Top 10 Phrasal Verbs for Business in English

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Hi everybody. Welcome back to top words. My name is Alisha

And today we’re gonna talk about 10 phrasal verbs for business. So let’s go

step up

The first phrasal verb is step up step up means to move up or to level up

Usually to some kind of new challenging position or to a challenging project

So I want to step up and do more for my company or I want to step up and take on this project

There’s a nuance of a challenge a move upward a promotion perhaps and new challenges new

Responsibilities so in a sentence the new CEO really stepped up on this project great

step down

The next word is the opposite step down to step down

Often means to resign or to quit one’s job, especially at the higher levels of business

so a CEO might step down from his position or her position if they’ve made a big mistake or if the company has had

Problems so sometimes this can mean resign

Sometimes this means just moving to a lower position in the company

You can you’ll have to look into the specifics of the situation

To figure out exactly the meaning but step down means to go to a position of lower

Responsibility. So in a sentence following multiple serious mistakes the government official stepped down

measure up

The next expression is measure up measure up is a word or a phrasal verb that we use to mean compare

We say how does something measure up or does this measure up to?

meaning is

item a

Equal to item B is item a better than item B

This is a question or a word that we use to ask how one thing compares to another thing

So like how does candidate a measure up to candidate B is a question of comparison between these two these two items

Or does this project measure up to our past work?

In other words is this project equal to or is it comparable to our past works?

So measure up is used when comparing two things

So in a sentence, how does the new plan measure up to our past ideas?

step aside

The next expression we’ve talked about step up step down now. We’ll talk about step aside. So step aside

Means to move out of the way

It doesn’t mean necessarily to move up in in position or to move down in position

But step aside means just temporarily to remove someone or to remove yourself from a situation

So you can use this not just in business

But maybe in a very crowded space like let’s step aside and have this

Discussion you can use that in a business meeting as well - step aside is to remove

yourself from a main group or from one situation

Go away from that situation

Temporarily mmm. That’s how we use step aside

So in a sentence the company feels you should step aside like please move away from this project

swoop in

The next expression is swoop in swoop in so we use swoop for example with birds

We can say the bird swooped in but in a business situation

it’s somebody usually someone a person or maybe a team that

Suddenly joins the company or suddenly joins a project and maybe makes a lot of changes

so for example a a consulting firm might swoop in to a situation or might swoop in to a project or

Maybe the boss swooped in to the meeting and made a lot of changes. So these

These sentences these are situations where something

suddenly happens by a one person or by a group of people in another sentence the consultant swooped in and changed around our

entire organization

Shake up

The next phrasal verb is shake up shake up means to make a lot of changes at one time or two maybe change

Atmosphere or to change a company feeling this can also be applied to situations

Outside of work like maybe art for example other industries

manufacturing industry it means to make changes for so one person or one group makes changes so you could say for example

Apple shook up the

Smartphone industry when it introduced the iPhone so it means to make changes or to bring about new change in a sentence

She really shook up our department with her innovative ideas

Come online

The next expression is come online come online. So this is interesting

Of course, you’re watching this video presumably probably on the internet online right now

But the expression come online means become able to use something

Usually publicly or at least within your company

So when a new project comes online, it means it’s it’s now available

It can be used or it can be purchased. We typically use this expression for some kind of service

so for example a web platform or

An application or something that other people can use so come online means become available

Come online means become available in a sentence then our new service is going to come online at the end of the month

expand into

The next expression is expand into expand into so we can use expand into to mean moving

More or moving to another place or to another industry with your business

operations so we can use perhaps a country or a region after this expression or we can use an

Industry name after this expression so you can say we want to expand into China

We want to expand into Japan with our business or you can say we want to expand into the electronics industry

We want to expand into the service industry


Into something talks about the direction

You want your company to move in expand into so in a sentence. We’d like to expand into some other markets

to bring about

The next expression is to bring about to bring about means to make something happen to cause something to happen

We often use this to talk about change. I can be positive or it can be negative

I feel I tend to use this more in a positive situation, but that might just be me

So to bring about means to cause something or yet to make something happen

In a sentence, don’t you think we should try to bring about change in our company?

Take on the next expression is take on so take on if you if you can kind of make a visual

With this phrasal verb, you can take something and attach it to yourself to take on

something but this thing you’re taking is


So to take on something it has the nuance of a challenge or a new responsibility

It’s something that is generally seen as positive

But perhaps could be maybe a lot of new work or a big new project. For example

So I might say I want to take on some new

Projects this year or you could use it outside of business like in a kind of aggressive

Situation like like I tried to take on a really big guy at the club, but he punched me so

You could use this too, but it has the nuance of challenge ever every time you use it

So in a different sentence I was asked to take on more

Responsibilities at the office. Oh

That’s the end. So those are 10 - phrasal verbs for business

I hope that those are useful for you if they are

Please let us know in the comments

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大家好。 欢迎回到热门词汇。 我的名字是

Alisha 今天我们要讨论 10 个商务短语动词。 So let’s go


up 第一个短语动词是 step up step up 意思是提升或升级


所以我想加强并为我的公司做更多的事情或我想要 加强并承担这个项目



的下台下一个词是相反的下台 下台



所以有时这可以 意味着辞职




。 所以在一个句子中,在多次严重错误之后,政府官员下台了


up 下一个表达是 measure up measure up 是我们用来表示比较的单词或短语动词




等于项目B 是项目a 比项目B 更好


所以就像候选人如何衡量候选人B 是一个比较问题 在这两个这两个项目之间




了measure up 一句话,新计划如何衡量我们过去的想法?

step aside

我们讨论过的下一个表达式 step up step down now。 我们将讨论靠边站。 所以

让开 意思是让开



所以你可以用这个不是 只是在业务中





暂时嗯 . 这就是我们如何使用让步

所以在一个句子中,公司觉得你应该让步,比如请离开这个项目 swoop

in 下一个表达是 swoop in swoop in 所以我们用 swoop 例如和鸟

我们可以说鸟猛扑进来但是 在商业环境



改变,例如咨询公司可能会突然进入某个情况或可能会突然加入一个项目 或者

也许老板突然参加会议并做出了很多改变。 所以这些




摇动下一个短语动词是摇动摇动意味着做很多 一两次的变化可能会改变



制造业,这意味着为一个人或一组人做出改变,所以 你可以说,比如


推出 iPhone 时震动了智能手机行业,所以这句话的意思是做出改变或带来新的改变


我们部门 在线的。 所以这很有趣




所以当一个新项目上线时,这意味着 它现在可用

它可以使用或可以购买。 我们通常将此表达用于某种



的东西所以上网意味着可用 月底


成 下一个表达是展开成 展开成 因此我们可以使用展开成来表示移动


运营,因此我们可以在此之后使用一个国家或地区 表达,或者我们可以






你希望你的公司进入的方向用扩展成一句话。 我们想扩展到其他一些市场



我们经常用这个来谈论改变。 我可以是积极的,也可以是

消极的 认为我们应该尝试为我们的公司带来改变?

Take on 下一个表达是 take on 所以如果你能做一个视觉效果的



的事情 这通常被视为积极的事情

但也许可能是很多新工作或一个新的大项目。 例如,



情况下,就像我试图在俱乐部里接一个非常大的家伙,但他打了我 所以



责任。 哦,就

这样结束了。 所以这些是 10 个商务短语动词




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