How to Talk About Music in English Basic English Phrases

hi everybody and welcome back to top

words my name is Alisha and today we’re
going to be talking about ten words you

can use to talk about music so let’s go
concert the first word for talking about

music is concert concert is a live show
concert is yeah the performance is

happening in front of your eyes so
concerts are really popular worldwide I

think depending on where you live you
might hear them called live shows but

usually in American English we just say
concert a concert so in a sentence I’m

going to a concert this weekend to see
in concert the next expression is the

verb we use for a live show so the next
expression is to see in a concert or to

see in concert so we use the artist’s
name along with this phrase so for

example I’m going to see Coldplay in
concert I’m going to see Adele in

concert so you use I’m going to see
artist name in concert or in a concert

what are say in concert or in a concert
both are okay so in a different sentence

I’m going to see my favorite band in
concert meaning live who do I want to

see you in concert I want to see Michael
Jackson in concert yeah I would have

loved to see him in concert he’s my
favorite to listen to music to listen to

artist the next word or the next phrase
is to listen to Plus music or to listen

to an artist so you can use this verb
with the type of music or with the

specific artist or band or group that
you like so I like to listen to rock

music I like to listen to pop music
whatever another sentence is I like

listening to Beyonce I like yes so you
can use to listen to or listening to

both are fine here I like listening to
funk it’s fine I like listening to funky

artists is fine I like listening to
Queens of the Stone Age it’s fine all of

these are great who do you listen to I
listen to to write a song to write music

the next expression is to write a song
or to write music so if you want to make

music yourself you can say write a song
which just means one song maybe three or

four minutes usually in popular music or
to write music in general so you can use

both of these expressions song is more
specific music is more general so in a

sentence my friend started writing songs
recently or in a different sentence

writing music is really fun track the
next expression is track track so we can

use song yes but for example when you
look at an album like on iTunes or maybe

like a CD for example each each song is
assigned a number that’s the track

number so we can say I like track number
3 or track 3 we use track to talk about

a song so you can say this is a good
song or this is a good track both are ok

to use song and track are both fine so
in a sentence I really like that track

from his album beat the next word is
beat so the beat is sort of the feeling

of a song that usually it’s easy to hear
because there’s like a bass drum or

there’s some kind of heavy feeling it
gives you the sense of rhythm of a song

so in a sentence we would say like song
should have a catchy beat or that that

that song has a really catchy beat or I
like the beat of that song tempo so

tempo the next word is tempo tempo means
the pace of a song how fast or how slow

a song goes so you can have songs with a
fast tempo or with a slow tempo or

somewhere in between so you can change
the tempo of a song and maybe change the

in a sentence tracks with a slow tempo

are nice on quiet evenings
upbeat the next word is upbeat so this

word uses beat which we talked about
before but upbeat this is an adjective

that we use for something maybe it’s a
faster tempo song maybe it sounds kind

of positive or a cheerful a little bit
happy so an upbeat track or an upbeat

song sounds maybe it has it has a good
positive feeling about it or a good

positive vibe something like that so in
a sentence this song is really upbeat

upbeat we can use upbeat for people to
like my best friend is really upbeat

something positive or happy down tempo
next we’ll go to maybe the opposite of

upbeat the next word is down tempo tempo
means pace and down meaning like

decreased or slower so a down tempo song
has a slow tempo it’s more relaxed yeah

maybe it’s good for just kind of hanging
out or it’s a little bit slow or maybe

you hear this at a restaurant or a cafe
perhaps a down tempo song so in a

sentence I like down tempo music genre
the next word is a great pronunciation

point for many students its genre genre
so not John do or Gen ray I don’t know

but genre is the correct pronunciation
of this word genre means the type of

music you can use genre to talk about
movies as well books too but it means

the type of something so type of maybe
art you could consider or type of

creativity so genre into in music is for
example rock pop funk house old disco

heavy metal classical country rap hip
hop blues all these are genres of music

so there types of music you can say what
type of music do you like or what genre

of music do you listen to so in a
sentence I listen to lots of different

genres of music okay that’s the
and so those are ten words that you can

use to talk about music in English if
there are other words that you use to

talk about music or if you have any
questions please leave us a comment and

let us know about it thanks very much
for watching this video also if you

liked this video please make sure to hit
the thumbs up button and if you haven’t

subscribed to us please be sure to
subscribe to us too so you don’t miss

any fun stuff thanks very much for
watching this episode of top words and

we’ll see you again soon Mike



音乐会吧 谈论音乐的第一个词

是音乐会 音乐会是现场表演
音乐会 是的,表演正在


to a Concert this week to see
in concert 下一个表达是



例如 I ’m going to see Coldplay in
concert I’m going to see Adele in

concert so you use I’m going to see
artist name in concert or in a Concert

what are say in concert or in a Concert
both are OK so in a different 句子

I’m going to see my 最喜爱的 band in
con cert 意思是 live



听 Plus 音乐或



音乐 我喜欢听流行音乐

听 Beyonce 我喜欢是的,所以你


石器时代的皇后乐队很好 所有




流行音乐中通常三四分钟的歌曲 c or
to write music in general so you can use

both these Expressions song is more
specific music is more general so in a

sentence 我的朋友最近开始写歌


查看 iTunes 上的专辑或

CD 时,例如,每首歌曲都

3 或我们使用的曲目 3 track to talk about

a song so you can say this is a good
song or this is a good track both are ok

to use song and track are both fine so
in a sentence I really like that track

from his album beat 下一个词是
beat 所以节拍是一种歌曲的感觉



所以在一个句子中,我们会说 like song
should 有一个朗朗上口的节拍或

那首歌有一个重新 ally catchy beat or I
like the beat of that song tempo so

tempo 下一个词是 tempo tempo 表示歌曲
的节奏 歌曲的节奏有多快或多慢


某处的歌曲 介于两者之间,所以你可以改变

句子中的感觉 慢节奏的曲目

乐观 下一个词是乐观的,所以这个

但乐观 这是一个

我们用来形容某事的形容词 也许它是一
首速度较快的歌曲 也许它听起来

快乐 所以一首乐观的曲目或一首乐观的


积极氛围 类似的东西 所以在
一个句子中 这首歌真的很乐观

upbeat 我们可以用乐观让人们

是节奏的意思 d down 意思是


song so in a

sentence I like down tempo music
genre 下一个词对许多学生来说是一个很好的发音

点 它的流派流派
所以不是 John do 或 Gen ray 我不知道,





重金属古典 Country rap hip
hop blues 所有这些都是音乐类型,










我们 很快就会再见到你迈克