English Listening Comprehension Finding A Friends Apartment in The U.S.A

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a woman will be visiting her friend’s

what is her friend’s apartment number

can’t wait for your party on Sunday me
too it starts at 12 o’clock right your

apartment is 1 0 1 8 isn’t it yes that’s
right my apartment is in a two building

complex with an east and west tower my
room is 1 0 1 8 in the East Building ok

please call me if you have any questions
will do thank you

what is her friend’s apartment number

a woman will be visiting her friend’s

what is her friend’s apartment number
can’t wait for your party on Sunday me

too it starts at 12 o’clock right your
apartment is 1 0 1 8 isn’t it yes that’s

right my apartment is in a two building
complex with an east and west tower my

room is 1 0 1 8 in the East Building ok
please call me if you have any questions

will do thank you

did you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time

首先你会看到一张图片 然后是一个

问题 接下来是一个简短的对话

正确回答 我们会


什么 是她朋友的公寓号码

也是 12 点开始,你的

公寓是 1 0 1

8 西塔 我的
房间是东楼的 1 0 1 8 好的,



是多少 一位女士将访问她朋友的

公寓 她朋友的公寓号码是多少
等不及 星期天你的聚会我

也是 12 点开始的 对吧 你的
公寓是 1 0 1 8 对

不对 我的公寓在一个东西两座塔楼的两栋建筑
群里 我的

房间是 1 0 1 8 在东楼好的,


你做对了吗 我希望你从这个测验中学到了
一些东西 如果

你有任何问题请告诉我们 下次见