Examples how to pronounce T American English Pronunciation

This is a follow up video to different pronunciations
for the T. If you haven’t watched that video,

you should, because everything that was learned
there is going to be reviewed via testing

in this video. First what we’re going to do
is look at a list of words and decide how

the T is pronounced in the word.

First, this word. How do you pronounce that
T? It is at the beginning of the word, therefore

it is pronounced with the real T sound, T,
time. This word. How to pronounce this T?

This T comes between two vowel sounds. Therefore
it is pronounced as the flap/tap T, or, in

other words, the D sound. Water, water. How
do you pronounce the T in this word? It comes

at the end of a syllable in the consonant
cluster FT. Therefore, as it is part of this

cluster, it is pronounced as a real T sound.
Softer, tt, tt, softer.

How do you pronounce the T in this word? In
this word it is followed by a schwa and

the N sound. Therefore it is pronounced as
a stop. Fountain, fountain. How do you pronounce

the T in this word? It ends the word. It is
not part of a consonant cluster. Therefore,

it is a stop. Carpet, carpet. How do you pronounce
this word? It is part of a consonant cluster,

therefore, it is pronounced as a real T. St,
st, string, string. How do you pronounce the

T’s here? They come between two vowel sounds.
Therefore, it is the flap/tap T or the D sound.

How do you pronounce the T here? It is beginning
a stressed syllable. Therefore, it is pronounced

as the real T. Tt, tt, until, until.

Let’s compare these two words. In one of the
words, the double T is pronounced as the tt,

real T sound. In the other word it is the
flap or tap T, in other words, the D sound.

Which is which? The first word: the stress
falls on the second syllable, which is begun

with the T sound. Therefore, it is a true
T. A real, tt, T sound. Attack, attack. In

the second word, it begins an unstressed syllable,
and it falls between two vowel sounds. Attitude.

Attitude. Therefore it is the flap/tap T or,
dd, the D sound.

Let’s look at some sentences now. How do you
pronounce the first T? The T at the end of

the word ‘what’. Well, the T is at the end
of the word, it is not part of a consonant

cluster, and it does not link to a next word
that begins with a vowel or diphthong. Therefore,

it must be a stop. The second word, how do
you pronounce that T? It begins the word.

Therefore, it is the, tt, actual T sound.
What time, what time. And the next T, also

it’s beginning a word. Therefore, it is the
actual T sound. What time tomorrow? And the

answer, how do you pronounce that T? Again
it is ending a word, and the word that comes

after does not begin with a vowel or diphthong
sound. Therefore, it’s a stop. At, at, at,

at seven. At seven. What time tomorrow? At

This sentence. How do you pronounce that T?
It’s at the end of a word, but it does link

to the next word, which begins with a vowel
sound. Therefore, the sound comes between

two vowel sounds. It is then going to be pronounced
as the flap/tap T, or, in other words, the

D sound. I’m outta, I’m outta. Now, in this
particular phrase, the word ‘of’ is generally

reduced to simply being the schwa sound. No
consonant. I’m out of here. I’m out of here.

How do you pronounce the T in this sentence?
Not the TH. It begins a word, so it would

be the tt, real T sound. But as I said in
the different T pronunciations video, it is

a reduced word, and it might be reduced to
the point of actually having a voiced sound

there. Dd, dd, rather than tt, tt. I’m going
to the bank, I’m going to the bank, I’m going

  • to - the bank.

How do you pronounce the Ts in this sentence?
In the first word, it begins the word, so

it is the tt, actual T sound. Tell. The next
T is part of the TR consonant cluster, and

also, it’s beginning a word. Again, it’s the
tt, real T sound. Tell me the truth.

How do you pronounce the Ts in this sentence?
In the first word. It is part of a consonant

cluster at the beginning of a syllable. It
is pronounced as a real T. Tt, chemistry.

Chemistry. How do you pronounce the next T?
It’s at the end of a word, not part of a consonant

cluster, but it does connect to the next word,
which begins with a vowel sound. Therefore

it would be dd, dd, the flap T sound, or,
the D sound. At eight, at eight. I just gave

away the next word. How do you pronounce that
T? Well, the next word, Anatomy, does begin

with a vowel. But there’s a comma there, which
means we’re not going to connect it. Therefore

it is a T at the end of a word, not part of
a consonant cluster, it’s a stop. At eight,

at eight. Chemistry’s at eight. how do you
pronounce the T in the next word? Again it

is a T between two vowel sounds. Anatomy,
anatomy. Therefore it is the flap T sound,

or, D. Anatomy. And again, the T in the next
word is pronounced as a stop. It comes at

the end of the word. At, at. And finally,
it begins the word. Therefore it is pronounced

as the real T. Tt, ten.

How do you pronounce the T’s in this sentence.
The first T. It’s followed by the schwa and

N sounds. Therefore, it is a stop. An acquaintance,
an acquaintance. And the next T? It begins

a word. Therefore it is, tt, the actual T
sound. An acquaintance told me. How do you

pronounce the Ts in this sentence? The first
T finishes the word, but it is part of a consonant

cluster, therefore it is pronounced as the
actual T. I slept, tt, tt, I slept. The next

T? Again, it is part of a consonant cluster
at the end of a word. It is pronounced, tt,

as an actual T. I slept well last… And finally,
the T here is the end of the word. Not part

of a consonant cluster. It is a stop. I slept
well last night.

How do you pronounce the T in this sentence?
It’s an ending T, it’s part of a consonant

cluster, but remember NT was the exception
consonant cluster. So the T here is a stop.

I was sent, I was sent, I was sent home. I
was sent home.

I hope this has helped to clarify this pretty
complicated situation: how to pronounce a

T, depending on where it falls in a word or
in a sentence. That’s it, and thanks so

much for using Rachel’s English.

这是 T 的不同发音的后续视频


。 首先,我们要做的

单词中 T 的发音方式。

首先,这个词。 你怎么发音那个
T? 它位于单词的开头,因此

用真正的 T 音 T,
时间发音。 这个词。 这个T怎么发音?

这个 T 位于两个元音之间。 因此,
它发音为拍打/敲击 T,或者

换句话说,D 音。 水,水。
这个单词中的T怎么发音? 它出现

在辅音簇 FT 中一个音节的末尾
。 因此,由于它是该

簇的一部分,因此它发音为真正的 T 音。

这个单词中的T怎么发音? 在
这个词中,它后面跟着一个 schwa

和 N 音。 因此,它被发音
为停止。 喷泉,喷泉。

这个单词中的T怎么发音? 它结束了这个词。 它
不是辅音簇的一部分。 因此,

它是一个停止。 地毯,地毯。
这个词你怎么发音? 它是辅音簇的一部分,

因此,它发音为真正的 T. St,
st, string, string。 这里的 T 怎么发音

? 它们出现在两个元音之间。
因此,它是拍打/轻拍 T 或 D 声音。

你在这里怎么发音T? 它开始
一个重读音节。 因此,它被发音

为真正的 T. Tt,tt,直到,直到。

让我们比较一下这两个词。 在其中一个
词中,双 T 发音为 tt,

真正的 T 音。 换句话说,它是
拍打或轻拍 T,换句话说,是 D 音。

哪个是哪个? 第一个词:重音

以T音开头。 因此,它是一个真正的
T。一个真正的,tt,T 声音。 攻击,攻击。

位于两个元音之间。 态度。

态度。 因此它是拍打/轻拍 T 或,
dd,D 声音。


单词’what’末尾的T。 嗯,T 在

一个以元音或双元音开头的单词。 因此,

它必须是一个停止。 第二个词,你
怎么发音那个T? 它开始了这个词。

因此,它是 tt,实际的 T 音。
什么时候,什么时候。 而下一个T,

也是一个词的开头。 因此,它是
实际的 T 音。 明天几点? 和


。 因此,它是一个停止。 在,在,在,

在七点。 七点。 明天几点? 七点。

这个句子。 你怎么发音那个T?

。 因此,声音出现在

两个元音之间。 然后它将被发音
为拍打/敲击 T,或者换句话说,

D 音。 我不行了,我不行了。 现在,在这个

简化为简单的 schwa 声音。 没有
辅音。 我离开了这里。 我离开了这里。

不是TH。 它开始一个单词,所以它

是 tt,真正的 T 音。 但正如我
在不同的 T 发音视频中所说,它是


。 dd,dd,而不是tt,tt。 我


这句话中的 Ts 怎么发音?

它是 tt,实际的 T 音。 告诉。 下一个
T 是 TR 辅音簇的一部分,

也是一个单词的开头。 再次,它是
tt,真正的 T 音。 告诉我真相。

这句话中的 Ts 怎么发音?
在第一个字。 它

是音节开头的辅音簇的一部分。 它
的发音是真正的 T. Tt,化学。

化学。 下一个 T 怎么发音?

该单词以元音开头。 因此,

它会是 dd、dd、Flap T 音
或 D 音。 八点,八点。 我只是

放弃了下一个词。 你怎么发音那个
T? 嗯,下一个词 Anatomy 确实

以元音开头。 但是那里有一个逗号,这
意味着我们不会连接它。 因此,

它是一个词尾的 T,而不是
辅音簇的一部分,它是一个塞音。 八点,

八点。 化学八点。
下一个单词中的 T 怎么发音? 同样,它

是两个元音之间的 T。 解剖学,
解剖学。 因此它是襟翼 T 音,

或者,D. Anatomy。 再一次,下一个单词中的 T
发音为停止。 它出现

在词尾。 在,在。 最后,
它开始了这个词。 因此,它被发音

为真正的 T. Tt,十。

第一个 T。后面是 schwa 和

N 音。 因此,它是一个停止。 熟人
,熟人。 下一个T? 它开始

一个词。 因此,它是 tt,实际的 T
音。 一个熟人告诉我。

这句话中的 Ts 怎么发音? 第一个
T 完成了单词,但它是辅音

实际的 T。I slept, tt, tt, I slept。 下一个

T? 同样,它是单词末尾辅音簇的一部分
。 它的发音是 tt,

作为一个实际的 T。我最后睡得很好……最后,
这里的 T 是单词的结尾。 不是

辅音簇的一部分。 这是一个停止。 我昨晚睡得

它是一个结尾的 T,它是辅音簇的一部分

,但请记住 NT 是例外
辅音簇。 所以这里的 T 是一个停止。

我被送,我被送,我被送回家。 我


或句子中的位置。 就是这样,

非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。