Word Stress Acronyms American English Pronunciation

Today, a quick lesson in word stress. Did
you know, when you’re saying a series of initials,

that it’s the last one that’s stressed. For
example, the UN. The UN. Standing for the

United Nations. Also, CNN. CNN. That is the
Cable News Network, a popular news source

here in America. Let’s look at some more examples
in Praat.

Here in Praat we have the letters CVS. The
first time I’m saying it with the stress on

the last letter, and the second time, incorrectly,
with the stress on the first letter. CVS,

CVS. And in the speech analysis software Praat,
you can see the bump in tone here where the

stress happens. So, the first time it has
the stress at the end. And the second time

it has, incorrectly, the stress at the beginning.
Listen again. CVS [x4]

Other examples: MD, PhD. These you might find
behind someone’s name as their title. MD for

Medical Doctor, PhD for Doctor of Philosophy.
These are initials stating the degree that

someone has that you might say after their
name when introducing them. I’d like to introduce

to you Stan Smith, MD.
And a couple businesses: CVS. I’m not actually

sure what that stands for, but it’s the name
of a popular chain pharmacy there in the United

States. Then there’s IBM, a computer company.
IBM. Then there’s NPR, which stands for National

Public Radio, a great source for podcasts
that you may use in studying English. PBS,

PBS. The Public Broadcasting System. Also,
their website has lots of good videos for

English practice. So, it’s not a complicated
topic, but just like every topic in American

English pronunciation, mastering it will help
you sound more like a native speaker. That’s

it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s


例如,联合国。 联合国。 代表

联合国。 还有,美国有线电视新闻网。 美国有线电视新闻网。 那就是

。 让我们看一下
Praat 中的更多示例。

在普拉特,我们有字母 CVS。

用第一个字母上的重音。 CVS,

CVS。 在语音分析软件 Praat 中,

。 所以,第一次
在结尾处有压力。 第二

再听一遍。 CVS [x4]

其他示例:医学博士、博士。 您可能会


。 我想

向您介绍医学博士 Stan Smith。
还有一些业务:CVS。 我实际上


。 然后是IBM,一家计算机公司。
IBM。 然后是 NPR,它代表国家

是您在学习英语时可以使用的播客的重要来源。 PBS,

PBS。 公共广播系统。 此外,

英语练习视频。 所以,这不是一个复杂的

你听起来更像一个母语人士。 就是

这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的