How to make the N sound relating to the D position American English Pronunciation

I worked with a student recently to get a
good, clean N sound. One thing that helped

her was to think of the tongue position being
similar to the D. In this American English

pronunciation video, we’ll look at that concept.

The N position similar to the position of
the D. Let’s take the words ‘dice’ and ‘nice’.

For the D, dd, dd, you can see the tongue
position is raised here, where the front part

is touching just behind the front top teeth.
Dd, dd, dice. Now look at the position for

the N: nn, nn, nice. Again, it’s the very
front part of the tongue that’s raising and

touching right here. Nice. Dice, nice. So,
a good exercise to work on your N is to switch

back and forth between syllables that start
with a D and syllables that start with an

N. Da-da-da-da-da, na-na-na-na-na, for example.
Do use a mirror to make sure that it’s the

front part of your tongue that’s raising.
If it’s any part of the tongue further back

that’s touching the roof of the mouth, the
N is going to start to sound somewhat like

an NG. To have a very clean N sound, it needs
to be the very front part of the tongue that’s

making that movement.

I also want to point out that the jaw does
not have to close for the tongue to come in

to the N position. Na-na-na. In fact, if you
close the jaw every time you make the N, the

sound is going to get a little trapped, and
it’s going to be a lot more work. Let’s take

for example the word ‘banana’. Banana. Watch
my mouth as I say that. Banana. You can see

the jaw hardly has to move at all in that
word. All of the articulation happens with

the tongue. Banana, banana.

I hope this video will help you focus your
work to get a good, clean N sound. En-en-en-en-en.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

I’d like to take moment for a quick plug for
a new course I’m developing. It’s going to

be an 8-week conversation course that runs
in April and May of 2012. It will bring together

videos, audio clips, and exercise PDFs that
I’ve made for my private students. So, I’ll

be pulling in the topics that I find I work
on the most with my students. Each week is

structured with certain topics. There will
be a lot of drilling practice, and also opportunity

for you to record yourself and upload it for
my comment. There will also be group projects,

where you’ll be engaging in conversation with
one another. Because this is my first time

running such a course, I am offering it at
a discount, and I’m also limiting the number

of students to 30. So visit my website for
more information, and do consider signing

up. I really think it will take you a long
way in your pronunciation practice.

良好、干净的 N 声音。 帮助

类似于 D。在这个美式英语


N 位置类似于
D 的位置。让我们以“骰子”和“好”这两个词为例。

对于 D, dd, dd,你可以看到这里的舌头

dd,dd,骰子。 现在看看

N 的位置:nn,nn,nice。 再一次,

触碰。 好的。 骰子,不错 因此,
练习 N 的一个很好的练习是在

以 D 开头的音节和以 N 开头的音节之间来回切换

。 Da-da-da-da-da, na-na-na-na-na , 例如。


N 将开始听起来有点

像 NG。 要想发出非常干净的 N 音,它



进入 N 位置。 啦〜啦〜啦。 事实上,如果
你每次发出 N 时都合上下巴,

而且工作量会更大。 让我们

以“香蕉”这个词为例。 香蕉。
当我这么说的时候注意我的嘴。 香蕉。 你可以

词中移动。 所有的发音都发生

在舌头上。 香蕉,香蕉。

精力获得良好、干净的 N 声音。 恩恩恩恩恩。

就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的

我正在开发的一门新课程。 这将

是一个为期 8 周的对话课程,
在 2012 年 4 月和 5 月运行。它将汇集

我为我的私人学生制作的视频、音频剪辑和练习 PDF。 所以,我



我评论。 还将有小组项目

。 因为这是我第一次


学生人数限制在 30 人以内。所以请访问我的网站了解

注册。 我真的认为这会让