How to Link words that begin with H American English Pronunciation

In this video, I’m going to talk more about
linking and reduction. I have done an ‘Intro

to Linking’ video — if you haven’t seen
that already, you might want to check it out.

Today we’re going to talk about the situation
with the letter H beginning a word. Let’s

look at the following sentence as an example:
I’ll tell her we’re leaving. I’ll tell her

we’re leaving. I’ll tell her we’re leaving.
I’ll tell her we’re leaving. Could you tell

a difference in the two different ways I pronounced
this? I’ll tell her … er … I didn’t pronounce

the H in ‘her’. I’ll tell her we’re leaving.
I reduced the word ‘her’ by leaving out the

H. Perhaps you’ve noticed this. Native speakers
do it quite a lot.

Now, if you drop the H, you have to be certain
that you link it to the word before. Tell

her, tell her, it’s almost like it becomes
one word. Teh-ler, tell her. How do you think

I’m going to pronounce this phrase? I’m going
to drop the H, reducing the word ‘he’. And

because I’m going to do that, I want to make
sure that I really link things. So I’m actually

going to almost think of the Z sound as beginning
a word ‘zi’. Wuh-zi there? Was he there? Was

he there? Try saying that all very smooth
and linked. Was he there? Was he there?

Before we go further, let’s talk quickly about
punctuation. A period, a comma, a colon, a

semicolon, a dash: these things will all signify
a stop, a break, a pause. So, we don’t want

to link sounds over that kind of punctuation.
Let’s take a look at an example sentence.

At first he never came; he now comes regularly.
Notice there was that pause there where the

semicolon is. And because of that I didn’t
link, and I didn’t drop the H in ‘he’ the

second time. At first he never came: I do
drop that H, reducing the word and linking.

At first he, at first he, at first he never
came; he now comes regularly.

So we’ve looked at ‘he’ and ‘her’, what are
some other possibilities? If we’re going to

reduce a word, it has to be an unstressed
word. So let’s review which words we’ll stress,

and which ones will be unstressed. Content
words are stressed. These are nouns, verbs,

adjectives, and adverbs, in general. Function
words will be unstressed. These are words

that don’t have a meaning on their own, like
‘with’ or ‘if’. These are prepositions, conjunctions,

articles, and helping verbs.
So, common function words beginning with H:

has, have, had. These are helping verbs. Example:
What have you done? What have you done? Notice

that the H is dropped in ‘have’, and the vowel
is actually reduced from aa to the schwa:

uv, uv, uv. That is how we’re pronouncing
the word ‘have’ in the sentence. What have,

what have, what have you done? And do note
that it’s linked to everything around it.

What have you, what have you, what have you

Another example: my friend has seen it twice.
The word ‘has’ is pronounced without the H

and the vowel sound is reduced to the schwa.
My friend has, has, has, my friend has seen

it twice. Also, again, it is linked to everything
around it. My friend has seen it twice. Now,

I want to point out that in ‘What have you
done?’, ‘have’ is the helping verb for ‘done’.

And in ‘My friend has seen it twice’, ‘has’
is the helping verb for ‘seen’.

Now if these words were the only verb in the
sentence, the main verb in the sentence, they

wouldn’t be reduced. Because then they would
be the verb, not a helping verb. For example,

I have two. Now, I may say ‘have’ very quickly,
but I’m probably not going to drop the H,

and I’m not going to reduce the vowel. I have
two. Because it is the only verb in the sentence.

Therefore, it is not a helping verb. It is
the main verb. I have two.

How do you think I will pronounce ‘her’ here?
If you guessed er, you’re right. I saw her

sister in Chicago. I saw – er – sister,
saw her sister, saw her sister. I saw her

sister in Chicago.
And here, how will I pronounce ‘his’? Iz,

iz, I will drop that H. What was his name
again? What was, iz, name again? What was

his name again? What was his name again? And
how will I pronounce ‘him’? I will drop that

H. ‘Im, ‘im. I told him no. I told – im
– no. I told him no. I told him no. How will

I pronounce ‘his’? I’m going to drop the H.
Do you remember John? This is his sister.

This is – is – sister. This is his sister.

As you listen to native speakers, keep this

in mind. Try to identify it and then imitate
it. And when you feel comfortable, bring it

into your everyday speech. That’s it, and
thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.

链接和归约。 我已经制作了一个“


以字母H开头的单词的情况。 让

我会告诉她我们要走了。 我会告诉她

我们要走了。 我会告诉她我们要走了。
我会告诉她我们要走了。 你能说出

吗? 我会告诉她……呃……我没有

在“她”中发H音。 我会告诉她我们要走了。
我通过省略 H 来减少“她”这个词

。也许你已经注意到了。 母语

现在,如果你去掉 H,你必须
确定你将它链接到之前的单词。 告诉

一个词。 特勒,告诉她。 你觉得

我会如何发音这个短语? 我
要去掉 H,减少“他”这个词。

确保我真的把事情联系起来。 所以我

实际上几乎会把 Z 音想象成
一个单词 ‘zi’ 的开头。 五子在那里? 他在吗?

他在吗? 试着说这一切都很顺利
和联系。 他在吗? 他在吗?

标点符号。 句号、逗号、冒号、

表示停止、休息、暂停。 所以,我们不想


起初他没有来; 他现在定期来。

。 正因为如此

H。 起初他从来没有来过:我确实
放弃了那个 H,减少了这个词和链接。

没来; 他现在定期来。

其他可能性? 如果我们要

词。 所以让我们回顾一下我们会强调哪些单词

,哪些不会被强调。 内容
词被强调。 一般来说,这些是名词、动词、

虚词不重读。 这些词

“with”或“if”。 这些是介词、连词、


has, have, had。 这些是帮助动词。 例:
你做了什么? 你做了什么? 请

注意,“have”中的 H 被删除,
元音实际上从 aa 减少到 schwa:

uv、uv、uv。 这就是我们

有什么,有什么,你做了什么? 请注意


“has”这个词的发音没有 H

,元音被简化为 schwa。

看过两次了。 此外,它再次与周围的一切联系
在一起。 我的朋友已经看过两次了。 现在,




就不会被减少。 因为那样它们将
是动词,而不是帮助动词。 例如,

我有两个。 现在,我可能会很快说“有”,
但我可能不会去掉 H,

我有两个。 因为它是句子中唯一的动词。

因此,它不是助动词。 它
是主要动词。 我有两个。

如果你猜对了,那就对了。 我

在芝加哥见过她姐姐。 我看到了——呃——姐姐,
看到了她的姐姐,看到了她的姐姐。 我

在这里,我将如何发音“他的”? 伊兹,

名字? 又是什么名字?

他又叫什么名字? 他又叫什么名字? 我
将如何发音“他”? 我会放弃那个

H。‘我,‘我。 我告诉他没有。 我告诉 - 我

  • 不。 我告诉他没有。 我告诉他没有。 我将

如何发音“他的”? 我要放弃H。
你还记得约翰吗? 这是他的妹妹。

这是——是——姐姐。 这是他的妹妹。


记住这一点。 尝试识别它,然后模仿
它。 当你感觉舒服时,把它

带入你的日常演讲中。 就是这样,
非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。