How to Pronounce ed verb endings American English Pronunciation

Today I’m going to talk about how to pronounce the past tense of regular verbs.

Regular verbs take the -ed ending in the past.

There are three different ways to pronounced the -ed.

How you pronounce it depends on the final sound of the verb in the infinitive form.

When the final sound of the verb in infinitive form is an unvoiced consonant sound,

then the -ed is also pronounced as an unvoiced consonant, and that is the tt, T sound.

For example, the word ‘pack’.

When you add the -ed, it becomes packed because the kk sound is unvoiced.

Other unvoiced sounds are pp, ff, ss, ch, sh, and th.

So any regular verbs that ends in one of these sounds

will have the -ed pronounced as the tt T sound.

The second case is when the final sound of the infinite verb

is a voiced consonant or a vowel or diphthong sound.

In this case the -ed is pronounced as the dd D sound, a voiced consonant.

For example, the verb ‘to save’.

The final sound is the vv V, voiced consonant sound,

so the -ed will take the dd, voiced D sound ending. Saved, saved.

Other voiced sounds are vv, bb, gg, th [e], zz, zh, rr, mm, nn , ng, ll.

So any regular verb ending in one of these consonant sounds,

or a vowel or diphthong sound, will take the dd sound when the -ed is added.

The final case is when the verb in the infinitive form ends in either a D or T sound.

In this case, the ending is pronounced with the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ vowel and the D sound.

For example, the verb ‘to land’.

It ends with the D sound, so the past tense of this regular verb is landed. -ed,

with the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ and the D sound. Landed.

Now we will look at some regular verbs.

Based on the information you just heard,

you should now be able to tell how the -ed will be pronounced.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound of the verb in the infinitive form ‘to bake’ is the K sound.

It’s unvoiced. Therefore the -ed is pronounced tt, unvoiced, with the T sound. Baked, baked.

How do you pronounce this word? In the infinitive, the final sound is the dd D sound.

Therefore it is case three,

ended, where the -ed is pronounced with the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ and the D sound. Ended.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound of the verb in infinitive form is the N consonant sound.

This is a voiced consonant.

Therefore it is case two where the -ed is pronounced as the D sound. Leaned, leaned.

How do you pronounce this word?

The infinitive form ‘to believe’ ends in the vv V consonant sound, which is voiced.

Therefore it is again case two, where the -ed is pronounced as the D sound. Believed.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound in infinitive form is sh, the unvoiced SH sound.

Since it is unvoiced, it is case one, where the -ed is pronounced as the T. Washed, washed.

How do you pronounce this sound?

In the infinitive, the final sound of the verb is pp, P, which is unvoiced.

Therefore it is case one, and the -ed is pronounced as a T. Flipped, flipped.

How do you pronounce this sound?

The final sound in the infinitive is the N consonant sound, nn, which is voiced.

Therefore it is case two, where the -ed is pronounced as the D sound. Turned, turned.

How do you pronounce this verb?

The final sound in the infinitive is the ‘ee’ as in ‘she’ vowel sound.

Since it is a vowel, it must be case two,

where the -ed is pronounced as the D sound. Carried, carried.

How do you pronounce this verb? The final infinitive sound is ss, the S sound.

That is unvoiced, so it is case one where the -ed is pronounced as the T sound. Missed, missed.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final infinitive sound is the tt T sound.

This means it is case three

where the -ed is pronounced as the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ with the D sound. Punted, punted.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound in the infinitive is the M consonant sound, mm; it is voiced.

Therefore it is case two and the -ed is pronounced as the D. Bummed. Bummed.

How do you pronounce this sound? The final sound in the infinitive is ff, the unvoiced F sound.

Since it is unvoiced, it is case one,

where the -ed is pronounced as the tt T sound. Laughed, laughed.
How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound in the infinitive is the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong.

Therefore it is case two and the -ed is pronounced as the D sound. Shied, shied.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound of the infinitive form of the verb is the tt, T sound.

Therefore it is case three,

where the -ed is pronounced as the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ with the D sound. Rested, rested.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound of the verb in infinitive form is ch: that is an unvoiced consonant sound.

Therefore it is case one where the -ed is pronounced as the T sound. Watched, watched.

How do you pronounce this word?

The final sound of the verb in the infinitive form is the dd, D sound.

Therefore it is case three,

where the -ed is pronounced as the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ with the D sound. Needed, needed.

Congratulations! Now you know how to pronounce regular verbs in the past tense.


规则动词在过去采用 -ed 结尾。






当您添加 -ed 时,它会变得紧凑,因为 kk 声音是清音的。

其他清音是 pp、ff、ss、ch、sh 和 th。


都将 -ed 发音为 tt T 声音。



在这种情况下,-ed 发音为 dd D 音,一个浊辅音。


最后的声音是 vv V,浊辅音,

所以 -ed 将采用 dd,浊 D 音结尾。 得救,得救。

其他浊音是 vv, bb, gg, th [e], zz, zh, rr, mm, nn, ng, ll。


或元音或双元音结尾的规则动词都将在添加 -ed 时采用 dd 音。

最后一种情况是动词不定式以 D 或 T 音结尾。

在这种情况下,结尾用“ih”发音,如“sit”元音和 D 音。


它以 D 音结尾,所以这个规则动词的过去时是落地的。 -ed,

与“坐”中的“ih”和D音。 登陆。



您现在应该能够分辨出 -ed 的发音方式。


动词不定式“to bake”的最后一个音是 K 音。

它是无声的。 因此,-ed 发音为 tt,清音,带有 T 音。 烤,烤。

这个词你怎么发音? 在不定式中,最后的声音是 dd D 声音。


,在第三种情况下,结尾的 -ed 发音为“ih”,如“sit”和 D 音。 结束。


动词不定式的最后发音是 N 辅音。


因此,在第二种情况下,-ed 发音为 D 音。 俯身,俯身。


“相信”的不定式以 vv V 辅音结尾,这是浊音。

因此,又是第二种情况,其中 -ed 发音为 D 音。 相信。


不定式形式的最后一个声音是 sh,即清音 SH 声音。

因为它是清音的,所以在第一种情况下,-ed 发音为 T。Washed,washed。


在不定式中,动词的最后一个声音是 pp,P,它是清音的。

因此,它是第一种情况,-ed 发音为 T。翻转,翻转。


不定式的最后一个声音是 N 个辅音,nn,它是浊音。

因此,在第二种情况下,-ed 发音为 D 音。 转了,转了。




其中 -ed 发音为 D 音。 携带,携带。

这个动词怎么发音? 最后的不定式音是 ss,即 S 音。

那是清音的,所以在第一种情况下,-ed 发音为 T 音。 错过了,错过了。


最后的不定式声音是 tt T 声音。


在第三种情况下,-ed 发音为“ih”,就像在“sit”中与 D 音一样。 踢,踢。


不定式的最后一个音是 M 辅音,mm; 它是有声的。

因此是第二种情况,-ed 发音为 D. Bummed。 闷闷不乐。

你怎么发音这个声音? 不定式的最后一个声音是 ff,即清音 F。


,-ed 发音为 tt T 音。 笑了,笑了。


因此是情况二,-ed 发 D 音。 害羞,害羞。


动词不定式的最后一个音是 tt, T 音。


在第三种情况下,-ed 发音为“ih”,就像在“sit”中与 D 音一样。 休息,休息。



因此,在第一种情况下,-ed 发音为 T 音。 看过,看过。


动词不定式的最后发音是 dd, D 音。


其中 -ed 发音为“ih”,就像在“sit”中与 D 音一样。 需要,需要。

恭喜! 现在你知道如何用过去式发音规则动词了。