work. After you take good notes, record the

text yourself and compare to the original
recording. What do you still need to work

on, or what did you do well? This is a great
way to improve your pronunciation.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

So this is what I like to do with a free day.
What do you like to do with a free day? Record

yourself talking about it, and post it as
a video response to this video on YouTube.

I can’t wait to hear about it.


看一个简短的文本来学习美式英语。 主题:空闲时间。

我称之为本富兰克林练习。 这

笔记的时候。 然后

你写下的内容,笔记来记录自己。 您是否
写下了 Flap T 或两个单词连接在一起的方式?

与原件进行比较。 你做了所有

你想做的事吗? 在这个视频中,我们将

就是骑自行车。 有时我会


我最喜欢做的事情之一 我最喜欢做的事情

之一。 我在这里肯定会强调“一个”
和“最喜欢的”。 ‘Of my’ 非常

快,与’one' 和’fav' 非常不同。
我的,我的,我的。 所以我在这里使用 schwa

,我发出 V 音:我的

我最喜欢的 [3x] 之一

在 ‘favorite’ 中放弃了中间的非重读音节。 所以它不是 FA-vo-rit,

而是简单地说,FA-vrit。 最喜欢的。 最喜欢的东西。
而且我注意到我正在制作一个 Stop

T,我没有发布它。 我直接
进入TH。 我最喜欢的东西之一。


] 我最喜欢与空闲日做的事情之一

其他。 ‘Things’ 是一个实词,它是

一个名词,但它比’free' 和
‘day’ 更通用,我想这就是我没有给

它太多时间的原因。 我最喜欢


其简化为 schwa 声音。 这不是“做”,而是


用一天的空闲时间做 [3x]。

现在我把结尾的 TH 发清音,用

a,用 a。 有时,当人们
将清音结尾的 TH 连接成浊音时,

例如元音 schwa,他们会发声并
说“with a”。 带一个。 但我留下了那个清音:


有空闲的一天 [3x]

是骑我的自行车。 骑单车。 那

是骑我的自行车。 我再次注意到,我将其
简化为 schwa 声音。 这不是“去”,而是


是骑自行车。 [3x]

什么? 我听到一些-,骑,Hud-,Riv-。


在句子中挑选出重读音节。 如果你不能,那么
它们听起来都太相似了。 而且我们

缺乏良好的节奏对比。 所以,





我注意到这里的结尾 S 发音
为 Z。有时我会骑。 另外,你注意到

我是如何发音的吗? 我
没说我会,我说我会,我会。 所以

听起来很像这个词。 事实上,它听起来
就像这个词。 我会的,我会的。 我

在“法律”元音中使用了“aw”。 有时我会,有时
我会骑。 所以,我减少了收缩,

,我会,我会,我会。 有时我会骑车。

有时我会沿着哈德逊河骑行。 [3x
] 哈德逊河。 “the”这个词

用 schwa 发音。 有时它
用 EE 元音发音。 那将是下一个

单词以元音或双元音开头的时候。 这里
它以辅音开头,H 音,Hudson,

Hudson,所以它是 schwa。 哈德逊河,

哈德逊河。 [3x]

重读音节是如何发音的吗? 它是

用字母 O 写的,但里面有
schwa 元音。 作为一个非重读音节,

它非常快,-son,-son,-son。 而
当 schwa 后面跟着 N 音时,您

schwa 音。 它被 N.-Son、

-son、-son、Hudson 吸收。 哈德逊。

哈德逊河 [3x]


公园。 但在这种情况下,我没有。 我说’或'。

你听到“in”这个词有多快吗? 或在,

或在,或在,或在中央公园。 中央。

一个音节。 岑-,岑-。 第二个音节有

在中环 [3x]

你注意到了吗? 我在这里发出更多的 CH 声音
,而不是“Central”中的 T 声音。

当 T 后面跟着一个 R 时,就会发生这种情况。

在 Central [3x] 公园,有时我会

有时。 我肯定
在那个词中去掉了 D,有时,有时,


有时 [3x]



音节是什么? 一些-,有点,但更强大的是,

vis-,朋友,Brook-。 动词,名词,名词。
内容词。 你有没有注意到

“我会”的收缩? 再次,与“法律”元音中的“aw”一起

有时我会 [3x] 去

组中,是非常相关的。 我

在’visit’中有一个Stop T,所以我没有费心释放

我的线路上造成一点差距。 拜访朋友,拜访朋友。

拜访布鲁克林的朋友 [3x]。

此外,“friends”的结尾 Z 音连接

friends in、friends in、friends in、friends
in Brooklyn。

拜访布鲁克林的朋友。 [3x

] 我最喜欢在空闲日做的事情之一
就是骑自行车。 有时我会



人士演讲的想法。 自己做这件事。 拍摄

。 记好笔记后,自己记录

。 你还需要做什么

,或者你做得很好? 这是

就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的

空闲的一天你喜欢做什么? 录制您

对该视频的视频回复发布在 YouTube 上。
