Learn English with Video Negative Emotions

sad the sad teenager is sitting alone

lonely and moping moping and lonely
dislike the woman dislikes what she

hears matter and sadder yelling and
complaining scared the scared woman is

protecting her baby screaming and
trembling panicking and screaming

nervous the nervous businessman is
waiting for the interview

tapping his fingers tapping his feet

board the board father is ready to go
home checking his watch waiting


the sad teenager is sitting alone the
woman dislikes what she hears the scared

woman is protecting her baby the nervous
businessman is waiting for the interview

the bored father is ready to go home

伤心 伤心 伤心的少年独自

坐着 孤独闷闷 闷闷不乐
不喜欢 女人不喜欢她

听到的事 更伤心
大喊大叫 害怕 害怕 害怕的女人正在

保护她的孩子 尖叫和
颤抖 恐慌和尖叫

紧张 紧张的商人正在

敲击 他的手指敲着他的

脚板 父亲准备


女人不喜欢听到的声音 害怕的

女人在保护她的孩子 紧张的

采访 无聊的父亲 准备回家