Weekly English Words with Alisha Phrases that arent cool anymore

Rollin, rollin, rollin. Okay, hi, welcome
back to Weekly Words, I’m Alisha, and today

we’re going to talk about phrases that aren’t cool anymore. Woo-hoo!

I probably say a whole lot of these phrases, so I’m about to embarrass myself.

The first phrase is “Sweet!” Oh, “sweet’s”
not cool anymore? “Sweet” means “cool.” “Sweet”

means something that’s good. You might say, “Ah, man, that skateboard trick you just did

was sweet!”

“Groovy!” I still say “groovy. “Groovy” means “cool.” “Groovy means “good.” It was used

in the 70s when funky, groovy music was popular. In a sentence like. “Oh, hey, those are some

groovy moves on the dance floor.” I don’t
know if we’d use that.

“Going steady.” “Going steady” is kind of
an old-fashioned phrase as well. “Going steady”

just means you’re dating. Someone who is dating someone else like, “Me and Trisha are going

steady.” It just means you’re dating. You’re a couple.

“Not!” Aw, this word is actually what the
entire holiday of April Fools' Day is based

around. That’s a lie. Particularly, I would
say for junior high school students this phrase

is, um, very popular. They might say something like, “Hey, Steve thinks you’re cute! Not!”

So in other words, it’s often used as an insult.

“Duh!” “Duh” is used when someone says something really stupid or something really obvious.

So if you say something like, “Oh, hey, it’s
raining.” The other person who can also maybe

look out the window you’re both sitting in
front of might say, “Duh,” because you’ve

just indicated something very, very obvious. You can also use “duh” to make fun of yourself

when you do or say something really stupid. As soon as you realize this, you can go, “Ah,


I’m learning today that I’m not cool. That’s
the end! Oh, okay, well though there’s some

phrases that are no longer cool. Hope you
learned something about things that are no

longer cool but you can still use these words just, you know, don’t expect to sound really

interesting or hip to the lingo if you use
these words. Okay, thanks for joining us,

and I will see you again next time. Bye-bye!

罗林,罗林,罗林。 好的,嗨,欢迎
回到每周词汇,我是 Alisha,今天

我们将讨论不再酷的短语。 呜呼!


第一句话是“甜!” 哦,“甜蜜的”
不再酷了? “甜”的意思是“酷”。 “甜”的

意思是好的东西。 你可能会说,“啊,伙计,你刚才玩的那个滑板把戏


“时髦!” 我仍然说“groovy”。“Groovy”的意思是“酷”。“Groovy 的意思是“好”。 它

在 70 年代流行时髦的音乐时使用。 像这样的一句话。 “哦,嘿,那是

舞池里一些时髦的动作。” 我不

“走稳了。” “稳住”也是
一个老生常谈的词。 “稳定”

只是意味着你在约会。 正在和别人约会的人会说,“我和 Trisha 会很

稳定。” 这只是意味着你正在约会。 你们是一对。

“不是!” 哦,这个词实际上是

依据。 这是一个谎言。 特别是

来说,这个词,嗯,很流行。 他们可能会说,“嘿,史蒂夫觉得你很可爱!不!”


“呸!” 当有人说一些非常愚蠢或非常明显的话时使用“Duh”。

下雨了。” 另一个可能也可以



当你做或说一些非常愚蠢的事情时,你也可以用“duh”来取笑自己。 一旦你意识到这一点,你就可以去,“啊,


我今天才知道我不酷。 就
这样结束了! 哦,好吧,虽然有些

短语不再酷了。 希望你


。 好的,感谢您加入我们

,我们下次再见。 再见!