Learn English with Video Forest Animals

owl the owl is turning his head upside
down turning turning winking and turning


the grizzly bear is running in the river

splishing and splashing splishing and
splashing raccoon the raccoon is eating

peanuts in the forest cracking and
munching cracking and munching eagle the

eagle is flying and swooping for fish

flying and soaring soaring and snatching
beaver the beaver is nying wood in the

shallow water nying and nibbling lying
and nibbling the owl is turning his head

upside down the grizzly bear is running
in the river

the raccoon is eating peanuts in the
forest the eagle is flying and swooping

for fish the beaver is knowing wood in
the shallow water

猫头鹰 猫头鹰把头倒
过来 转 转 眨眼 转

熊 灰熊在河里

奔跑 溅
溅 溅 溅 浣熊 浣熊

在森林里吃花生 开裂和
咀嚼 开裂和咀嚼

老鹰在飞翔 俯冲钓鱼

飞翔 翱翔 翱翔 抢夺
海狸 海狸在

躺着啃啃 猫头鹰正在把头

倒过来 灰熊在

河里奔跑 浣熊在森林里吃花生
