Weekly English Words with Alisha Ism words

Hi, everybody. Welcome back to Weekly Words. My name is Alisha, and this week we are going

to talk about -ism words. Words ending in I-S-M, isms.

Let’s get started.

The first word is “anarchism.” “Anarchism” is “the belief that there should be no government,

that society should just rule itself.” So some groups

of people might say, “Let anarchism reign.”

The next word is “altruism.” “Altruism”
is “the idea that everyone should just be

selfless.” We should always just act on
behalf of other people, right? “Altruism

is the key to world peace.”

“Feminism.” “Feminism” is just “advocating for women’s rights,” supporting women’s

rights, uh, equal rights for women and really just equal rights for people in general. “I

support feminism.” Something like that.

Right, next is “pacifism.” “Pacifism”
is “the belief that violence is never justified.”

We should never use violence. Pacifism is
great. Pacifism leads to peaceful cultures.

The next word is “sensationalism.” It’s
all about making a story, a news story, sensational,

so even if the facts aren’t necessarily
true facts. We don’t know all the information,

and news media might kinda make things up. Sensationalism only hurts the audience because

they don’t know what’s truly going on.

End! That’s it. That’s -isms. Thank you very much for joining us. Try to practice a few

of these -isms. There are many, many, many, many -isms that I’m sure you have yet to find

out. But I will see you again next week for
more Weekly Words. Bye!

大家好你们好。 欢迎回到每周词汇。 我的名字是 Alisha,本周我们

将讨论 -ism 词。 以 I-S-M 结尾的单词,isms。


第一个词是“无政府主义”。 “无政府主义”是“认为不应该有政府

,社会应该自律的信念”。 所以有些


下一个词是“利他主义”。 “利他主义”

无私的想法”。 我们应该永远
只代表他人行事,对吧? “利他主义


“女权主义。” “女权主义”就是“倡导女权”,支持

女权,嗯,女权平等,真的就是普通人的平等权利。 “我

支持女权主义。” 类似的东西。

对了,接下来是“和平主义”。 “和平主义”

我们不应该使用暴力。 和平主义
很棒。 和平主义导致和平文化。

下一个词是“耸人听闻”。 这

真实的事实。 我们不知道所有信息

,新闻媒体可能会编造一些事情。 耸人听闻只会伤害观众,因为


结尾! 而已。 那是-主义。 非常感谢您加入我们。 尝试练习其中的

一些主义。 我敢肯定,你还没有发现许多、许多、许多、许多主义

。 但我会在下周再次见到你,了解
更多每周词汇。 再见!