How to make Pumpkin Pie Idioms American English Pronunciation

As it’s almost Thanksgiving, today I’m going
to show you how to make one of my favorite

Thanksgiving treats. And that is a pumpkin
pie, which we’re going to make from scratch.

Of course, we’ll also learn some about American
English pronunciation.

First, we pick out the pumpkin.

What do you think of this one?

What do you think of this one? There’s a lot

of reduction and linking happening in this
phrase. The T in the word ‘what’ is generally

pronounced as a stop, not released. However,
the next word is ‘do’, which begins with a

D sound. That’s the same position as the T.
So in this particular case, rather than having

a stop T go into a D, it’s even more casual
and the T is dropped altogether. What do you

think? Wha-duh-yuh, wha-duh-yuh. This is a
common way to pronounce the word ‘what’ and

‘do’. What do you think? What do you like?
What do you mean? … for example. And you’ve

probably noticed that in the word ‘do’, the
oo vowel is reduced to the schwa. This is

the same as in the word ‘you’: the vowel is
reduced to the schwa. Wha-duh-yuh, wha-duh-yuh,

wha-duh-yuh. So those three unaccented words
are all linked together, low in pitch, very

smooth. Wha-duh-yuh, wha-duh-yuh, What do
you think? So the word ‘think’ is stressed,

none of the sounds reduce here. But the next
word, ‘of’, I pronounce this with only the

schwa sound. So I reduce it so much that the
vv, V sound is dropped altogether. What do

you think of this one? So the word ‘of’ is
simply pronounce uh, uh, uh, uh-this one,

uh-this one. What do you think of this one?
Listen again.

What do you think of this one?

With the sugar pumpkin purchased:

The first step is to cut the pumpkin in half.

It’s kind of hard to cut, if I remember correctly.
It’s very firm. // This is my friend Laura. I

spent the weekend with her in Massachusetts
and we did lots of baking. »Oo, beautiful.

Next, pull out the pulp and the seeds. »Ok,
you know what? I’m just going to go with the

hands. Much easier. // While we were in the kitchen,
we looked out the window and noticed the first

snow of the season was beginning. »If you’ll
notice, we made some apple bran muffins to

tide us over while we’re baking, along with
some homemade apple butter. Did you notice?

I used the idiom ‘tide us over’. This means
to have a small amount of something for a

short period of time until the issue can be
addressed in a larger way. For example, I

had a small snack to tide me over until dinner.
He borrowed some money to tide him over until

his next paycheck. I picked up a few things
to tide us over until the weekend when we

can really go shopping. Listen again. » We
made some apple bran muffins to tide us over

while we’re baking, along with some homemade
apple butter. So that’s going to be delicious,

and we’re going to eat that while the pumpkin
roasts. So now, we’ve put our two emptied-out

halves on the baking pan, and we’re going
to put it in the oven at 350 [degrees Fahrenheit]

for about an hour, hour and a half. Let’s
set the timer. Let’s dig into these.

Here I used the idiom to dig into something. This
means to start eating, especially something

you’re excited about. Eating with enthusiasm.
Let’s dig into these. Listen again.

Let’s dig into these.
Mark, what are you doing?

I am going to roast some pumpkin seeds,

which you guys extracted from the whole pumpkin.

Which is now out of the oven and cooling.

Put some seasoning salt, put a little cayenne
pepper, not too much. What else? Kinda just

eyeballing this here. Kinda just eyeballing
this here. Mark used the idiom to eyeball

something. That means he’s not measuring.
He’s just guessing the amounts of the spices

as he adds them to the seeds. Kinda just eyeballing
this here. »What else? Kinda just eyeballing

this here. So when you scoop the seeds out
of the pumpkin, save them. Rinse them well

and separate them from the stringy orange
part of the pumpkin. Let them air dry some,

and add some oil. Mark recommends using a
lot of salt. He also adds paprika, chili pepper,

and other spices to taste. Then put them in
the oven. When they start popping, they’re

ready to be taken out. »Oh, I heard that.

I heard it too. Oh! »They’re popping, indeed,

so, we can take them out. Did you notice,
Mark reduced the word ‘them’ to the schwa

and the M sound: uhm, uhm, take ‘em, take
‘em out. This is a common way to reduce the

word ‘them’ in everyday speech. Take ‘em out,
bring ‘em here, give ‘em water, for example.

Also notice Mark makes a stop T on the word
‘out’. He does not release it: out. He simply

brings his tongue into position for the T,
out, cutting off the sound. Take ‘em out.

Listen again. »They’re popping indeed, so,
we can take them out. »Yum, those look great.

Try one. Yum. »Crunch? »Mm, mm-hmm. Really
delicious. What do you think chef, are you

happy? »Pretty happy. // Back to the pumpkin.
Once it’s cooled, separate the skin from the

rest of the pumpkin. The skin does not go
into the pie.

Now Laura is going to puree
the pumpkin with an immersion blender.

Now we’re going to put in some
sugar, egg, evaporated

milk, some spices. For the full recipe, see
the description on YouTube under the video,

or, see the link on my website. Now Laura
has loaded up the food processor… »Yes.

…with all the ingredients for our homemade
pie crust. »And now, we roll out the crust.

What’s that you have under the crust? I
have a little plastic wrap underneath it so

that when it’s time to transfer it, you just
scoop it up and turn it over and pull the

plastic off. »I’m pretty serious about my
pies, it’s true. I like a good pie.

Ok, I think we’re almost ready. And now, now normally,
you can use a pie pan, we’re using a skillet,

a cast-iron skillet, and I’ve found it makes
a really nice – nicely done crust. It’s not

at all soggy on the bottom. Fast forward,
shaping the crust in the dish.

And now, we pour it in.

How far up should I go?

I think put all of it in.
It’s gonna be too much.

It’s gonna be too much. Did you notice
that Laura said ‘gonna’ instead of going to.

It’s gonna be too much. »It’s gonna be too
much. Oh my gosh, it’s gonna fit. All of it

is going to fit. That’s one whole pumpkin,
folks. »We’ve determined the pie is done.

So, she comes out of the oven. Now she’s nice
and puffy, but this will collapse as it cools.

Let the pie cool for several hours. »And
here is the finished product. Unfortunately

I have to show it to you by candle light because,
if you’ll remember, that snow that we were

so excited about: we’ve gotten maybe 6 inches,
maybe more, and the power’s out. It’s been

out for a couple of hours. I expect it will
be out for the entire night. So, in the low

light, let’s go ahead and cut the pie. Oh
yeah. So, mm, man, I’ve got to say, I’m pretty

excited about this. I’ve gotta say. The words
‘I have got to’ can reduce to ‘I’ve gotta’

or even simply ‘I gotta’ in everyday conversation.
I gotta go, I gotta say, I gotta see that

… for example. Man, I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty
excited about this.

Mm-hmm. It’s really good.
Guten appetit!


感恩节美食之一。 这是一个南瓜





。 单词“what”中的 T 通常

发音为停止,而不是释放。 但是

D 音开头。 这与 T 的位置相同。

让停止 T 进入 D,它更加随意,
并且完全放弃了 T。

你怎么认为? 呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 这是

。 你怎么认为? 你喜欢什么?
你是什么意思? … 例如。 你

oo 元音被简化为 schwa。 这

简化为 schwa。 呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜

呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜呜 所以这三个不带重音的词

流畅。 哇-duh-yuh,哇-duh-yuh,你
怎么看? 所以“think”这个词是重读的,

这里没有一个音会减弱。 但是下一个

schwa 发音。 所以我减少了很多,以至于
vv, V 的声音完全消失了。

你觉得这个怎么样? 所以’of’这个词
简单地发音为uh,uh,uh,uh-this one,

uh-this one。 你觉得这个怎么样?




这是非常坚定的。 // 这是我的朋友劳拉。 我

,我们做了很多烘焙。 »哦,漂亮。

接下来,拉出果肉和种子。 »好吧,
你知道吗? 我只是要用手去

。 容易得多。 // 当我们在厨房时,

雪已经开始了。 »如果你

一些自制的苹果酱。 你注意到了吗?

我用了成语’tide us over’。 这意味着

以更大的方式解决问题。 例如,


直到下一份薪水为止。 我拿起了一些东西

真的可以去购物了。 再听一遍。 » 我们

苹果酱。 所以那会很好

。 所以现在,我们已经把我们的两个空的

将把它放在 350 [华氏度] 的烤箱中

大约一个小时,一个半小时。 让我们
设置计时器。 让我们深入研究这些。

在这里,我用这个成语来挖掘一些东西。 这

你兴奋的东西。 吃得兴致勃勃。
让我们深入研究这些。 再听一遍。





辣椒,不要太多。 还有什么? 有点只是

在这里看这个。 有点只是
在这里看这个。 马克用这个成语来观察

一些东西。 这意味着他没有测量。

当他将香料添加到种子中时,他只是在猜测香料的数量。 有点只是
在这里看这个。 »还有什么? 有点只是

在这里看这个。 因此,当您从南瓜中舀出种子时

部分分开。 让它们风干一些,

并添加一些油。 马克建议使用
大量的盐。 他还添加了辣椒粉、辣椒

和其他香料来调味。 然后把
它们放进烤箱。 当它们开始弹出时,它们

已准备好被取出。 »哦,我听说了。

我也听到了。 哦! »它们确实在弹出,

所以我们可以将它们取出。 你注意到了吗,
马克把“他们”这个词简化为 schwa

和 M 音:嗯,嗯,把它们
拿出来。 这是

在日常讲话中减少“他们”一词的常用方法。 带他们出去,

还要注意 Mark 在“out”这个词上做了一个停
T。 他不释放它:out。 他只是简单地

将舌头伸到 T 的位置,
伸出,切断声音。 把他们拿出来。

再听一遍。 »它们确实在弹出,所以,
我们可以将它们取出。 »嗯,那些看起来很棒。

试一试。 嗯。 »紧缩? »嗯,嗯嗯。 真的很好
吃。 你觉得厨师怎么样,你

开心吗? »很开心。 // 回到南瓜。

与南瓜的其余部分分开。 皮肤不会



淡奶,一些香料。 如需完整配方,请
参阅 YouTube 视频下方的说明,

或者查看我网站上的链接。 现在劳拉

馅饼皮的所有成分。 »现在,我们推出地壳。

你在地壳下有什么? 我


塑料拉下来。 »我对我的馅饼很认真
,这是真的。 我喜欢好吃的馅饼。

好的,我想我们差不多准备好了。 现在,通常情况下,


底部一点也不湿。 快进,




会过分的 你有没有

会过分的 »
太多了。 哦,我的天哪,它会适合。 所有这

一切都会适合。 伙计们,那是一个完整的南瓜
。 »我们已经确定馅饼已经完成了。

于是,她从烤箱里出来了。 现在她又漂亮

让馅饼冷却几个小时。 »
这是成品。 不幸的是,


非常兴奋的雪:我们可能已经下雪了 6 英寸,
甚至更多,而且停电了。 它已经

出来了几个小时了。 我预计它
会持续一整晚。 所以,在光线不足的情况

哦耶。 所以,嗯,伙计,我不得不说,我对此感到非常

兴奋。 我不得不说。 在日常对话中,


……例如。 伙计,我得说,我对此感到非常

嗯嗯。 真的很棒。