How to Pronounce Can vs. Cant American English Accent

Today I’m going to talk about the difference
between can and can’t. How to hear it, how

to say it. You’ve probably noticed that you
cannot rely on hearing – tt – a good T sound

because most Americans when they’re speaking
everyday speech –tt – don’t release final

T’s. First of all, if you haven’t seen the
video N’T contractions, watch that first.

In that video, you learned that the N’T is
pronounced nt. A nasal N sound here in the

nose cut very short byt a stop T. So let’s
compare the two words. Can. Can’t. Can, can’t.

What do you hear being different? Let’s not
even limit ourselves to just the sounds, but

anything. Can, can’t. Can you tell that the
first word is longer? The stop T of can’t

chops it, makes it a little more abrupt. Can,
can’t. This may be something that is difficult

for you to distinguish right now. But if you
know to listen for can: a little bit longer,

a little smoother, versus can’t, can’t: a
little shorter, a little bit more abrupt,

it may help you develop an ear for this. A
note on the pronunciation of the word can.

You’ve probably noticed that this word often
reduces. The ‘aa’ as in ‘bat’ vowel is changed

to the schwa. Kn, kn, kn, I can do it, kn.
The word can’t does not reduce. That vowel

sound never changes into the schwa sound.
So that’s another way to help you distinguish

between these two words. Let’s look at some
sentences. I can understand. I can’t understand.

Could you hear the difference? I can understand.
I can’t understand. Can, can’t, can, can’t.

The vowel sound is different because in the
first sentence it’s being reduced to the schwa.

And here. Can you help later? I can’t. I can.
I can’t. I can. Do you sense that the first

response is a little bit more abrupt? I can’t,
I can’t. And the second one a little bit more

relaxed. Can, can, can, a little smoother.
That one might have been a little harder because

the vowel didn’t change. I told her I can’t.
I told her I can. Again, the vowel is the

same in both of them. I told her I can’t.
I told her I can. But do you notice that the

last can, can: a little smoother and a little
bit longer. I told her I can’t.

More abrupt in that first sentence. You can
come. You can’t come. You can come. You can’t

come. In the first sentence the word can is
reduced so much – kn, kn, kn, kn – You can

come. It’s almost not even there. You can
come. You can’t come. So the two tricks here

are: 1) If the sound is abrupt and chopped,
can’t, can’t, then it’s the word can’t. And

  1. if the vowel sound changes to the schwa,
    then it’s the word can. Kn, kn, I can do it.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

can和cant的区别。 怎么听,

怎么说。 您可能已经注意到,您
不能依靠听力–tt–一个好的T 音,


的T。 首先,如果您还没有看过
N’T 宫缩视频,请先观看。

在该视频中,您了解到 N’T 的
发音为 nt。 鼻音中的鼻音 N

被塞音 T 截短。所以让我们
比较这两个词。 能。 不能。 可以,不能。

你听出什么与众不同? 让我们

任何东西。 可以,不能。 你能说
第一个词更长吗? 不能砍的停T

,让它更突兀一些。 可以,
不能。 这可能

是你现在很难区分的东西。 但如果你
知道听 can: 稍长

一点,更流畅一点,而不是 can’t,can’t:

它可能会帮助你培养耳朵。 一个

减少。 ‘bat’ 元音中的 ‘aa’

变为 schwa。 Kn,kn,kn,我能做到,kn。
词不能不减。 那个元音

永远不会变成 schwa 声音。

。 让我们看一些
句子。 我能理解。 我无法理解。

你能听出区别吗? 我能理解。
我无法理解。 能,不能,能,不能。

第一句话中它被简化为 schwa。

和这里。 以后能帮忙吗? 我不能。 我能。
我不能。 我能。 你觉得第一

反应有点突然吗? 我不能,
我不能。 第二个稍微

轻松一点。 能,能,能,顺滑一点。

因为元音没有改变。 我告诉她我不能。
我告诉她我可以。 同样,它们的元音是

相同的。 我告诉她我不能。
我告诉她我可以。 但是你有没有注意到

更长一点。 我告诉她我不能。

你可以来。 你不能来。 你可以来。 你不能

来。 在第一句话中,can这个词被

来。 它几乎不存在。
你可以来。 你不能来。 所以这里的两个技巧

是: 1)如果声音是突然的和断断续续的,

2)如果元音变成了 schwa,
那么它就是这个词。 Kn,Kn,我可以做到。

就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的