English Pronunciation Vowel Sounds Improve Your Accent Speak Clearly

right now we’re going to study English

vowel sounds why because you can get

yourself into a lot of trouble by using

the wrong vowel sound in English words

so we need to fix that right

okay if you’ve watched my IPA

introduction video then you’ll know

exactly what all these symbols mean this

is the international phonetic alphabet

and I use it a lot when I’m teaching

pronunciation to my English students if

you don’t know what they are that’s okay

you just need to watch the video up

there first then you can watch this one

that video will make this video much

easier to understand okay so these are

all the English vowel sounds these are

the ones are diphthongs which are also

vowel sounds but there is another video

that I’ve made especially about

diphthong sounds you can watch it here

so there are all of these English vowel

sounds but only five English vowel

letters a e I owe you how does that work

let’s use the letter E as an example

when you see the letter E in an English

word it can be pronounced in a few

different ways short e as in egg long e

as in she long with an accent as in cafe

or the lazy schwa sound oh the sound is

so lazy Oh like eleven eleven so let’s

look at this group of English sounds

remember that their sounds

not English letters now let’s look at

the first two sounds e and E these

Psalms caused a few problems

English learners e and e let’s look at

this example beach it has the long vowel

sound in this word e beach if you

mispronounce this long vowel sound and

use the short e sound you’ll say bitch

that’s redwood beach each here’s another

example sheet sheet it uses the long

vowel sound but if you accidentally use

the short vowel sound you’ll say shit

that is also a really rude word so long

vowel sounds and short vowel sounds are

important in English the short sound is

it hit sing bit which disk the long

vowel sound is e meat eat beach sheet

believe next we have the vowel sound

oh you’ll hear that in words like book

cook sugar and then we have the longer

sound o you’ll hear this sound in words

like you to shoe whoo computer let’s

move on it’s also easy to confuse the

e vowel sound with the short vowel sound

a egg 10 left excellent

below that we have ah ah you’ll hear

this sound in words like cat flat

compact that lets go through the middle


next we have my favorite sound it’s the

lazier sound in English it’s also the

most commonly heard sound in English

you’ll hear it a lot today teacher the

around then there’s a ah as in her word

first work bird notice that the same

English sound can be used for all of

those different letters in that example

all the words her work and first use

different letters but make the same

sound that’s why learning the IPA is

going to help you pronounce English

words better then we have the all sound

or you can hear this word pronounced in

or for BOTS perform saw underneath we

move from the ah sound - ah ah

you can hear this sounded words like cup

butt butter truck then there’s the R

sound ah ah as in far cut and hot then

we have the O sound or you can hear this

sound in not on log God forgot so that’s

it for English vowel sound pronunciation

today make sure you subscribe to my

channel down here so that you can get my

next video which is all about English

vowel sound pronunciation with

diphthongs but right now I want you to

go to my website and download the free

worksheet that I’ve made just for this

video lesson so you can practice

practice practice the link to that

worksheet is right in the comment

section just down here or you can go to

my website

see you next time






介绍视频然后你 ‘会

















字母 ae 我欠你它是如何工作的,

让我们以字母 E 为例,

当你在英语单词中看到字母 E

它可以 成为专业人士 用几种

不同的方式发音 short e 和 egg long e

一样 she long 带口音,比如 cafe

或懒惰的 schwa 音


不是英文字母 现在让我们

看看前两个发音 e 和 E 这些


英语学习者 e 和 e 让我们看看

这个例子 beach 它

在这个词中有长元音 e beach 如果你发

错了这个长元音 并

使用短的 e 音,你会说 bitch

that’s redwood beach each here’s another

example sheet sheet 它使用长


了短元音,你会说 shit

that’s also a really rue word so long

vowel 发音和短元音

在英语中很重要 短音 is

it hit sing bit which disk 长

元音是 e 肉食沙滩床单


哦,你会听到像 book

cook sugar 这样的话 我们有更长的时间

sound o 你会听到这个声音,

比如你穿鞋 whoo computer 让我们

继续前进 它也很容易将

e 元音与短元音混淆

a egg 10 left well

below that we have ah ah 你会听到

这个声音 用诸如 cat flat compact 之类的词


接下来我们有我最喜欢的声音 它是

英语中最懒惰的声音 它也是英语中


你今天会听到很多 老师

周围 然后有一个 ah as 用她的话

first work bird 注意到





会帮助你发音 英语



或者在 BOTS perform saw 下面我们

从 ah 声音移动 - ah ah

你可以听到这个听起来像 cup butt butter truck 这样的单词,

然后是 R

声音 ah ah 和远古一样 t 和热然后

我们有 O 的声音,或者你可以





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