Learn English with Video Amphibians and Reptiles

frog the green frog is in the water

croaking loudly croaking loudly Newt

two newts are under water in a pond

swimming in the water swimming and
playing snake the sea snake is swimming

near the coral reef silently slithering
in the water side to side back and forth

turtle the sea turtle is swimming in the
sea pushing and pulling pushing and


the green frog is in the water two newts
are underwater in a pond

the sea snake is swimming near the coral
reef the sea turtle is swimming in the


青蛙 绿蛙在水里

大声呱呱 呱呱叫 蝾螈


里 在水里游泳 游泳和
玩蛇 海蛇

在珊瑚礁附近游泳 静静地
在水中滑行 左右

来回 海龟在
海里游泳 推拉

推拉 绿蛙在水里 两只蝾螈
在池塘里 在水下

游泳 海龟在海里游泳