How to Make Future Tense Questions in English
my name is alicia and today we are going
to talk about
how to make future tense questions
in this lesson i’m going to focus on the
forms of simple future tense grammar
i’m going to focus on using going to
like i just did
and will we’ll also practice using the
negative forms
especially to make confirmation so
i hope this will be a good lesson uh for
uh maybe beginner or lower intermediate
level learners
but also this is something that’s i
think is really really good to practice
because in our lives in our king these
questions so
this will be the focus for today’s
lesson as you join please send a message
in the chat so we can say hi to you
and of course please make sure to like
and share the lesson
as well so that other people can find
today’s topic
okay very quickly a couple of short
announcements and then i will
say hi to everybody as they join the
chat uh
the first thing is um this lesson
oh sorry this banner at the bottom of
the screen there is a 31
off sale if you check the link below the
video on youtube
or above the video on facebook if you
want to study with us at
you can get 31 off our premium and
premium plus plan so there are a bunch
of different bonuses
you can get there your own teacher and
voice recording tools
bunch of stuff so check the link below
or above the video to find
details about that okay uh as always the
other point the other announcement i
want to share with you
is about our weekly q and d series
uh this is a question and answer series
called ask alicia where you send me your
questions and i answer them
maybe so you can send me your questions
i maybe will choose yours and maybe will
answer your question
uh so please if you have questions about
anything really it can it can be about
today’s topic just something you think
of later you can send it to me
for this series at
ask hyphen alicia there’s a link uh
in every episode of this on the english
class 101
youtube channel so check it out there
okay that’s all for announcements i will
say hi to everybody who has joined us
live and then we’ll begin today’s lesson
uh i will come to you first youtube
hello garcon oscar khan majid
bk cower hello mr gohnem hello gedi
kelly hello
hi everybody welcome and on facebook
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hi everybody on facebook
uh amina oh i lost it amina emmanuel
quiroa hello everybody
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axel from mexico hello
okay let’s um let’s get started in
today’s on today’s lesson then
first i’m going to show you today’s
lesson boards this
is our flow for today okay so
first uh we’re going to talk about yes
and no
question patterns so we’re going to
in each part today in these two parts on
going to and will so this part will be
yes or no questions
part two information questions so those
who what
where when why questions and last i’m
going to talk about some tips
like how to choose will or going to and
how to use
probably as well with this grammar point
let’s begin if you have questions uh or
example sentences send them in the chat
i will try to check yours live
but there are a lot there a lot okay so
let’s get started
uh facebook okay i have facebook here
too oh facebook i forgot to share you
i’ll share you facebook sorry okay good
okay facebook is shared i’m ready to go
i’m going to start the lesson now
let’s begin so first we’re going to talk
about making
yes or no questions uh with going to
first of all so at the end of today’s
lesson i will review
the key points but i want to start
today’s lesson
by reminding you that we use going to
things we’ve decided we decided this
before the conversation we are 100
sure of this plan we use will
for things we decide during the
like we make our decision in that moment
also we use it for guesses and
to talk about things we’re not one
hundred percent sure
about so i will review this later too
let’s look at yes and no question
patterns yes and no question patterns
with going to
here we have is or are this is the basic
pattern to use to make a yes or no
question with going to
is or are subject
going to infinitive verb so a reminder
the infinitive verb forms are just the
basic dictionary forms
two plus the verb that’s the infinitive
i have is or are here
we need to choose is or are depending on
our subject so let’s look at some
of this first are you
going to call him are you going to call
and native speed this sounds like are
you going to call him are you going to
call him
so another key point or a key
pronunciation point for today
is this going to we reduce going
to to gonna gonna and you might see
native speakers use
gonna in texts as well going to though
we use going to in a sample sentence
like this
are you going to call him or is he
going to reply is he going to reply
so according to our subject we make this
is or are so if my subject is
you i use r are you
going to we do the same thing for we are
going to are they going to so this is a
that is that depends on the subject then
is we use for he she and it subjects or
if you have another
object we use the it or sorry the is
pattern is he going to reply
i also included here negative patterns
we use negative forms of these questions
same thing down here for confirmation
so confirmation means we want to check
something in the other person we think
is correct and we want to check we use a
confirmation pattern to do that
that means we use this negative form
what does that mean that means this part
my is or r part at the beginning becomes
negative i add not to this
so this becomes is not she going to come
to the meeting
that’s what it really means we don’t say
that though
we don’t use that we say isn’t isn’t we
don’t use
is not actually we always use this
reduced form
isn’t she going to come to the meeting
this means
i think she’s going to come to the
meeting is that right
so we use this pattern this negative
pattern when we want to confirm we want
to check
something a glow
on facebook says when can we use gonna
is it formal or
informal basically in everyday speech we
gonna a lot we generally usually in
everyday speech
we try to make sounds quick and
efficient and short
so if you’re talking with your friends
if you’re talking with your co-workers
usually we use gonna i probably use
in this series most of the time unless
i’m mo
unless i want to be super super clear
when you are writing something
formal like um a business
message or something like that and you
need to be polite
you should definitely use going to
actually a good rule for that
if you’re writing something and it’s not
a text message to your friend or your
family member
it’s not a post on social media use
going to
he’s going to if you’re not sure he’s
going to
but you can use gonna in everyday life
okay uh good some examples are coming in
uh tony tune says are you gonna go to
japan this week good
nice one um oh con malji has used ain’t
ant is a kind of a dialect a
way of speaking yeah ain’t you can also
use ain’t
in these patterns i won’t cover that
today but good point
uh gertrude says aren’t you going to
visit your father in the hospital
perfect good good good okay um
jermaine says are you going to the
movies today good so make sure
of course you can use just going as well
are you going to the movies today is
good uh perfect
also are you going to go to the movies
today also good
okay facebook other questions xiang says
are you going to thailand with your
perfect very nice uh someone has a
statement abdul says alicia is going to
the lesson maybe so good good good okay
that sounds great so let’s continue to
uh the second point then
will let’s talk about will so again we
use will for decisions we make
in the conversation yeah when we’re not
sure about something as well when we
want to make a guess
when we want to think about the far far
away future
we use will in these cases these
examples really
are about like uh decisions we make in
the moment
so the pattern here is will plus
subject plus infinitive verb
will subject verb so it’s a very basic
but we use this again
for decisions we need to make now so
this point right here because this
pattern is very easy to remember
many learners tend to use this one
a lot they use it too much they should
going to but they use will because this
pattern is easier i think
for example many of my students in the
past they often said
what will you do this weekend which is
not natural there’s no
communication problem but it’s not
i’ll talk about those questions later
please make sure
to use this pattern for questions or for
yeah for questions you want to ask about
like some detail in the moment for
will you help me now will you help me
right now or will she be angry
will she be angry so we use these
this one this first one is like will you
help me
in this moment so please make a decision
about helping me that’s this question
are you going to help me are you going
to help me
sounds like you decided that before the
which is maybe not possible if just now
i decide i need help so
will she be angry is a little bit
will she be angry is making a guess to
imagine something in the near future and
we’re making a guess about this you
sound a little
less sure about that okay
um good ahmed says will you please focus
yeah good nice
example sentence um jack says will you
dance with me
good okay uh salma says will you come to
her house
good good good okay sounds great will
they help me
uh madrista okay he took away his
message okay
uh tyrion says will you share this food
good good good or will you share that
food as well
good good good okay that sounds great ah
rhuban says what is the difference
between will
and shall great question i made a video
about this
somewhere i think it’s in an ask alicia
episode but i can’t remember which one
i’ll explain quickly here will
see this this is a request right will
you help me i need something from you
or will she be angry i’m making a guess
about the future
shall is used to offer something shall i
help you like do you need something or
shall we go
no you’re making a suggestion we don’t
use these
in those ways will you is a request for
will she be angry that’s a that’s a
guess about the future
shall is used uh to make an offer for
something so we cannot use them
interchangeably okay great question
thanks for that
um glow again says is the same grammar
in british and american english for this
to the best of my knowledge yes yes the
grammar the grammar here remains the
okay let’s go to the negative form again
we use the negative
to make confirmation questions to check
so just as we practiced with going to we
use the negative form
to check our understanding for example
won’t it rain tomorrow won’t it rain
so we use this to check our
understanding of the weather
in this case so we cannot use uh
will it rain tomorrow if we already
it’s going to rain so what does that
mean this question
using the negative here uh
an example situation i’m making a plan
with my friend
my friend says let’s have a picnic and i
i saw the weather report i think it’s
going to rain
but i used this one won’t it rain
won’t it rain tomorrow to to give the
feeling that i’m
a little unsure yeah so i could say
isn’t it going to rain tomorrow i could
use this that makes the certainty level
higher that’s the difference between
those two questions so both of them are
won’t it rain tomorrow and isn’t it
going to rain tomorrow
totally correct both of them won’t it
rain tomorrow sounds less sure
sean says can we use wood instead of
will in these patterns
no you can use it in uh
this one it’ll change the meaning
would you help me you can use for
requests yes
would she be angry is talking about an
an unreal situation in the future
it’ll change the nuance slightly
uh okay continuing to the last point
negative example won’t we need to go
shopping before we cook dinner
won’t we need to go shopping before we
cook dinner so
again this is like a situation you’re
making something
with someone else you’re making dinner
maybe and you think wait i think we need
to go shopping
and you confirm that wait won’t we need
to go
shopping before we cook dinner again
using the negative form
makes your question softer you could say
well we need to go shopping before
to mean like i’m not sure but this
negative pattern has that feeling of i’m
i want to check with you
so you can use the negative patterns uh
create um questions that are a little
fluent questions that are a little bit
more natural
so there’s a little more nuance to these
negative questions
fuzzile says won’t we holiday tomorrow
like won’t we have a holiday tomorrow
ah so maybe won’t we have the day off
tomorrow you could use that yeah if you
want to confirm
the next day is a holiday okay
um jesus
santini says on facebook says won’t they
come tomorrow perfect good good good you
expect someone so there’s expectation
with these confirmation questions okay
sounds good all right that is part one
that was great
yes no question so i’ll take one quick
and then we’ll go to part two fantastic
quickly then if you missed it
there is a 31 off sale on our website
you can find the link below the video if
you’re watching on youtube
in the description and you can find the
link above the video if you’re watching
on facebook
uh check it out yeah there’s links
actually i think there’s a bunch of
in there uh for you to check out as
always if you don’t check that
you can find if you’re watching on
youtube you can find links to all of our
facebook pages and twitter and stuff
like that
so check it out uh okay let’s go to part
two if you’re just joining we are
talking about
this topic we’re talking about future
tense questions practicing making
future tense questions today uh so
now we’re going to go to part two
also if you have not please make sure to
like and share this lesson
so other people can find it okay let’s
look at today’s lesson boards if you
want to take a screenshot
get ready here’s what we’re talking
about i just talked about part one
now we’re going to talk about part two
information questions
so that means who what where when why
questions let’s
go okay all right let’s go
so future tense questions information
questions when we need to get some
more than just yes or no or confirmation
how do we do that let us practice
so let’s talk about going to first again
so let’s look at the pattern the pattern
we use for going to
is here you might see this pattern
is or our subject going to verb this is
the same
as the yes or no pattern we practiced
yeah oh so that’s pretty easy right
so to make an information question
we add a wh question at
the beginning so wh question means who
what when where why how as well how
doesn’t start with wh
but we use it in the same position so
we put this question here and we get an
question where are you going to go
where are you going to go or what is he
going to do
or when is the package going to arrive
at native speed these questions sound
where are you going to go what’s he
going to do
when’s the package going to arrive so to
return to
our point earlier about going to we make
gonna in everyday speech and these
where are and what is and when is
these sounds also reduce so where
r becomes wearer at least
in my american english accent it becomes
wearer where are you going to go
where are you going to go this what is
so questions with this is afterwards
these become reduced so not what is he
going to do
but what’s he gonna do what’s he gonna
what’s he gonna do same here when
is we make this shorter too when is
when’s when’s the package going to
arrive when’s the package going to
so we use these reductions in speech
we do not write this we don’t write
apostrophe s in formal letters in like
business emails for example alvin says
can we use does it rain tomorrow no that
is incorrect
you can use will it rain tomorrow or is
it going to rain tomorrow
depending on the situation okay
onward okay let’s compare this
to will to will so again
to make our information question with
will we use will
we have this pattern will subject verb
same as the yes or no pattern we
practiced in the beginning
yeah this part wh question
comes at the front of the question
so let’s read these examples and then
i’ll share
some tips about using will because
questions with will
as i said are tricky learners tend to
use will
too much you should use going to so
for example what will you do if the
weather is bad tomorrow
what will you do if the weather is bad
tomorrow and
where will you put this artwork if you
buy it
where will you put this artwork if you
buy it so you’ll notice
these two questions i included an if
an if part here if you buy it or if the
weather is bad tomorrow
we use will in these questions
again when we watch the other person or
we expect
the other person to make a decision in
that moment so what will you do if the
weather is bad tomorrow
means i don’t expect you to already know
we’re just imagining so please decide
that’s the idea same thing here i’m
i find some cool art and i think i want
to buy it
someone says where will you put this
artwork if you buy it
so meaning decide now or explain
now going to
is for things we expect were decided
before the conversation they’re
already very sure things yeah
so some people were saying like like for
um uh the question sean mehandi on
youtube just wrote what will you do
what will you do tomorrow so that
is typically what are you going to do
when you talk to your co-worker so this
is a point i hope everybody
takes from today’s lesson when you talk
to your co-worker you talk to your
friend whatever
about your weekend don’t say what will
you do this weekend
like to ask about their plans when you
want to ask about someone’s
plans they decided before the
use what are you going to do this
weekend what are you going to do
you’re asking about something that was
decided before the conversation
if you use will it sounds unnatural
so please that’s one huge point i always
everybody takes from going to and will
lessen that is a
very common uh expression i hear that is
unnatural okay um
yeah some examples are coming in what
are you going to do good where are you
going to
go shopping today tedros on facebook
where are you going to go
shopping today um
says what shall we do tomorrow if the
weather is bad tomorrow okay
that works too you can use shell in that
way shall because you’re making like a
last point here in part two is about
negative sentence patterns with these we
can make them
but they’re not so common
for example you might hear something
like this among
native speakers who are close friends
they might use a pattern like this
where aren’t you going on your trip to
where aren’t you going on your trip to
hawaii so what does this mean
if for example if for example i make a
trip to hawaii i plan a trip to hawaii
and i’m going everywhere i’m going to
this island and that
that island and that big city i i’m
going to
every place in hawaii and my friend
hears this and they’re like
wow where aren’t you going
so in other words what places are you
not planning on visiting we can use this
negative pattern
but it’s not so common you might hear it
from time to time
okay some questions are coming in
what will you eat if you start a diet
maybe if you start a diet violetta on
what will you eat if you start a diet
sounds good
okay um tony says where will you put
this anime figure if your grandmother
comes oh that’s interesting
great great example okay chosen says
what are you going to do this weekend
perfect please use going to in that
pattern to ask your friends about their
plans what are you going to do this
weekend okay
no any says what is the difference
between going to and will that’s the
focus of today’s lesson so please watch
today’s lesson i’ve talked about it i’m
going to review it in part three so
please continue watching
okay uh isha says what are you going to
do today
perfect great example great example okay
that’s all for part two so let’s take
one very short break
and then we’ll go to the burning
question will or going to oh my gosh
okay if you missed it uh there is a 31
off sale uh from the link below the
video if you’re watching on youtube or
above the video if you’re watching
on facebook you can get 31 off our
lesson plans for premium and premium
plus users so check it out if you want
to study with us
that’d be super super cool okay uh
lastly last time well not last time i’ll
show you our lesson boards very quick
take a picture if you like a screenshot
we talked about yes or no questions in
part one
information questions in part two lastly
we are going to talk about
tips should i use will should i use
going to and how do i use
probably probably is a great word
to put together with these we use
probably a lot
if you haven’t please make sure to like
and share this video so other people can
find today’s lesson that would be super
super cool okay onward tips
tips so i have i
have been talking about this all lesson
so in case you need another reminder
going to
and will going to and will how do i
choose should i use will should i use
going to
i never know here’s a good guide
going to you’re 100 sure
about the plan or it’s for a strong
or you decided this before the
okay for will use will
when you are not 100 sure
when you want to make a guess about
or for things you decided during the
during the conversation okay so this is
the guide for going to and will
you can use this with today’s lesson
okay uh faru says
is it possible to put the word uh go
going to yes i’m going to go to a place
i’m going to go
away i’m going to go somewhere yes
okay uh m ramadan says the link
isn’t working the link isn’t working oh
we’ll test it out
we’ll see if it works please try again
if you want to check the link on
facebook otherwise
check check youtube if you have trouble
on facebook check the youtube link
okay um last point for today
is about probably probably
probably we use probably to
increase certainty in positive sentences
and to decrease certainty in negative
so certainty what is certainty this word
here certainty to decrease certainty or
increase certainty what does that mean
so that means like i want to express
not a 100 percent sure plan
like 80 so i’m probably going to
so let’s imagine a scale i’m going to
is 100 i’m probably going to
it’s like 80 90 it’s a good chance
i’ll probably is maybe around here
something like that so we use probably
with positives to talk about like um
like higher levels of something
especially with will
and when we use it in the negative we
can decrease
that feeling i probably won’t so it kind
of gives
gives you that feeling of like decreased
certainty this is
rare in questions though so we’re going
to practice using it in positives
okay let’s go two examples
because time is running out okay so
are you probably going to go at native
speed this sounds like where are you
probably going to go
where are you probably going to go or
will he
probably come to the meeting will he
probably come to the meeting
can use that or i have a couple examples
of negatives but these aren’t so common
it’s just to give you an idea of how we
sometimes use these
aren’t you probably going to need extra
time to finish work
i’ve used this negative here because
again we’re doing a confirmation we’re
making a confirmation question right
aren’t you probably going to need
extra time to finish work probably here
is like
softening like i think there’s a pretty
good chance i’m not sure
i don’t know same thing here
won’t he probably need help moving into
his new apartment
so i think he will need help but
i want to check so i use this negative
won’t he probably need help moving into
his new apartment
so we use these forms to to check but
generally we use probably we tend to use
probably a lot in
positive statements i’m probably going
so we have a high confidence level in
and when you when you want i feel like
this point
probably is really super useful with
in statements more than questions like
i’ll probably do something
so when you say i’ll do this like oh if
it rains tomorrow
i’ll go to the i’ll go to the movie
uh if you want to increase that like
i’ll probably go to the
i’ll probably go to the movie theater
that increases that level of certainty
okay all right that is everything
randall says how do you pronounce
probably in native speech a good
question in my american english accent
probably in native speed at native speed
sounds like prolly
probably i’m probably gonna go so
probably or
probably probably we use both of those
uh but when we use it as a one word
like uh probably sounds natural too
so i hope that helps you uh jermaine
yeah i probably won’t go out today
good good good good example um
oh no probably you’ll get corona oh no
says omar okay
um others uh irfandi has two good
comparative questions i’m going to meet
you this afternoon and i’ll probably
meet you this afternoon
good nice examples nice examples
says what’s the difference in
pronunciation between want and
won’t want so want if it helps you
uh with those vowel sounds want
you can imagine want is like a tall
want want and you can imagine
uh won’t as like a as like a a round
sound yeah want versus won’t
want and won’t okay
i have to finish because i’m late so
thank you for your great questions
um i have to end there i hope that this
was helpful for you
oh i’ll show today’s lesson boards one
more time so you can take a picture
if you like here you go bye so here’s
today’s lesson topics
will and going to and so on uh if you
have questions i’m going to take this
away now so i hope you got your picture
here they go okay so if you have
questions about
will and going to um i i’ll i’ll put a
in the youtube description to my lesson
about this topic i have a couple lessons
about this topic
you can review so i can’t edit the
facebook version so if you’re watching
on facebook and you would like to get
some review
information please check the english
class 101 youtube channel
for this video i will put some links in
the description there so you can check
uh and review
today’s lesson points and get some more
example sentences
too i hope that helps okay uh i’ll
finish there
next week of course i’ll be back i am
going to be here again next week next
week uh next lesson will be october 21st
wednesday october 21st
10 p.m eastern standard time oh daylight
savings time might be coming though soon
i need to check
so if you want to make sure to join
please set a notification on facebook or
on youtube
to join live next week i’m going to
make a lesson about how to talk about
your current
work and projects current your current
means the work you do now or the
projects you have now
so you can use this for work or your
studies too
of course or maybe like your creative
projects your hobbies and things so
please join me again next week to
these points should be a good time
okay with that i will say goodbye so
thanks very much for all of your great
questions thank you for liking and
sharing the video we really really
appreciate it
and please don’t forget to check out the
31 off
uh sale uh check the link below the
video on youtube or above the video
on facebook for all the details so enjoy
the rest of your day enjoy
your week and have a nice weekend i will
see you again
next time bye