150 Phrases Every English Beginner Must Know

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he’s leaving now he’s leaving now

let’s leave in 20 minutes let’s leave in

20 minutes

can we leave around six can we leave

around six

it’s noon it’s noon

it’s three o’clock it’s three o’clock

it ends in 30 minutes it ends in 30


it’s almost dusk it’s almost dusk

be here before noon be here before noon

this weekend i’m going to the movies

this weekend i’m going to the movies

what are you doing this weekend

what are you doing this weekend

have time next week i’ll have time next


i’m busy this week i’m busy this week

i have no money i have no money

leave me alone leave me alone

i want to go here i want to go here

i’m looking for this place

i’m looking for this place

they took my phone they took

my phone

this area is dangerous this area is


can i make a call can i make a call

how can we fix this how can we fix


there’s been a misunderstanding

there’s been a misunderstanding

it wasn’t me it wasn’t me

it’s across the street from a library

it’s across the street from a library

there was a car accident there was a car


it was in my bag it was in my bag

she lost her key she lost her key

here is my contact number here is my

contact number

she was wearing a red shirt and jeans

she was wearing a red shirt and jeans

i need a doctor i need a doctor

call the police call the police

i got lucky i got lucky

it’s no big deal it’s no big deal

it’s not as good as he says

it’s not as good as he says

i’m shy i’m shy

i’m so embarrassed i’m so embarrassed

i’m in a bad mood i’m in a bad mood

i don’t feel like going i don’t feel

like going

be careful be careful

i’m still thinking about that i’m still

thinking about that

i’m 100 certain

i’m 100 certain

i almost made it i almost made it

it’s not funny at all it’s not funny at


i’ve changed i’ve changed

i won’t do it again i won’t do it again

i’m really nervous i’m really nervous

i’m worried i’m worried

that’s a horrible thing to say

that’s a horrible thing to say

i don’t have time for this i don’t have

time for this

if you got something to say say it

if you got something to say say it

it’s none of your business it’s none of

your business

i’m sad when i think of her i’m sad when

i think of her

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i’ll stay at the central hotel

i’ll stay at the central hotel

i’m here on business i’m here on


how many people are there in your family

how many people are there in your family

i went to new york on business

i went to new york on business

sign here please sign here please

i’m afraid i can’t make it

i’m afraid i can’t make it

never mind

never mind

don’t mention it don’t mention it

have you ever been here before

have you ever been here before

about two weeks about two weeks

is there something wrong is there

something wrong

i’m here to visit family

i’m here to visit family

it’s true it’s true

we’ll give you a call we’ll give you a


is this your first time with us

is this your first time with us

is the water too cold is the water too


i’ll leave it up to you i’ll leave it up

to you

what day is it today what day is it


today is wednesday today is wednesday

the day after tomorrow is friday

the day after tomorrow is friday

monday is the worst day of the week

monday is the worst day of the week

it’s already sunday it’s already sunday

we’ll arrive 30 minutes early

we’ll arrive 30 minutes early

it looks like it will take about 30 more

minutes to get there

it looks like it will take about 30 more

minutes to get there

the flight will arrive at 8 45 pm

the flight will arrive at 8 45 pm

she’ll be here by 7 pm she’ll be here by

7 pm

this is fun this is fun

are you having fun are you having fun

i am disappointed i am disappointed

i can’t take anymore i can’t take


it’s too expensive it’s too expensive

what time is it what time is it

i’d like to exchange money i’d like to

exchange money

i’d like to make a withdrawal i’d like

to make a withdrawal

i’d like to open an account i’d like to

open an account

i’d like to make a deposit i’d like to

make a deposit

could i have a statement please

could i have a statement please

do you have any identification

do you have any identification

go back go back

are there any annual charges with this


are there any annual charges with this


can you come back later can you come

back later

sorry we’re completely booked

sorry we’re completely booked

can i have a receipt please can i have a

receipt please

can i have a bag please can i have a bag


i’ll take one of this i’ll take one of


what’s that what’s that

ready to start ready to start

what is a good time for you what is a

good time for you

it’s only tuesday it’s only tuesday

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slower please slower please

i don’t understand i don’t understand

once again please once again please

it’s difficult it’s difficult

make yourself at home make yourself at


nice to meet you nice to meet you

hello hello

good morning good morning

good afternoon good afternoon

good evening good evening

good night good night

sorry to keep you waiting sorry to keep

you waiting

how are you how are you

how have you been how have you been

i’m good i’m good

this is for you this is for you

thank you thank you

you’re welcome you’re welcome

what’s your phone number what’s your

phone number

how old are you how old are you

where are you from where are you from

where do you live where do you live

what is it what is it

awesome awesome

delicious delicious

i like it i like it

i don’t like it i don’t like it

help help

i’m sorry i’m sorry

don’t worry don’t worry

it’s okay it’s okay

really really

please please

please forgive me please

forgive me

long time no see long time no


goodbye goodbye

bye bye bye bye

thank you very much thank you very much

i want to eat i want to eat

i’m planning to go tomorrow

i’m planning to go tomorrow

what’s this what’s this

where is the bathroom where is the


how much is this how much is this

i’m fine i’m fine

may i sit here may i sit here

how long will you stay how long will you


i have a fever i have a fever

please write it down please write it


it looks great it looks great

do you like it do you like it

what’s the next stop what’s the next


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离开让我们在 20 分钟后离开让我们离开

20 分钟

我们可以在 6 点左右离开吗 我们可以

在 6

点左右离开吗 中午

中午 3 点钟 3

点钟 30 分钟结束 30 分钟结束

快黄昏 快

黄昏了 中午之前到这里 中午之前到这里






我这周很忙我很忙 这周很忙

我没钱 我没钱 别管

我 别管我

我想去这里 我想去这里



他们拿走了我的手机 他们拿走了


这个 这个地区很危险 这个地区很


我可以做一个吗 电话 我可以打个电话

我们如何解决这个问题 我们如何解决




不是我 不是我


的街对面 它在图书馆的街对面

发生车祸 发生车祸

它在我的包里 它在我的包里

她丢了她的钥匙 她丢了她的钥匙

这是我的联系电话 这是我的



她穿着红色衬衫 还有牛仔裤

我需要医生 我需要医生


我很幸运 我很幸运

这没什么大不了 没什么

大不了 没有他说

的那么好 没有他说的那么好


我很害羞 我很尴尬 我很尴尬

我心情不好 我心情

不好 我不想去 我不想

去 小心点 小心点

我还在想 我还在




一点都不好笑 一点都不好笑

我变了 我变了

我不会再这样做了 我不会再这样做了

我真的很紧张 我真的很紧张



了 当我想到她时我很难过 当我想到她时我很难过

从第一堂课开始就想讲真正的英语 在englishclass101.com



我会住在中央酒店 我会住在

中央酒店 我来这里出差 我来这里


你家有多少人 你家有




请在此处签名 请在此处签名

恐怕我做不到 我害怕我做不到 没关系

没关系 别提 不要提

你曾经是她吗 e

以前 你来过这里

大约两周 大约

两周 有什么问题

吗 有什么问题吗



这是真的 这是真的

我们会给你一个电话 我们会 给你打个

电话 这是你第一次和我们在一起


水太冷 水太冷

我由你决定 我由你

决定 今天是什么日子 今天是


今天是星期三 今天是

星期三 后天是

星期五 后天是星期五


中最糟糕的一天 星期一是一周中最糟糕的一天

已经是星期天 已经是星期天了

我们将在 30 分钟后到达

早 我们将提前 30 分钟到达

看起来需要大约 30


看起来需要大约 30


到达 航班将在晚上 8 点 45 分

到达 航班将在晚上 8 点 45 分到达

她将在晚上 7 点之前到这里 她将在

晚上 7 点之前

到这里 这很有趣 这我 s

fun 你玩得开心吗 你玩得开心吗

我很失望 我很失望

我受不了了 我受不了

了 太贵了 太贵


我想提款 我


我想开户 我想


我想存款 我想 存款

可以给我一份对账单 请给

我一份对账单 请



回去 回去



是否有任何年费 这个帐户是否有任何年费

你能回来吗 稍后你能回来吗






我要一个 ‘将采取其中之一

是什么 那是什么

准备开始 准备开始

wh 现在是你的好时机 什么是你的


只是星期二 只是星期二


免费获得创新的语言 101 应用程序

慢点 请慢点 请慢点

我不明白 我

再一次不明白 请再一次 请

很难 很难

让自己在家 让自己在家

很高兴见到你 很高兴见到你

你好 早上好 早上

好 下午

好 晚上

好 晚上好 晚安

抱歉让你久等 抱歉让你久等


好吗 你好吗 你好吗



你从哪里来 你

从哪里来 你住在哪里 你住在哪里


很棒 很棒

美味 美味

我喜欢 我喜欢

我不喜欢 id 不喜欢


帮助 对不起 对不起

不要担心 不要担心

没关系 没关系

真的 真的

请原谅我 请


好久不见 好久没有


goodbye goodbye

bye bye bye

再见 非常感谢 非常感谢

我想吃 我想吃



这是什么 这是什么 这

是卫生间 在哪里 卫生间在哪里 这是

多少钱 这是多少钱 这个

我很好 我很好

我可以坐在这里 我可以坐在这里

你会呆多久 你会呆多久

我发烧了 我发烧了

请写下来 请写下来

看起来很棒 看起来

很棒 你喜欢吗 你喜欢

下一站是什么 下一站是什么