Weekly English Words with Alisha Heteronyms

Hi, I’m Alisha. Welcome back to Weekly Words. This week I’m told, uh, might be something

that’s going to be scary for me. What is…
What? Heteronyms? This is gonna be bad. The

word “heteronyms” means “two separate
words with the same spelling but with different

pronunciation and meaning.” Really? Okay, now that I understand, it’s not so scary.

Let’s start.

Okay, the first word is “bass,” as in
a type of fish or “base (bayse),” which

refers to someone’s voice. It’s also a type
instrument. It kind of looks like a guitar.

There’s also a string bass that’s
usually a really tall instrument, um, that

you play standing up. So in a sentence, when you’re fishing, you might say, “Oh, hey,

I hope I catch a bass today.” If you’re
a musically inclined person, you might say,

“My favorite instrument is the “bass (bayse).” Great. Those are pretty good.

Uh, next is “wind,” as in the air, uh,
“blowing, blowing air,” and “wind (waind),”

as in like “to wrap something around something else.” “Wind, you might say, “The wind

is really strong today. I should’ve brought
my kite to the park.” Okay, I don’t know.

Every once in a while, these oddly specific
sentences. “Wind?” Like, maybe you have

a ball of string at your house,
and it’s gotten all tangled up. It’s really,

really messy, and, uh, you find it one day,
and you think to yourself, “Oh, I really

need to wind this ball of string into a clean, like, tidy ball.”

Next, uh, “tear (tayr).” “A rip in something.” Um, like you might “tear (tayr)” a piece

of paper in half. The same spelling, um, can also make, uh, the word “tear,” which

is that drop of water that comes out of a
person’s eye when they’re sad or sometimes

when they’re very happy. Use them both in
one sentence? “Whenever I tear (tayr) a

piece of paper, a tear comes from my eye because I feel bad for ruining trees.” Or, “My,

my friend made me tear (tayr) up my favorite love letter, and I shed many tears as a result.”

That one was slightly better. Alright.

Next is “dove (duv).” “Dove (duv)”
can be a bird, it’s a white bird, often represents

peace, and it can also, uh, be pronounced
“dove (dohv),” which is the past tense

of the verb “to dive.” So you might say,
“The dove dove (dohv) into…” What does

a dove dive into? “The dove (duv) dove (dohv) into oncoming traffic.” “The dove (duv)

dove (dohv) into the pond to take a bath.”

Next is “close,” meaning “to be near,”
and the other pronunciation is “close (clohz),”

meaning “to shut,” or it can also mean
“to end.” So in a sentence, let’s see

if we can use them both in the same sentence. Um, “Please close (clohz) the door that

is close to you, um, because the show is coming to a close (clohz).” Oh, yeah!

End! That was all of ‘em. That was an interesting lesson. I hope that you guys learned something.

If nothing else, I think it’s a good reminder
that pronunciation is important. When you

put emphasis on one part of the word, it might actually change the meaning of the word

entirely, so please be careful, especially
with some of the words that we talked about

here today. Okay, thanks for joining us, and I will see you again next week. Bye-bye!

大家好,我是艾丽莎。 欢迎回到每周词汇。 本周我被告知,呃,可能

什么是什么? 异名? 这会很糟糕。


发音和含义不同”。 真的吗? 好吧,现在我明白了,它并不那么可怕。


鱼的一种或“base (bayse)”,

指的是某人的声音。 它也是一种类型的
仪器。 它有点像吉他。


你可以站着演奏。 所以在一个句子中,当你钓鱼时,你可能会说,“哦,嘿,

我希望我今天能钓到一条鲈鱼。” 如果您喜欢

“我最喜欢的乐器是“贝斯(贝斯)”。 伟大的。 这些都很好。


,就像“把东西包裹在别的东西上”。 “风,你可能会说,”

今天的风真的很大。 我应该把
我的风筝带到公园的。” 好吧,我不知道。

句子。 “风?” 就像,也许

,它都被缠在一起了。 真的,



接下来,呃,“tear (tayr)”。 “撕开什么东西。” 嗯,就像你可能会将一张纸“撕成两半”一样

。 同样的拼写,嗯,也可以组成,呃,“眼泪”这个词,这


非常快乐时从眼中流出的一滴水。 在
一个句子中同时使用它们? “每当我撕(tayr)

一张纸时,我的眼睛就会流泪,因为我为毁了树木而感到难过。” 或者,“


那个稍微好一点。 好吧。

接下来是“鸽子(duv)”。 “鸽子(duv)”


是动词“潜水”的过去式。 所以你可能会说,

鸽子潜入什么? “鸽子 (duv) 鸽子 (dohv) 进入迎面而来的车辆。” “鸽子(duv)


,另一个发音是“close (clohz)”,

“结束”。 所以在一个句子中,让我们

看看我们是否可以在同一个句子中使用它们。 嗯,“请关闭(clohz)

靠近你的门,嗯,因为节目即将结束(clohz)。” 哦耶!

结尾! 这就是他们的全部。 那是一个有趣的教训。 我希望你们学到了一些东西。

,发音很重要。 当你



。 好的,感谢您加入我们,我们下周再见。 再见!