Weekly English Words with Alisha Ways to say Hi

Hi, welcome back to Weekly Words. My name
is Alisha, and this week we’re going to talk

about ways to say “Hi”. This should be
fun. Let’s get started.

First is ‘yo’.
This one is a little bit casual, in case you

couldn’t tell. Used for close friends, maybe
family members if you have kind of a silly

relationship with them. Just quick, short,
easy to do. In a sentence, “Yo, how’s it


Traditionally associated with cowboy culture,

I suppose. You should play a banjo, maybe,
or you’ve just gotten off a horse. I don’t

know, I use ‘howdy’ from time to time.
Howdy. Howdy. Howdy. Howdy. Dun dun dun dun.

That was my banjo. Yeah, in a sentence you
might say, “Howdy folks, welcome to the

barbecue place.”

Next is ‘hey’.
‘Hey’ is a good friendly phrase. You can

usually use ‘hey’ with a wave and smile,
look happy. If you don’t, people might think

you’re down in the dumps. People might think
you’re not in a very good mood. In a sentence,

“Hey I heard you got engaged last week.
Congratulations!” Something like that. It’s

usually kind of a cheery, happy expression.

Alright, next is ‘what’s up?’
‘What’s up?’ is the long form of ‘s’up’.

This does not literally mean “what is above
you right now?” If you want to be funny,

you can say, “the ceiling” or “the sky”,
but that joke gets old really fast, and chances

are, the person you’re talking to has already
heard it before. It just means, “What are

you up to?”“What is going on with you?”
In a sentence, “What’s up? Did you have

a good weekend?”A typical response to “what’s
up?” is “not much”. Find out some more

responses in English in three minutes. We
did an episode on this. “Nothing much, how

about you?” That’s pretty good. Pretty good.
Pretty good. Pretty good. I don’t know what

I’m doing.

The next one is ‘long time no see’. You
can use this when you haven’t seen the other

person for a long time. You’re at a party,
or at an event, or whatever. Any time it’s

been a long break. You can decide how long
‘long’ is. Not the day before, or the

week before, maybe a few weeks or a month
whatever is unusual for you and this other

person. When you see them you can say, “Hey,
long time no see. How have you been?”

That’s the end. So those are a few different
ways to say ‘Hi’ in a few different situations.

I hope that you have a chance to try them
out the next time that you meet someone, or

you greet someone. Thanks very much for joining
us this week and we’ll see you again soon.

Bye. Instead of saying ‘s up' I like to
say soup. S’up. Soup.

嗨,欢迎回到每周词汇。 我的名字
是 Alisha,本周我们将

这应该是有趣的。 让我们开始吧。


看不出来。 用于亲密的朋友,

关系,也许是家人。 只是快速,简短,
容易做到。 一句话,“哟,怎么样


‘你好’。 我想

。 也许你应该弹班卓琴,
或者你刚刚下马。 我不

你好。 你好。 你好。 你好。 顿顿顿顿。

那是我的班卓琴。 是的,你可以用一句话


“嘿”是一个很好的友好短语。 你

看起来很开心。 如果你不这样做,人们可能会认为

你陷入困境。 人们可能会认为
你的心情不是很好。 一句话,

恭喜!” 类似的东西。 这


好的,接下来是“what’s up?”
“What’s up?”是“s’up”的长形式。

?” 如果你想搞笑,


听过它。 它只是意味着,“

一句话,“怎么了? 你

了?” 是“不多”。

在三分钟内找出更多的英文回复。 我们
为此做了一集。 “没什么,

你呢?” 这很不错。 非常好。
非常好。 非常好。 我不知道



。 你在一个聚会上,
或者在一个活动中,或者其他什么。 任何时候

都是长时间的休息。 您可以决定
“长”有多长。 不是前一天,也不是


。 当你看到他们时,你可以说,“嘿,
好久不见。 你最近怎么样?”

这就是结束。 因此,这些是


。 非常感谢您

再见。 我喜欢说汤,而不是说“起来”
。 向上。 汤。