How to Pronounce NT Contractions American English Pronunciation

Today we’re going to go over the N’T contractions
for the word not. You may have noticed as

you’ve listened to native speakers that you
can’t rely on hearing a good tt, released

T sound, shouldn’t tt, tt. You’ll more often
hear shouldn', without that release of the

T. So the T is pronounced as a stop consonant.
If you’re not familiar with what that means,

you’ll want to watch my video on the three
T pronunciations. Let’s look at an example

sentence. He shouldn’t be here. Shouldn’t,
shouldn’t, nt, nt, nt. Just imitate that sound

if you can. Nt, nt, nt. The N consonant is
a nasal consonant. We’ll look in a minute

at what that means, but for now just think
of it as being in the nose, nn, nn. And the

T here is a stop. Which means it’s going to
stop the sound. It’s going to be an abrupt,

short, n. The N sound, nn, NT, nt. So it’s
just a very quick sound here in the nose.

On its own, it’s unlike really any other sound
in English. It almost doesn’t even sound like

a speech sound. I also want to note that if
it’s adding a syllable to a word, like should/shouldn’t,

that it’s always going to be unaccented. So
it will be lower in pitch than the rest of

the word. Shouldn’t, shouldn’t. Here we have
the N and the T sounds next to each other.

You can see the tongue position is almost
the same. In both, the tongue reaches up and

touches the roof of the mouth just behind
the front teeth. The main difference is that

in the N, the soft palate is down. What that
means is that the air comes through here,

which is why you feel it so much in your nose.
In the T the soft palate is raised. So though

you won’t hear the T release, the T makes
makes itself known when the soft palate raises,

cutting off the sound. Now of course sometimes
you will hear native speakers pronounce the

T, like this: does, doesn’t. But most of the
time in conversation in the middle of a sentence,

you will not hear the T released. Let’s look
at some more NT contractions. Could, couldn’t,

couldn’t. I couldn’t see. Did, didn’t didn’t.
I didn’t find it. Would, wouldn’t, wouldn’t.

I wouldn’t if I were you. Does, doesn’t, doesn’t.
Doesn’t it hurt? Is, isn’t, isn’t. Isn’t that

strange? Was, wasn’t, wasn’t. Wasn’t that
good? Have, haven’t, haven’t. I haven’t been.

Some N’T contraction words are just one syllable.
For example, won’t and don’t. They still have

a shape, won’t, of tapering off at the end.
Won’t, don’t. They’re sort of funny sounding

words, they both have the ‘oh’ as in ‘no’
diphthong. Will not becomes won’t, won’t.

I won’t be there. Do not, don’t, don’t. I
don’t think so. If you’re wondering about

can vs. can’t, there will be a separate video
on that. So look for it in the future. I hope

that you better understand this chopped off
N sound in the nose, the N’T contraction.

That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s

not 这个词的 N’T 缩略词。 您可能已经注意到,当

不能依靠听到好的 tt,释放的

T 声音,不应该 tt,tt。 如果
没有 T 的释放,你会经常听到 should'

。所以 T 发音为停止辅音。

T 发音的视频。 我们来看一个

例句。 他不应该在这里。 不

如果可以的话,就模仿那个声音。 nt,nt,nt。 N辅音
是鼻辅音。 我们稍后会

把它想象成在鼻子里,nn,nn。 这里的

T 是一个停止。 这意味着它将
停止声音。 这将是一个突然的,

简短的,n。 N 音,nn,NT,nt。 所以它

。 它几乎听起来不像

是语音。 我还想指出,如果

,它总是不会重音。 所以

。 不应该,不应该。 在这里,我们
有 N 和 T 声音彼此相邻。

是一样的。 在这两种情况下,舌头都向上伸出并

的上颚。 主要区别在于,

在 N 中,软腭向下。 这

在 T 音中,软腭被抬高。 因此,尽管

您不会听到 T 的释放,
但当软腭升高时,T 会发出

声音,从而切断声音。 现在当然有时

T,像这样:does, doesn’t。 但大多数

你不会听到 T 的释放。 让我们
再看一些 NT 收缩。 可以,不能,

不能。 我看不见。 做过,没做过。
我没找到。 会,不会,不会。

如果我是你,我不会。 会,不会,不会。
不疼吗? 是,不是,不是。 这不是很

奇怪吗? 是,不是,不是。 那不是
很好吗? 有,没有,没有。 我没去过。

有些 N’T 收缩词只是一个音节。
例如,不会和不要。 它们仍然具有

不会,不要。 它们是听起来很有趣的

双元音一样。 不会变成不会,不会。

我不会在那里。 不要,不要,不要。 我
不这么认为。 如果您想知道

can 与 can’t,将会有一个单独的
视频。 所以在未来寻找它。 我

在鼻子里被切掉的 N 音,N’T 收缩。

就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的