100 Body Words in English Advanced Vocabulary Lesson

Vanessa: Hi, I’m Vanessa from 
SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com. What’s this part  

of my finger? What’s this part of my ear called? 
Let’s talk about it. Do you know this song? 

Theo: Head, shoulders, knee and toes, knees and 
toes. Eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Head,  

shoulders, knees, and toes, knee and toes.
Vanessa: A classic children’s song. Today,  

you are going to learn more than just the 
basics, head, shoulders, knees, and toes.  

You are going to master 100 body part vocabulary 
words, plus some useful idioms along the way.  

To help you never forget what you learn, I have 
created a free PDF worksheet for you with all of  

today’s body parts, idioms, expressions, concepts, 
and ideas that we’re talking about in this lesson.  

Plus, you can answer Vanessa’s challenge 
question at the bottom of the worksheet.  

Click on the link in the description to 
download the free PDF worksheet today.  

Just a little note before we get started this 
video, like almost every video on my channel is PG  

rated. This means that we are going to be talking 
about acceptable body part words to talk about  

in public. If you’re looking for a biology 
lesson, this lesson is not for you, but if  

you would like an appropriate word that you can 
use without embarrassment in lots of situations,  

this lesson is the right place for you.
Not sure how to talk about something taboo  

politely, well, let’s learn. Let’s get started by 
talking about the top of our head and working down  

to our feet. Let’s start with the head. There’s 
a lot of words to talk about. This is my head.  

We have a great idiom that goes along with this, 
which is off the top of my head, I couldn’t tell  

you how far the earth is from the moon. Off the 
top of my head, this means without doing research,  

just having the knowledge in my head. Off the top 
of my head, sorry, I couldn’t tell you. I don’t  

know. Off the top of my head, I have no clue. 
What’s on my head? It’s hair. So we could say I  

have brown hair, or I am a brunette. This is most 
often used for women. You could say it for men,  

but brunette is most often used for women.
Or we could say he has blonde hair. She or he  

is a blonde, or he has red hair. He’s a red 
head. Or we sometimes say, he’s a ginger.  

Sometimes people who have red hair, don’t like 
this expression. My husband is a ginger and he  

doesn’t care. This expression is fine with him. 
So maybe just listen out for it. Or you could  

just say, he’s a red head. He has red hair, or 
he might have black hair. Under your hair we  

have your scalp. Your scalp is the skin under your 
hair. And then moving down, we have your forehead,  

forehead. Then we have your eyebrows, your 
eyebrows, your eye lids and your eyelashes. 

I want to take a quick note for my Asian 
followers. In the Asian world, it is somewhat  

common to talk about some different terms for 
your eyelids. When I lived in South Korea, I  

heard my Korean coworkers, when they were speaking 
in English, I heard them use the terms, mono lid  

and double eyelid in their English conversations. 
But I just want to let you know that this concept  

is relatively unknown to most of the English 
speaking world. This is something that’s much  

more common in the Asian part of the world.
So if you were to have a conversation with  

someone in English and you said, yeah, 
he has a mono lid or a double eyelid,  

most other people in the Western world are not 
familiar with this concept. So we just call this  

the eyelid. These are my eyelids. My eyelids 
and my eyelashes protect my eyes, my eyes.  

There’s a great idiom we sometimes use. Don’t 
roll your eyes at me. Have you ever done that?  

Have you ever done that to your parents? If 
you have rolled your eyes at your parents,  

they most likely said to you 
don’t roll your eyes at me. 

This is a common phrase that parents say to 
their children. Don’t roll your eyes at me.  

That’s rolling your eyes. Under my 
eyes, I have my cheeks, my cheeks.  

Babies have cute cheeks that we love to pinch, 
cheeks. And moving over here are my ears,  

my ears. So these are my ears, but this is 
my ear lobe. Some people have a pierced ear  

lobe. So I do. These are pierced ears and my ear 
lobe is pierced. There’s another idiom we use,  

which is I’m all ears. If you have a suggestion 
for a YouTube video that you’d like me to make,  

I’m all ears. This means I’m willing to listen. 
I’m interested in what you have to say. I’m all  

ears. I have no mouth, no nose, no eyes. I’m 
all ears. I’m going to listen very carefully. 

And then we have my nose. This is called the 
bridge of your nose. And these are my nostrils,  

my nostrils. Under my nose is my mouth. This is 
the general word for this area, but there’s a lot  

of specific words to talk about these parts. So 
let’s talk about it. My mouth, my lips are on the  

outside, my lips. And when I open my mouth, there 
are my gums. The skin on the inside of my mouth is  

my gums. And then there’s my teeth. And my tongue. 
There is some fun idioms we can talk about with  

the mouth. Let’s say that you tell your friend 
that you’re going to have a surprise birthday  

party for your sister. Your friend might say, oh, 
don’t worry. I won’t tell her. My lips are sealed. 

That means you can’t open your mouth. My lips are 
sealed. The secret is safe with me. It’s a great  

expression to let the other person know, don’t 
worry. I’m not telling anyone. My lips are sealed.  

What do you do with your mouth? You eat. So if you 
love sweet things, maybe you have a sweet tooth.  

This doesn’t mean just one of your teeth is sweet, 
but this just means I love sweet foods. Ugh,  

I have a sweet tooth, so I have to keep sweets 
out of my house or else I’ll just eat them all  

the time. I have a sweet tooth. And before we move 
on to the rest of the upper body, let’s talk about  

one more idiom about your tongue. This expression 
is extremely useful for English learners.  

What if I said to you, oh, what’s the name of 
that movie with the pirate? Oh, it’s on the tip  

of my tongue. Oh, do you get the idea that I know 
the movie. I just can’t think about it right now. 

So the name of the movie with a pirate is right 
there. It’s on the tip of my tongue. I just can’t  

get it out. Oh, I just can’t remember what’s 
the name of that movie with the pirate. Oh,  

it’s on the tip of my tongue. So if there is 
a word that you don’t remember in English,  

you might say, oh yeah, the skin in your mouth. 
Oh, Vanessa talked about that. Oh, it’s on the  

tip of my tongue. I forget what that word is. Oh, 
well, first of all, you remembered this idiom.  

That’s great. And just to let you 
know, it’s your gums, your gums,  

but this is a great expression to use when you 
know, you know a word, you just can’t remember it. 

Under your mouth we have your chin, your chin. 
If I told you, keep your chin up, things will  

get better. Hmm. Keep your chin up. This is an 
encouraging statement that you can use to say,  

you can do it. Keep going. I know that it’s tough 
right now, but find some positivity in this tough  

time. Keep your chin up. You can do it. Great 
encouragement. Under your chin, we have your neck,  

your neck and another wonderful idiom. What if I 
said for you I stuck my neck out for her because  

I felt like she did the right thing and she 
needed some support. I stuck my neck out for her.  

You’re not literally sticking your neck out for 
her, but this has to do with the idea that you are  

supporting someone, even though you 
might face some criticism. So your  

head is very important to your body, right?
This is a really valuable part of your body.  

So when you stick your neck out, you are 
putting your head in a vulnerable position.  

You’re sticking your neck out. You’re not keeping 
it close to you. So that’s the idea of this idiom.  

When you support someone, even though you 
might face some criticism, you could say,  

I stuck my neck out for her. Sometimes 
we use this if we regret it later, man,  

I stuck my neck out for her and she just didn’t 
appreciate it at all. I stuck my neck out for  

her. I tried to support her, even though it wasn’t 
the popular thing to do. And now I regret it. She  

didn’t care at all. And it wasn’t really helpful.
And finally, for your head, we can say your face,  

all of this right here is your face. Have you 
ever had a pretty rotten morning? Things just  

didn’t go well. But when you walked into the 
office, you couldn’t be grumpy. You couldn’t be  

in a bad mood. You had to put on a face, this 
implies that things are going poorly, but you  

have to pretend like everything’s fine. Sometimes 
we say I had to put on a happy face when I walked  

into the office. Or we could cut out the word 
happy completely and just say, I had to put on  

a face in front of the clients, even though I had 
just gotten yelled at by my boss. I wanted to cry,  

but I just had to put on a face when I talked with 
the clients. This is kind of a tough thing to do,  

but we all have to do it in lots of situations in 
life. Maybe you have to put on a face. All right.  

Let’s go to the next section, which is 
not your head, which is your upper body. 

Now let’s talk about the upper body, the upper 
body. These are my shoulders, my shoulders. If  

I’m angry at someone, I might give them the cold 
shoulder. Ooh. The cold shoulder is never good.  

That means that you ignore someone. You don’t talk 
with them and you show them that you are angry by  

giving them the cold shoulder. You might 
not actually turn your body like this,  

but that’s the expression we use. He gave me the 
cold shoulder after I told him what was going on. 

Below your shoulders is your chest, your chest. 
And this is the socially acceptable word for men  

and for women to talk about this 
area. We often use the term,  

ugh, I just have to get something off my 
chest. If there is a weight on your chest,  

it’s a burden. It is not a good situation. But 
ugh, when you get something off your chest,  

you tell someone something important. Maybe 
you’ve been keeping in a secret and you finally  

can tell someone that you love that secret. 
Ah, I just have to get something off my chest.  

I love you. I’ve been wanting to tell 
you this for so long. Ah, I love you. Oh,  

it feels good to say it. I’m free now. So that’s 
the idea of getting something off your chest. 

Under your shoulders, we have your arm pits, 
your arm pits, and they’re connected to your  

arms, your arms. If you have to twist 
someone’s arm to get them to do something,  

you had to work really hard to convince them. 
I had to twist my husband’s arm to get a cat,  

but he finally said yes. And now he loves that 
cat. It’s actually not true. He wanted to get  

a cat. He had to twist my arm to get a cat. It 
means, ugh. I had to convince him to get a cat.  

And now we have one. Wonderful.
On your arm, there is your elbow, your elbow.  

Sometimes we say, I need some elbow room, some 
elbow room. If you’re cooking and all your kids  

are in the kitchen and everyone’s moving around, 
you might say, Hey guys, I need some elbow room.  

I’m trying to cook here. Can you guys just give 
me some space? That means I need some room,  

some elbow room. Attached to your arm, your elbow 
is your wrist, your wrist. This is the joint here.  

Your wrist. When I was in high school, I broke my 
wrist. It was literally and figuratively a pain.  

And then I have my hand, my hands. When 
you give someone a hand, you help them.  

Hey, can you give me a hand? This box is really 
heavy. I need some help picking it up. Hey, can  

you give me a hand and read over this report? I 
want to make sure I said it right. Give me a hand. 

And on my hand I have my Palm, my Palm, that’s 
the bottom of your hand. And I have five fingers.  

Each of my fingers has a knuckle. My thumb 
has one knuckle notice the K is silent,  

but my other fingers have two knuckles, knuckles. 
You might see in a movie, we don’t really use  

this in daily conversation, hopefully not too 
much, but you might see in a movie, someone say,  

do you want me to give you a knuckle sandwich? 
And that means, do you want me to punch you?  

Because your knuckles are like this. And it’s 
a knuckle sandwich. Hopefully you don’t use  

that a lot in daily life, but you might hear 
it in a movie. And now you’ll understand it. 

Each of my fingers has a fingerprint and a 
fingernail, a fingernail. We have different names  

for each of our fingers. Do you know what they 
are? This is my pinky finger. Sometimes we say  

my little finger, but almost always do we say my 
pinky finger. My ring finger, and that’s because  

we often put our wedding bands on this finger, 
my ring finger. My middle finger. In the west,  

maybe in other places as well, it’s very rude to 
show only your middle finger. That means F you.  

I’m so angry at you. Here’s my middle finger. So 
be careful not to do that. Do not point with your  

middle finger instead point with your pointer. 
That’s what this finger’s called. Point with your  

pointer. And then we have your thumb, your thumb.
All right. So we’ve talked about the hand,  

the arm, your chest. Sometimes we talk about 
this as your chest area, especially if we’re  

being a little bit vague with women, you might 
say, oh, there’s something on your chest area.  

Maybe there’s like a stain on your shirt, but 
you don’t want to point. You don’t want to be  

rude. You might just say, oh, there’s something on 
your chest area. It’s not talking about your skin.  

It’s just in this general area. So that’s 
a very polite way to talk about this. 

And we sometimes use the term collar bone 
for this bone here, my collar bone. Oh yeah,  

I just slammed into a drawer and I hit my collar 
bone. It really hurts. This is my collar bone.  

Sometimes schools will have a dress code that 
says you need to cover your collar or bone.  

So that’s what they’re talking about. And in 
your chest area, we have your ribs, your ribs,  

that’s the bones here. And sometimes we use the 
more technical term, your rib cage, your rib cage.  

I bruised a rib. Oh, that hurts my ribs. Oh, it 
hurts my ribs to laugh so much. This is your ribs. 

Below your ribs, you have your belly button. If 
you are human, you have a belly button. This is  

what connected you with your mother when you were 
in the womb, you have a belly button. And this  

area is usually called your stomach. But sometimes 
we call it your belly. This is especially for  

children. Aww, your belly hurts. Oh, this is my 
belly. But we often use an idiom that uses another  

word and that is your gut. Technically your gut 
is inside you. That’s like your intestines and  

your organs inside you. We’re not going to 
get to that. That’s too detailed right now.  

But we sometimes use the phrase, trust your gut. 
This doesn’t mean that you are using your rational  

brain. You’re just trusting your instincts.
So if you thought, hmm, should I join Vanessa’s  

course or not? Well, this is how much money it is. 
This is what I saw on the website. This is it. Now  

I’m just going to trust my gut. I know Vanessa 
is a nice teacher and I think it will be useful.  

I’m going to join the course. Great. Well, 
you can join The Fearless Fluency Club here.  

Trust your gut. That means I’m just 
going to trust my instincts and do it.  

All right. Let’s move on from the head, the 
upper body and talk about the lower body. 

All right. Now let’s talk about the lower 
body. These are my hips, my hips. And if  

you want to talk about this area in a polite 
daily conversation type way, we often just say  

private parts. This is something that’s 
common for children to say. And I think  

this is something that’s common for adults to say 
as well. Of course, we don’t usually talk about  

this area in the workplace, just in general.
But if you are going to use a polite term,  

we would say private parts. We sometimes use 
the word crotch, but this is mainly for men.  

And it’s mainly used to say, Hey, don’t 
hit me in the crotch. Of course, talking  

about this area is not professional. So in the 
workplace, of course, none of these words apply,  

but in daily conversation, those are words you’ll 
definitely hear, and they’re not considered rude. 

You’ll also hear the term groin used. And this 
specifically has to do with the muscles on the  

inside of your legs, like in this picture. And 
it’s most commonly used to talk about when you  

hurt your groin. So you might say, ah, I pulled 
my groin when I was doing yoga yesterday. So  

it’s used to talk about maybe some kind of pain. 
If you go to the doctor, you can use that term  

to talk about the muscles on the inside of your 
leg. I know that’s a little technical, but you  

will use this and hear this in daily conversation. 
Ugh, I pulled my groin and now it hurts to walk. 

Next, let’s talk about your legs. This is my leg 
and my knee, my leg and my knee. And here is my  

butt. This is the most general term that we use. 
But sometimes we use backside to be a little more  

polite. For my kids, we use the word bum. Wipe 
your bum. Don’t put your bum on the table. We  

use those terms to be a little more indirect, 
but the most general you’re going to hear is,  

butt. We often also use thigh to talk about the 
upper part of your leg, my thigh. Oh, I bumped  

my thigh on the table and it really hurts. Your 
thigh. Then below your knee, notice that the K  

is silent, below your knee is your shin.
Your shin, this is also a little bit of  

a technical term, but we often use shin when 
we’re going to the doctor and saying, ah, yeah,  

I just really have some shooting pains in my shin. 
And I don’t know what it is. This bone in the  

front is your shin. Behind your shin is your calf, 
your calf. Now, strangely enough, this is also the  

word for a baby cow. A baby cow is a calf, notice 
the L is silent, but this muscle here, back here  

is your calf. My calves are really sore after 
going on that hike. Ugh, my calves are so sore.  

Then we have your foot, your foot. Just like the 
hand, the foot has a lot of parts as well. We can  

talk about your ankle. Your ankle is the bone 
here. Don’t twist your ankle. That hurts a lot. 

For your toes, we don’t have a name for every 
individual toe. Maybe doctors do. I imagine  

doctors do, but in daily life, we just say your 
big toe and your little toe. The other toes are  

important, but we don’t have a specific name for 
them. So it’s your big toe and your little toe.  

Then we have underneath your foot is called 
the foot arch. And sometimes we say the arch  

of my foot. The arch of my foot hurts after 
walking for 10 hours yesterday, Ugh, my foot  

arch hurts or the arch of my foot. And the back 
of your foot here is called the heel. The heel,  

notice the spelling is different than to heal, 
the verb. So this is with two E’s, heel. I hurt my  

heel and I hope it heals soon. That’s your heel.
What would it mean if I said, I have a new  

job starting tomorrow and I’m going to put my 
best foot forward and be prepared for my job?  

To put your best foot forward doesn’t really mean 
that one of your feet is better than the other.  

It just means I’m going to do my best. I’m 
going to do everything I can to make sure that  

there is success. I’m going to put my best foot 
forward. I’m going to wear professional clothes.  

I’m going to be in the right mindset. I’m going 
to get a good night’s sleep the night before.  

I’m going to put my best foot forward. 
Excellent expression. Whew. That was a  

lot of body vocabulary words and idioms, but 
keep your chin up. I know that you can do  

it. Put your best foot forward and download the 
free PDF worksheet so that you never forget the  

expressions that you learned in today’s lesson. 
And you can answer Vanessa’s challenge question  

at the end of the PDF worksheet. There is a link 
in the description so that you can download it. 

And now I have a question for you, which one of 
these body part words was new for you? I would  

love to know which one of these helped you to 
expand your vocabulary so that you can speak  

confidently in daily life. Well, thank 
you so much for learning English with me  

and I’ll see you again next Friday for a new 
lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye. The next  

step is to download the free PDF worksheet for 
this lesson. With this free PDF, you will master  

today’s lesson and never forget what you have 
learned. You can be a confident English speaker.  

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel 
for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.

SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com 的 Vanessa。 我手指的这一部分

是什么? 我耳朵的这个部位叫什么?
让我们来谈谈它。 你知道这首歌吗?

脚趾。 眼睛和耳朵,嘴巴和鼻子。 头、

Vanessa:经典的儿歌。 今天,


您将掌握 100 个身体部位

为您创建了一个免费的 PDF 工作表,其中包含我们在本课中讨论的所有


在工作表底部回答 Vanessa 的挑战问题。

下载免费的 PDF 工作表。

,就像我频道上的几乎每个视频都是 PG

级的。 这意味着我们将

在公共场合谈论。 如果您正在寻找生物



,好吧,让我们学习。 让

。 让我们从头部开始。
有很多话要说。 这是我的头。


你地球离月球有多远。 在

只需将知识放在我的脑海中。 在

我不知道。 在我的头顶上,我不知道。
我头上有什么? 是头发。 所以我们可以说我

有一头棕色的头发,或者我是一个黑发女郎。 这
最常用于女性。 你可以说是男性,

或者我们可以说他有一头金发。 她或他

是金发女郎,或者他有一头红头发。 他是个红
头。 或者我们有时会说,他是个生姜。

这种表达方式。 我丈夫是个生姜,他

不在乎。 这个表情对他来说很好。
所以也许只是听听它。 或者你

可以直接说,他是个红头发的人。 他有一头红头发,或者
他可能有一头黑头发。 在你的头发下,我们

有你的头皮。 你的头皮是你头发下面的皮肤
。 然后向下移动,我们有你的前额,

前额。 然后我们有你的眉毛,你的

。 在亚洲世界,

。 当我住在韩国时,我



说英语的世界来说是相对陌生的。 这



熟悉这个概念。 所以我们

称之为眼睑。 这是我的眼皮。 我的眼皮

我们有时会使用一个很棒的成语。 不要
对我翻白眼。 你做过吗?

你对父母做过吗? 如果


。 不要对我翻白眼。

那是在翻白眼。 在我的

脸颊。 移到这里的是我的耳朵,

我的耳朵。 所以这是我的耳朵,但这是
我的耳垂。 有些人有耳垂穿孔

。 所以我愿意。 这些是穿孔的耳朵,我的
耳垂是穿孔的。 我们使用另一个成语,

如果您希望我制作 YouTube 视频,我会

全力以赴。 这意味着我愿意倾听。
我对你要说的话很感兴趣。 我全是

耳朵。 我没有嘴,没有鼻子,没有眼睛。 我
全神贯注。 我会非常仔细地听。

然后我们有我的鼻子。 这被称为
鼻梁。 这些是我的鼻孔,

我的鼻孔。 我的鼻子下面是我的嘴。 这

很多具体的词可以谈论这些部分。 所以
让我们来谈谈它。 我的嘴,我的嘴唇在

外面,我的嘴唇。 当我张开嘴时
,我的牙龈出现了。 我嘴里的皮肤就是

我的牙龈。 然后是我的牙齿。 还有我的舌头。

。 假设您告诉您的

派对。 你的朋友可能会说,哦
,别担心。 我不会告诉她的。 我的嘴唇被封住了。

这意味着你不能张开嘴。 我的嘴唇是
密封的。 秘密对我来说是安全的。 让对方知道是一种很好的

担心。 我不告诉任何人。 我的嘴唇被封住了。

你用嘴做什么? 你吃。 因此,如果您

但这只是意味着我喜欢甜食。 呃,


吃下去。 我爱吃甜食。 在我们继续

关于你的舌头的另一个成语。 这种表达

那部海盗的电影叫什么名字呢? 哦,它在

我的舌尖上。 哦,你知道我知道
这部电影吗? 我现在无法考虑。

那里。 它就在我的舌尖上。 我就是

拿不出来。 哦,我只是不记得
那部电影与海盗的名字是什么。 哦,

它就在我的舌尖上。 所以如果有

哦,瓦内萨谈到了这一点。 哦,它就在

我的舌尖上。 我忘了那个词是什么。 哦,

那太棒了。 只是为了让你



变得更好。 唔。 保持你的下巴。 这是一个

您可以做到。 继续前进。 我知道现在很艰难

。 保持你的下巴。 你能行的。 很大的
鼓励。 在你的下巴下,我们有你的脖子,

你的脖子和另一个美妙的成语。 如果我

需要一些支持。 我为她伸出脖子。


可能会面临一些批评。 所以你的



你把脖子伸出来了。 你没有
让它靠近你。 这就是这个成语的想法。


我为她伸出了脖子。 有时,

欣赏它。 我为她伸出脖子

。 我试图支持她,尽管这
不是很受欢迎的事情。 而现在我后悔了。 她

根本不在乎。 这并没有真正的帮助。

这一切都是你的脸。 你
有过一个糟糕透顶的早晨吗? 事情

并不顺利。 但是当你走进
办公室时,你不能暴躁。 你

不可能心情不好。 你必须装出一张脸,这

必须假装一切都很好。 有时

。 或者我们可以完全去掉“

我刚刚被老板骂了。 我想哭,

。 这是一件很难做到的事情,

。 也许你必须装个脸。 好的。


上半身。 这是我的肩膀,我的肩膀。 如果

。 哦。 冷漠从来都不是好事。

这意味着你忽略了某人。 您不

。 你可能



领域的社会可接受的词。 我们经常使用这个词,

。 如果你的胸口有重物,

那就是负担。 这不是一个好情况。 但是,

说出一些事情时,你会告诉别人一些重要的事情。 也许


我爱你。 我想告诉
你这件事很久了。 啊,我爱你。 哦,

说出来感觉很好。 我现在有空。 这就是


手臂,你的手臂。 如果你必须扭动


但他最终答应了。 现在他爱上了
那只猫。 这实际上不是真的。 他想养

一只猫。 他不得不扭动我的手臂才能得到一只猫。 这
意味着,呃。 我不得不说服他养一只猫。

现在我们有了一个。 精彩的。

肘部空间。 如果你正在做饭,而你所有的孩子


我想在这里做饭。 你们能给
我一些空间吗? 这意味着我需要一些空间,

一些肘部空间。 连接到你的手臂上,你的肘部
就是你的手腕,你的手腕。 这是这里的联合。

你的手腕。 上高中的时候,手腕摔断了
。 从字面上和比喻上来说,这都是一种痛苦。

然后我有我的手,我的手。 当

嘿,你能帮我一把吗? 这个盒子真的
很重。 我需要一些帮助来捡起它。 嘿,

你能帮我看看这份报告吗? 我
想确保我说的是对的。 帮帮我。

是你的手底。 我有五个手指。

我的每根手指都有一个指关节。 我的拇指
有一个指关节,注意到 K 是无声的,




因为你的指关节是这样的。 这是
一个指关节三明治。 希望您不会

在电影中听到它。 现在你会明白的。

指甲,一个指甲。 我们

的每根手指都有不同的名称。 你知道它们
是什么吗? 这是我的小拇指。 有时我们说

小指。 我的无名指,那是因为

我的无名指。 我的中指。 在西方,

。 这意味着你。

我对你很生气。 这是我的中指。 所以
要小心不要那样做。 不要用

这就是这个手指的名字。 用您的

指针指向。 然后我们有你的拇指,你的拇指。
好的。 所以我们讨论了手

、手臂、胸部。 有时我们将


你不想指出。 你不想

粗鲁。 你可能会说,哦,
你的胸部有东西。 这不是在谈论你的皮肤。

它只是在这个一般区域。 所以这是

来指代这块骨头,我的锁骨。 哦,是的,

锁骨。 真的很痛。 这是我的锁骨。


这就是他们所说的。 在

这就是这里的骨头。 有时我们使用

我擦伤了一根肋骨。 哦,那伤了我的肋骨。 哦,
笑得这么痛,我的肋骨很疼。 这是你的肋骨。

在你的肋骨下方,你有你的肚脐。 如果

在子宫里时,这就是你与母亲的联系,你有一个肚脐。 这个

区域通常被称为你的胃。 但有时
我们称之为你的肚子。 这尤其适用于

儿童。 哇,肚子好痛。 哦,这是我的
肚子。 但是我们经常使用一个使用另一个词的习语

,那就是你的直觉。 从技术上讲,你的
肠道在你体内。 这就像你的肠子和

你体内的器官。 我们不
打算这样做。 现在说的太详细了。


大脑。 你只是相信自己的直觉。
所以,如果你想,嗯,我应该加入 Vanessa 的

课程吗? 嗯,这是多少钱。
这是我在网站上看到的。 就是这个。 现在

我只想相信我的直觉。 我知道 Vanessa

我要参加课程。 伟大的。 好吧,
您可以在这里加入 The Fearless Fluency Club。

相信你的直觉。 这意味着我

好的。 让我们从头部开始,

好的。 现在让我们谈谈
下半身。 这是我的臀部,我的臀部。 如果


私处。 这
是孩子们常说的话。 我认为

的话。 当然,我们通常不会


我们会说私处。 我们有时会使用

打我的胯部。 当然,

谈论这个领域并不专业。 因此,在


您还会听到使用的术语腹股沟。 这


受伤腹股沟。 所以你可能会说,啊,
我昨天做瑜伽的时候拉伤了我的腹股沟。 所以


。 我知道这有点技术性,但你


接下来说说你的腿。 这是我的腿
和膝盖,我的腿和膝盖。 这是我的

屁股。 这是我们使用的最通用的术语。

有礼貌。 对于我的孩子,我们使用“流浪汉”这个词。
擦屁股。 不要把你的屁股放在桌子上。 我们


屁股。 我们也经常用大腿来谈论
你腿的上半部分,我的大腿。 哦,

我的大腿撞到了桌子上,真的很痛。 你的
大腿。 然后在膝盖以下,注意 K




前面的这块骨头就是你的胫骨。 在你的小腿后面是你的小腿,
你的小腿。 现在,奇怪的是,这

也是小牛的意思。 小母牛是小牛,
注意 L 是无声的,但这里,后面的这块肌肉

是你的小牛。 那次远足后,我的小腿真的很痛
。 呃,我的小腿好痛。

然后我们有你的脚,你的脚。 就像
手一样,脚也有很多部分。 我们可以

谈谈你的脚踝。 你的脚踝就是这里的骨头
。 不要扭动你的脚踝。 那很痛。

。 也许医生会。 我想

大脚趾和小脚趾。 其他脚趾很

名称。 所以这是你的大脚趾和你的小脚趾。

足弓。 有时我们会说


你的脚后跟在这里被称为脚后跟。 脚后跟,请

与动词的愈合不同。 所以这是两个E,脚后跟。 我的脚后跟受伤了

,我希望它快点好起来。 那是你的脚后跟。



这只是意味着我会尽力而为。 我

确保成功。 我会
全力以赴。 我要穿职业装。

我会保持正确的心态。 我

出色的表达。 唷。 那是

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这些身体部位的哪个词对你来说是新的? 我


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