Silent Letters in English A to Z with ALL RULES British Accents and Pronunciation

everyone and welcome back to english

with lucy so you might have noticed that

recently i’ve been doing a series on

things you should never do in english or

things you should never say and you guys

seem to be reacting really well to it

and really enjoying it so i’m back today

with another video this time about

letters that you should never ever

pronounce in british english yes so

today we’re going to be talking about

silent letters in British English words

I’m going to run through the letters

alphabetically it’s going to be really

easy for you to understand really easy

for you to remember and revise a later

date before we start the lesson I would

just like to remind you of a fantastic

opportunity from the sponsor of today’s

video which will help you boost your

English level even further

it’s the lingo dirt language marathon

the marathon is an opportunity to take

one group class every day for three

months and get all of your money back

if you’ve not heard of lingotto before

it’s an online language academy which

offers really high quality group and

private classes with qualified native

teachers if the full marathon seems like

too much for you you can also take the

half marathon where you take 15 classes

per month for three months and get 50%

of your money back in order to succeed

and get your money back you have to

participate in an agreed number of

classes each month that’s thirty for the

full marathon and 15 for the half

marathon the languages available are

English Spanish French German and

business English and for that last one

you will need a level b1 or above in

English as it’s focused on special

skills like giving presentations and job

interviews the marathon runs from the

21st of January 2019 to the 20th of

April you have until the 14th of January

to register but hurry because places are

limited so you need to pay for three

months but don’t forget if you complete

the marathon successfully you’ll get

your money back if you’d like to know

more about the marathon head to my

announcement video where I’ve covered

all of the details or you can just head

straight to the registration link in the

description the link go to charges

five euro entry fee but you can get a

four euro 50 discount and only pay 50

cents if you use my code study 1 not

only will your language skills skyrocket

but you’ll also get up to 800 euros back

into your account I think that is a

really great motivation to commit to

those 3 months and achieve your language

goals for more information click on the

link in the description box and if you

do decide to sign up use my code study 1

for that discount right let’s get on

with the lesson so as you know English

is not a phonetic language which means

although you might see a letter in a

word it doesn’t necessarily mean you

have to pronounce it I’m here to help

you with that so let’s talk about the

letters that you should never pronounce

in English the silent letters in English

words I’m going to go through them from

a to Zed giving you as many examples as

I can possibly fit into this video I

really do advise that you make a note of

these and try to use as many as possible

throughout your daily life

that way it really gets stuck into your

head ok so when should you not pronounce

the letter a well when it comes just


lly at the end of a word look at the

word on-screen how many syllables should

this word have how many syllables

if you thought 3 you’re correct it

should be logically we don’t say

logically it’s just logically some other

examples are artistically romantically

musically it might be a good time now to

mention the homework for today’s lesson

which is to add any extra words you can

think of in your a to Zed list and

please share them in the comments let’s

see who can contribute the most words

I’ll be looking out for them right let’s

move on to B so the B in words is

usually silent when it comes before a T

or after an M let’s look at before a T

we have subtle subtle no be there

we also have debt debt and what about

after an M we have comb comb woom woom

toom toom bum bum plumber plumber some

thumb now there are exceptions to these

rules for example the word obtain it

comes before a t yet you pronounce the T

or remember remember so next we have C

the letter C is usually silent when it

comes after an S and before I II or Y

for example

scissors or science another

miscellaneous one is muscle muscle and

yacht yacht so there is one rule for the

letter D it’s normally silent if it

comes before an N or a G for example

Wednesday Pledge grudge other common

words include sandwich handsome now

silent e’s

form a big part of the English language

in lower school or primary school we

used to call them magic ease because by

putting in E at the end of a word the

vowel before it normally becomes a

longer vowel sound

for example mat changes to mate or strip

changes to stripe other examples include

face hate cute tube what about the

letter G the letter G is normally not

pronounced if it comes before and n

for example a line a line foreign

foreign there are exceptions to this

rule like magnet or signature G is also

not pronounced if it comes after a vowel

and before an H for example high light

through please do note though that gh is

pronounced separately in compound words

like doghouse that’s two words put

together or foghorn another fog horn two

words put together sometimes gh is

pronounced like an F for example laughs

draft tough right let’s talk about H on

its own it’s normally silent when it

appears after a w for example why what

when however sometimes it’s not silent

especially if an O follows it who who

ever wholesome H is also silent at the

beginning of many other words like our

honest honor

remember with an unvoiced H you have to

use the article and an hour an honest

man in general most words beginning with

H are voiced and you should use the

article a happy dog a hare let’s move on

to K the letter K is almost always

silent when it comes before an N at the

beginning of a word for example night

night knife knife knowledge knowledge

what about the letter L the letter L is

not usually pronounced if it comes after

a o or you for example

calf calf

should-should yoke yoke what about the

letter n the letter n is usually silent

if it comes after an M at the end of a

word for example autumn autumn column

column damn damn ah the letter P this

one has got a bit more meat to it the P

is usually silent in the letter

combinations PS PT and P n used at the

beginning of words for example

psychology psychology pterodactyl

pterodactyl I’ve always wanted to get a

dinosaur into one of my videos and I

have done it I did not know my new

year’s resolution would be so easy to

achieve pneumonia pneumonia now P and H

together is sometimes pronounced like F

elephant elephant telephone telephone

the letter S the letter S is not

pronounced before L in the following

words Island Island that’s a really

common mistake I hear I hear is ‘land

Iceland same for Isle Isle now key is a

silent letter it’s quite hard to come up

with a definitive rule but commonly

anything ending in ste n it’s likely to

have a silent T for example listen


moisten moisten and also STL e whistle

whistle castle castle

other notable words are words derived

from French like ballet ballet beret

beret and

other random ones like often often

although you will hear that pronounced

as often often in fact I was brought up

to say often right we’re getting close

to the end now what about the letter U

the letter U is usually silent if it

comes after a G at the beginning of a

word for example guess guess or gade

gade and moving on to the letter W the

letter W is usually not pronounced if it

comes before are at the beginning of a

word for example wrong wrong rap rap

right right it is silent however if it’s

followed by an H and an O at the

beginning of a word like who whom

whoever whoever whole whole and then

there are other random words like - -

and sword sword

the letter X the only word I can think

of is at the end of a word derived from

French fo so it’s a commonly used word

in English and the letters ed another

French word rendezvous rendezvous we

don’t pronounce these ed there right

that’s the end of today’s lesson please

do complete the homework I would like to

see as many more examples of silent

letters in English words as possible in

the comment section I’ll be keeping my

eyes peeled for you don’t forget to

check out the lingo - language marathon

I’ve got the link to my full

announcement video and also the sign up

link and discount code in the

description box don’t forget to connect

with me on all of my social media I’ve

got my Facebook I’ve got my Instagram

and I’ve got my Twitter and I shall see

you soon for another lesson nah these

lingo de rebellion

go to language if you’ve not heard of

lingo de before it’s an online language

academy the academy language gave me an

order to succeed and gain your refund

you need to take part in a good umbrella

a blablabla in order to six not only

will you am not only will your language

skills skyrocket but you’ll also get out





和 lucy 一起回到英语,所以你可能已经注意到,





,真的很享受 所以我今天又回来了







顺序浏览字母 这

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英语水平 更进一步,

这是 lingo 土语

马拉松 马拉松是一个机会,可以


如果您还没有听说过 ling,您可以拿回所有的钱 otto 之前






半程马拉松,每月参加 15 节课

,持续三个月,获得 50

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并收回您的资金 您必须


全程马拉松 30 次,半程马拉松 15 次


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商务英语和 对于最后一个,

您需要英语水平 b1 或以上,




2019 年 1 月 21 日到

4 月 20 日举行,您必须在 1 月 14 日

之前注册,但 快点,因为名额




你的钱b 确认如果您想了解






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您决定注册,请使用我的代码学习 1



不是 一种语音语言,这意味着








a 到 Zed 给你尽可能多的例子,



在你的整个过程中尽可能多地使用 日常生活


脑海中,所以当它出现在 lly 之前,你什么时候不应该

发音 a well 在



这个单词应该有多少个音节 音节

如果你认为 3 你是对的 它

应该是合乎逻辑的 我们不说

合乎逻辑 只是合乎逻辑 其他一些


音乐上 现在可能是时候


,即添加任何额外的单词 您可以

在您的 a 到 Zed 列表中想到并



在一个 T 之前

或者在 M 之后,让我们看看在 T 之前,



在 M 之后,我们有梳子梳呜呜呜呜呜呜


呜呜 例如单词获得




在S之后和I II或Y之前通常是沉默



杂项是肌肉肌肉 和

游艇游艇,所以字母 D 有一个规则


出现在 N 或 G 之前,通常是沉默的,例如



沉默 e 是初中


或 小学时,我们


在单词末尾添加 E



,例如 mat 变为 mate 或 strip

变为 stripe oth er 示例包括

face hat cute tube 字母 G 呢? 如果

字母 G 在

之前和 n 之前通常不发音


外来语 这条规则有例外,

如磁铁或签名 G 也

不会发音,如果它 出现在元音之后

和 H 之前,例如高亮

通过 请注意,尽管 gh


例如 doghouse 是两个词放在

一起或foghorn 另一个雾号角两个

词放在一起有时 gh 的

发音像 F 例如 笑

草案 强硬 好吧 让我们单独谈谈 H


在 aw 之后出现时是沉默的 例如为什么什么 什么

时候 但有时它不是沉默

尤其是如果一个 O 跟随它 谁

曾经有益健康的 H 在

许多其他词的开头也是沉默的 就像我们


记住用清音 H 你必须


人 一般来说,大多数以 H 开头的单词

都是浊音的,你 你应该使用

文章 a happy dog a hare let’s move

on K 字母 K

在单词开头的 N 之前几乎总是保持沉默

例如 night

night knife 刀 知识 知识

字母 L 怎么样 字母 L

如果它在 ao 或你之后通常不发音


calf calf

should-should yoke yoke

字母 n 怎么样 如果字母 n

出现在单词末尾的 M 之后,通常不发音

例如 fall 秋天 column

column 该死 该死的 啊 字母 P

这个有更多的肉 P


开头使用的字母组合 PS PT 和 P n 中保持沉默


心理学 心理学 翼龙

翼龙 我一直想得到一只

恐龙 进入我的一个视频并且我

已经做到了 我不知道我的


实现肺炎肺炎现在 P 和 H

一起有时发音像 F


电话字母 S 在以下单词中,字母 S

在 L 之前不发音

Island Island 这是一个非常

常见的错误 我听到我听到的是“land

Iceland 与 Isle Isle 现在相同” 关键是一个

无声字母 很难


任何事情 以 ste n 结尾,它可能

有一个无声的 T,例如,听,


湿润,还有 STL e whistle

whistle castle castle






经常发音 事实上我从小

就经常说 对 我们

快到结尾了 现在字母 U

呢 如果字母 U

在单词开头的 G 之后通常是无声

的 例如guessgues 或 gade

gade 并继续前进到字母 W

如果字母 W




后面是一个 H 和一个 O 在

一个词的开头,比如 who who

whoever whoever whole whole 然后

还有其他随机词,比如 -

剑剑字母 X 我唯一能想到

的词是在结尾 源自

法语的单词 fo 所以它是

英语中常用的单词,而字母 ed 是另一个

法语单词 rendezvous rendezvous 我们

不在那里发音这些 ed

今天的课程到此结束 请

完成作业 我希望




为你擦亮眼睛 不要忘记

查看 lingo - language marathon



描述框中的链接和折扣代码 不要忘记在

我所有的社交媒体上与我联系 我

有我的 Facebook 我有我的 Instagram

和我的 Twitter 我

很快就会再见到你 教训不,这些

反叛的行话 狮子

如果您在在线语言学院之前没有听说过 lingo de 就去语言




a blablabla 为了六个不仅

会 你不仅语言



