Weekly English Words with Alisha Commonly Lookedup Words

Is it recording? Hi there! Welcome back to
Weekly Words. My name is Alisha, and today

we’re going to talk about commonly looked-up words. These are words that are the most commonly

searched for on Merriam Webster Online, which is a popular English dictionary. So let’s

get started.

The first word is “pretentious.” “Pretentious” is a word that means you’re “trying to

impress other people,” or someone who tries to impress other people by making themselves

seem more exciting or more important or cooler than they really are. In a sentence, you might

say, “My co-worker is so pretentious. He’s
always exaggerating stories to make himself

seem important.” Don’t be pretentious.

The next word is “ubiquitous.” “Ubiquitous” just means “something that you see everywhere.”

Smart-ferns… Smartphones… sorry, I’m
still laughing at “smart-ferns.” It’s

a fern that’s really smart. You can tell
when you need extra oxygen. In a sentence,

uh, you might say, “Smartphones are ubiquitous. Everybody has one now, and I have one too.”

“Albeit.” “Albeit” just means “although.”
In a sentence, “She was making progress,

albeit rather slowly.”

Next word is “ambiguous.” “Ambiguous”
just means something that’s, the meaning’s

not really very clear to you. Maybe, uh, if
you’re reading the newspaper, for example,

a sentence is written kind of strangely. You might say, “Hm, the meaning of this is rather


Alright. “Love.” Really? Baby, don’t
hurt me. “Love” is just that intense feeling

where you really, really like somebody else. Could be your family member, it could be a

partner, a romantic partner, whatever. It
could be a food you really like as well. Just

anytime you have that really deep, strong
emotion, you can use the word “love.”

For example, “I love pizza. It’s my favorite
food.” K.

End! That’s the end of commonly searched-for words in the dictionary. I hope you learned

a few new things. Give them a try, and we
will see you again next time for more Weekly Words. Bye!

是录音吗? 你好呀! 欢迎回到
每周词汇。 我的名字是 Alisha,今天


这些是在流行的英语词典 Merriam Webster Online 上最常搜索的单词。 所以让


第一个词是“自命不凡”。 “自命不凡”这个词的意思是你“


看起来比实际更令人兴奋、更重要或更酷来给别人留下深刻印象的人。 用一句话,你可能会

说:“我的同事太自命不凡了。 他

看起来很重要。” 不要自命不凡。

下一个词是“无处不在”。 “无处不在”的意思是“随处可见的东西”。

还在嘲笑“智能蕨类植物”。 这是

一种非常聪明的蕨类植物。 您可以判断
何时需要额外的氧气。 用一句话,

呃,你可能会说,“智能手机无处不在。 现在每个人都有一个,我也有一个。”

“尽管如此。” “尽管”只是意味着“虽然”。


下一个词是“模棱两可的”。 “模棱两可”

对你来说并不是很清楚。 也许,呃,如果

一个句子写得有点奇怪。 你可能会说:“嗯,这个意思比较


好吧。 “爱。” 真的吗? 宝贝,别
伤害我。 “爱”就是那种强烈的感觉

,你真的,真的很喜欢别人。 可以是你的家人,也可以是

伴侣,浪漫伴侣,等等。 它


例如,“我喜欢披萨。 这是我最喜欢的
食物。” K.

结束! 这就是字典中常用搜索词的结尾。 我希望你学到

了一些新东西。 试一试,我们
下次再见,了解更多每周词汇。 再见!