ZZ vs. JJ buzz vs. budge Sounds American English Pronunciation

Buzz, budge. Can you say these two words,
or does the ending confuse you? In this American

English pronunciation video, we’re going to
go over these two sounds.

Today we’re comparing the ZZ and the JJ sound.
One of the differences is that the zz sound

can be held continuously, zzzz. The JJ sound,
on the other hand, has a stop component, jj,

jj, jj, jj. So I have to pulse that because
there’s a stop in the airflow. But the difference

between these two sounds doesn’t stop there.
There’s a difference in the tongue position

and also the lip position. Let’s look at some

First, let’s look at the lip position. You
can see in the left, in the zz sound, that

the lips are more relaxed. The corners are
actually pulling out a little bit. But in

the jj sound, on the left, there’s more tension
in the lips. The corners of the lips are coming

in, bringing the lips into a circle, while
the lips themselves flare out. For the Z sound,

the tongue tip touches lightly behind the
bottom front teeth while the front part pushes

up a bit. In the jj sound, the tongue tip
isn’t touching. So it’s pulled slightly back

while the front part of the top of the tongue
is lifting towards the roof of the mouth.

Now let’s look at a minimal pair up close
and in slow motion.

Jest. you can clearly see how the lips come
in but also flare for the jj sound. And now,

zest, where the corners of the lips remain
wide for the Z sound.

More minimal pairs: jealous, zealous. Joan,
zone. Jenn, zen. Fridge, frizz. Budge, buzz.

If you have difficulties with these two sounds,
you’re probably going to have to practice

them over and over in isolation. Then bring
them into just a word part, and then eventually

the whole word. You’re going to have to do
it slowly, thoughtfully, and repetitiously

in order to get the correct sound into your

Take, for example, the word ‘enjoy’, with
the jj sound. First, practice just the sound.

Jj, jj, jj, jj. Then the sound as part of
a syllable. -joy. [5x] Then bring it into

the entire word. Enjoy. [3x]

Or, the word ‘dozen’, with the zz sound. First,
isolate just the sound. Zz, zz, zz, zz, zz.

Then, that sound as part of a syllable. -zen.
[6x] And then, as part of the whole word.

Dozen. [5x]

I hope this video has helped to make it more
clear: the difference between these two sounds.

That’s it, and thanks so much
for using Rachel’s English.

嗡嗡声,让步。 你能说这两个词,
还是结局让你感到困惑? 在这个美式



可以连续保持zz音,zzzz。 另一方面,JJ 声音

jj,jj,jj。 所以我必须脉冲,


和嘴唇的位置都有所不同。 让我们看一些

首先,让我们看看嘴唇的位置。 您
可以在左边的 zz 音中

看到,嘴唇更加放松。 角落
实际上拉了一点。 但是

在 jj 音中,左边的嘴唇更加紧张
。 嘴唇的角

而嘴唇本身则向外张开。 对于 Z 音


稍微向上推。 在 jj 音中,
舌尖不接触。 因此



笑话。 你可以清楚地看到嘴唇是如何进入
的,而且 jj 的声音也很耀眼。 现在,


更多最小的配对:嫉妒,热心。 琼,
区域。 詹,禅。 冰箱,毛躁。 让步,嗡嗡声。


孤立地一遍又一遍地练习它们。 然后把

整个单词。 你将


以带有 jj 音的单词“enjoy”为例
。 首先,只练习声音。

jj,jj,jj,jj。 然后将声音
作为音节的一部分。 -喜悦。 [5x] 然后把它

带入整个单词。 享受。 [3x]

或者,“打”这个词,带有 zz 音。 首先,
只隔离声音。 ZZ,ZZ,ZZ,ZZ,ZZ。

然后,该声音作为音节的一部分。 -禅。
[6x] 然后,作为整个单词的一部分。

打。 [5x]


感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。