American Road Trip English Pronunciation

Today, we’re going on a road trip. In this
video we’re going to look a little bit at the

American landscape, and of course we will
study some English pronunciation. So, ‘road

So, ‘road trip’ begins with the R consonant sound.
And one of the benefits to seeing it in profile,

when I must look forward because I’m driving,
is you get to see – road – how much the

lips come away from the face when they round
to make that initial R. Road trip. So the

R opens into the ‘oh’ as in ‘no’ diphthong,
ro-, which means they must come together again

for the second half of that diphthong. Ro-,
ro-. Now, the D here is a stop consonant.

It’s not released before going into the TR
consonant cluster. Road trip, trip. So the

TR consonant cluster. You may think, that
sounds like a CHR to me. Trip, trip. And of

course there is a technical reason for that,
and I have made a video on that, based on

the position of the lips and tongue. Road
trip. So the next sound is the ‘ih’ as in

‘sit’ vowel, and finally, the P consonant
sound. Road trip. On this trip, we passed

through several states. Including West Virginia,
Maryland, “Maryland welcomes you,” and Pennsylvania.

We passed lost of beautiful countryside,
including many farms.

However, we did run into one small problem.

– So Rachel, why is the traffic
zooming by and we’re stuck here on the highway?

– Yeah. – Because we ran out of gas. – And
why did, wait, what happened? – Because I

didn’t pay attention. I’ve never run out of
gas before in my life. – How does that make

you feel? – Like an idiot. – But we’re going
to get out of this one. – He’s a Triple-A

member. – Kevin’s saving the day for us.
– What?

Luckily some friends were able
to stop and give us some gas.

This allowed us to get back on the road and
enjoy one of the best things about road trips:

going to a drive through to get some good,
old-fashioned American junk food.

– So I’m enjoying some Arby’s fries.
And I also ate a delicious Arby’s roast beef.

With our stomachs full, we hit the road again.
Idiom: to hit the road. To leave, to get going.

Here we are at the gas station.

There’s no need to make two separate

sounds with any kind of lift in between. Gas
station, gas station. You can see there’s

just one S sound. So, it starts with the G
consonant sound, gg, it goes into the ‘aa’

as in ‘bat’ sound: ga-, gas. There’s the S
sound, just once. It then goes into the T

sound: gas st-, gas sta-, the ‘ay’ as in ‘say’
diphthong. Gas station. Followed by the sh

consonant sound, the schwa, and the N sound.
Gas station, gas station.

– Rachel, what are you doing right now?
– I’m filling up.

– Filling up, what does that mean?
– I’m putting gas in the car.

Fill ‘er up. And the reason why I’m doing that is
so I don’t run out of gas when I’m on the highway.

– We don’t want that to happen.
– We don’t.

Fill ‘er up [x4]

– Alright, I need money for the toll.
– Almost home.

– Hi. – How ya doing? – Good, how are you?
– Fine. $1.60. – $1.60. Thanks, have a good day.

I wonder how he’s going to feel about being
on Rachel’s English.

Hey, there’s a beautiful shot
of the Empire State building.

今天,我们要去公路旅行。 在这个

学习一些英语发音。 所以,‘road

So,‘road trip’ 以 R 辅音开头。

,你可以看到 - 道路 -

以做出最初的 R 时,嘴唇从脸上移开了多少。 公路旅行。 因此,

R 在 ‘no’ 双元音 ro- 中打开到 ‘oh’

在该双元音的后半部分再次聚在一起。 罗-,
罗-。 现在,这里的 D 是一个停止辅音。

它在进入 TR 辅音簇之前不会被释放
。 公路旅行,旅行。 所以

TR辅音簇。 你可能会想,这
对我来说听起来像是一个 CHR。 旅行,旅行。


嘴唇和舌头的位置制作了一个视频。 公路
旅行。 所以下一个声音是

“坐”元音中的“ih”,最后是 P
辅音。 公路旅行。 在这次旅行中,我们

经过了几个州。 包括西弗吉尼亚州、




  • 是的。 ——因为我们没油了。 ——
    为什么,等等,发生了什么? ——因为

没注意。 我这辈子从来没有

  • 那让你感觉如何? ——像个白痴。 - 但我们
    要摆脱这个。 ——他是三A

会员。 - 凯文为我们节省了一天。

  • 什么?




– 所以我正在享用一些 Arby 的薯条。

成语:上路。 离开,出发。



加油站,加油站。 你可以看到

只有一个 S 音。 因此,它以 G
辅音 gg 开头,然后

像 ‘bat’ 音一样进入 ‘aa’:ga-, gas。 有S
音,只有一次。 然后它进入 T

音:gas st-、gas sta-、“ay”,如“say”
双元音。 加油站。 其次是 sh

辅音、schwa 和 N 音。



填饱肚子。 我这样做的原因


加满 [x4]

– 好的,我需要钱来支付通行费。

  • 快到家。

  • 你好。 - 你怎么样? - 我很好,你好吗?

  • 美好的。 1.60 美元。 – 1.60 美元。 谢谢,祝你有美好的一天。

