How to Pronounce FAVORITE American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over the pronunciation of

the word ‘favorite’.

This week’s Word of the Week is ‘favorite’.
It can be pronounced with three syllables,

but most of the time you’ll hear it with two,
favorite, favorite. So, it begins with the

F consonant sound, ff, ff, then we have the
AY as in SAY diphthong. Make sure your jaw

drops for that first sound of the diphthong,
fa-, fa-. Then we have the V consonant sound,

same position as the F, only this time it’s
voiced, fav- fav. And the R consonant, IH

as in SIT vowel, T, -rite, -rite. It’s unstressed.
-rite. We may release the T, to make a True

T sound, or we may keep the tongue up in the
T position, and not release the T, making

it a stop sound. Favorite, favorite, or favorite,
favorite, with a light release. Favorite.

This is my favorite restaurant.

That’s it, your Word of the Week. Try it
out yourself. Make up a sentence with the

word, record it, and post it as a video response
to this video on YouTube. I can’t wait to

watch it.

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.




最喜欢的,最喜欢的。 因此,它以

F 辅音开头,ff, ff,然后我们有
AY,如 SAY 双元音。 确保您

听到双元音、fa-、fa- 的第一个声音时下巴都掉下来了
。 然后我们有V辅音,

浊音,fav-fav。 和 R 辅音,IH

如 SIT 元音,T,-rite,-rite。 它没有压力。
-仪式。 我们可以释放 T,发出真正的

T 音,或者我们可以将舌头保持在
T 位置,而不释放 T,

使其成为停止音。 最喜欢的,最喜欢的,或者最喜欢的,
最喜欢的,轻轻一放。 最喜欢的。


自己尝试一下。 用这个词组成一个句子

到 YouTube 上。 我等不及


感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。