English Listening Comprehension At an American Restaurant

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man and a woman are looking over a
menu at a restaurant what’s the man

going to order what are you going to
order the pizza looks delicious I think

I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday
so okay then what about the hamburger

sounds good
I’ll go with that

what’s the man going to order

a man and a woman are looking over a
menu at a restaurant what’s the man

going to order what are you going to
order the pizza looks delicious I think

I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday
so okay then what about the hamburger

sounds good
I’ll go with that did you get it right I

hope you learned something from this
quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time

首先你会看到一张图片 然后是一个

问题 接下来是一个简短的对话

正确回答 我们会

餐厅的菜单 那个人

要点什么 你要点
什么 披萨看起来很好吃 我想

我会去 昨天我吃了披萨
所以好吧 那么汉堡包



在餐厅里看菜单 男人

要点什么 你要点
什么 披萨看起来很好吃 我想

我会去 昨天我吃了披萨
所以好吧 那怎么样 汉堡
