25000 Subscribers Party Lets talk about success idioms for advanced English.
hello hello welcome to today’s live
lesson here on YouTube on the speak
English with Vanessa YouTube channel I’m
so glad that you are here to improve
your English and to really just enjoy it
this is a great place to interact with
me interact with other members and try
to write some comments as well so that
you can be invested and participate I’m
gonna move my microphone a little bit
closer for this lesson alright hopefully
the sound is a little better today we
are going to talk about some happy
success idioms because there has been a
special moment here on the speak English
with Vanessa Paige we have reached
25,000 subscribers it’s a party ah
though because of this we’re gonna talk
about some ways that you could describe
success in a good way and in a bad way
so we’re gonna talk about both of these
things today and I want to say thank you
thank you to you for learning English
with me and for your participation
because it’s great to watch video
lessons but so many of you write
beautiful comments you use the
expressions and write sentences you’re
really involved and that is the purpose
I want to give you the tools or the
guide to for English but you have to
pick it up and use it and so many of you
are doing that so many of you are here
live with me laura and douglas and aza
darin ricardo and Daniel thank you for
joining me live this is a great place to
celebrate our success because you have
used English and I have just given it to
you that is
my goal to give you the tools so if you
are joining me for the first time you
can be twenty five thousand and one
subscribers you can be the next one I
hope that you will join me for future
lessons usually we have live facebook or
live YouTube lessons on Tuesday at 9:00
a.m. but this week it’s a little
different because I’m gonna be going on
a trip this afternoon so I won’t have
any internet at the usual lesson time so
I moved this lesson one day earlier and
one hour later so thank you everyone
engi and Fabio and Rica thank you for
joining me at this different time I
appreciate it
so I want to talk about a couple videos
a couple idioms to help you talk about
success the first one is kind of
negative if you are successful at
something you don’t want this to happen
to you hmm
does anyone know can you guess what is
an idiom that is negative if you if
let’s have an example maybe your maybe
your coworker gets a promotion and they
get to be the assistant manager they get
a higher position than before and when
your coworker becomes the assistant
manager they start to act differently
they act like they’re better they act
like oh I’m the important person here oh
I used to be I used to be in your
position but now I’m an assistant
manager hmm we have an idiom for talking
about this negative way to deal with
success so that person was successful
but they didn’t act in a
find way we have one idiom that we use
to describe this let me see if anyone
can guess hmm hmm Oh sassy sassy is
possible they are sassy eh I’m better
that’s a little sassy Oh Patrick says to
look down on someone oh this is another
good expression we could use so we might
say your coworker looks down on you we
could imagine mentally he’s looking down
at you and he’s thinking oh you are not
as important as me I’m bigger and more
important than you I’m looking down on
all right that’s a possibility it has
almost the same meaning as the
expression that I’m thinking about my
expression has to do with head head hmm
we could say that your coworker let it
go to his head he let success go to his
head he said I know that I used to work
in your position but obviously I’m more
important now I’m the most important he
let success get to his head so the
expression is let something usually
success let success get to your head let
success get to your head so some people
might say oh Vanessa now that there are
25,000 subscribers to your channel
that’s great but don’t let it get to
your head don’t let it get to his head
yes chu-young you’ve got it nandus
you’ve got it let success get to his
head so usually we use this in a
negative way don’t let success get to
your head so maybe I would never do this
but maybe if I talked with my friend and
I said wow you will never believe what
happened to me
I have 25,000 subscribers on my channel
I’m so important I would never say this
but if I said this my friend would
definitely say to me huh Vanessa don’t
let it get to your head yes it’s great
but don’t act differently you’re still
the same person
don’t act differently so sometimes when
people become a celebrity in Hollywood
they let success get to their head and
they become less polite to other people
so it’s very important don’t let success
get to your head don’t let success get
to your head so I would like to repeat
this expression with you out loud hmm
we’re gonna say it about our ourselves
are you ready
because we can give ourselves advice
that’s really important we’re gonna say
this sentence out loud together to
remind ourselves to stay normal and
human so this sentence let’s say it
I won’t this is will not
I won’t let success get to my head let’s
say this all together
I won’t let success get to my head I
won’t let success get to my head I won’t
let success get to my head I will stay
normal because still the same person
it doesn’t matter what happens to you if
you get a promotion
if you become an excellent English
speaker you won’t look at other English
learners and say you’re still learning
English I’m better that’s it’s not
polite it’s rude
you let success get to your head
Oh Lucas says in my job there are a lot
of people that let success get to their
head disgusting
ah I agree this is a really bad
personality trait it’s really annoying
isn’t it
uh-huh sin great thank you for repeating
after me I won’t let success get to my
I won’t let success get to my head great
this is important to to think about for
because maybe if you learn some great
English expressions and other people
don’t know them or if you get a
promotion and other people didn’t if you
get twenty five thousand subscribers on
YouTube great well you worked hard
probably to learn English you worked
hard to get the promotion I worked hard
to create videos for you but don’t let
it get to your head don’t let it get to
your head stay grounded
stay with your feet on the earth you’re
not an angel we shouldn’t let success
get to your heads o ottoman says this
too I don’t like people who let success
get to their head yes me neither and
Alexandra that’s a good question he says
I don’t know why some people let success
get to their head yeah maybe if I had to
say something I would say maybe they
think that their personal value is
linked with career success or some other
kind of success that for example just
because I’m the same person when I had
one subscriber when I had 25,000
subscribers I’m just
person and I know that my personal value
is the same I don’t think that if I have
a lot of students I become more valuable
this is just my lessons are valuable but
as a person I’m the same the same person
so maybe some people think that their
personal value is linked with their
success it’s difficult for those people
but we need to keep grounded allies
welcome from Germany I’m glad you’re
here I’m glad you’re here
Oh Thank You Ricardo Ricardo says I hope
Vanessa you get a hundred thousand
subscribers and you know what if there
are 100 thousand subscribers that means
that 100 thousand people are learning
English that’s beautiful
that’s wonderful because we will be more
connected the world will be more
understanding because we can communicate
that’s a beautiful thing so it’s great
for me because I’m working hard to
create the material for you but it’s a
wonderful thing for our world because we
can get to know each other better great
Sara says people who let things get to
their head I will try to not be one of
them yes when you are successful Sara
continue to be yourself
yes be yourself that’s important hello
Jen you’re from hello search from
Thailand I’m glad you’re here from
Brazil excellent we’ve got lots of
people joining us from the Dominican
Republic excellent excellent
so let’s talk about a fun happy
expression so when you are successful
when you learn a new expression or when
you get a promotion at your job or when
when your girlfriend says yes I will
marry you that’s success if you have a
successful relationship or for me if I
have 25,000 subscribers I feel like this
is success
wait how do you react in this situation
how do you react when you are successful
when your boss says yes Marcelo you will
get a promotion how do you react maybe
physically you say oh thank you thank
you so much in your mind how do you
there is a happy expression that I want
to share with you that we can use to
express our our happiness our excitement
when something good happens oh namja has
a great expression to say a roaring
success this is extreme success Oh
Adriana says I am over the moon oh what
a great idiom if you say I’m over the
moon that I got a promotion
it means I’m really excited I am out of
this earth excited I’m so excited
great so yes over the moon is an
excellent expression Oh
Mourad said I am beside myself with joy
beside myself no this is a little
confusing because if you think about it
this book this French English dictionary
is beside me physically beside me but in
this expression I am beside myself with
joy hmm
are you actually beside yourself this is
not physically beside yourself if you
say I’m beside myself with worry with
joy with excitement with happiness it
just means I am completely filled with
joy with worry
with happiness so that’s excellent when
I saw that there were 25,000 subscribers
I was over the moon I was beside myself
with joy because it was success that is
excellent expression Oh
Betty says I feel like I’m on top of the
world Oh beautiful oh great eita yes
you’ve got the same expression I love it
so you might say when I learned this new
expression I was on top of the world so
usually when I think about this
expression it’s pretty extreme my pretty
serious if you think about the world you
are on top of the world yes I feel like
I am the most successful person right
now and it doesn’t mean that you let it
get to your head it just means that Wow
you are super excited so we’ve got so
far I’m over the moon I’m beside myself
I’m on on top of the world and I saw
another one here oh yes
that I am on cloud nine oh we’ve got so
many great idioms for happiness I am on
cloud nine now I don’t know the history
of this expression I don’t know why why
is it cloud nine
what’s wrong with cloud eight or cloud
ten but we certainly do say cloud nine
and as you can see a lot of these
expressions have to do with the sky or
being high on top of the world over the
moon on cloud nine these are all
feelings of extreme happiness because of
success something good happened so you
are on top of the world on cloud nine
and you know this feeling maybe doesn’t
last forever but when you feel it it’s
great everyone wants to feel on cloud
sometime in their
life it’s a wonderful thing so I hope
for you that you can feel over the moon
beside yourself with happiness on cloud
nine what was the other one
Oh on top of the world you guys have a
lot of great expressions to share with
us thank you
and there is one expression that I have
seen in the comments here a couple times
that I want to share with you because it
has a little different meaning I have
seen the expression I want to get it off
my chest this means that you have some
problem that’s heavy and you haven’t
told people and you feel like it’s
difficult and you might say to your best
friend hey I need to get something off
my chest
ah I want to talk to you about this
problem in my life
so this is not talking about happiness
or good things that happen this is my
when there’s a problem you want to get
it off your chest because it’s heavy and
difficult to deal with so I hope for you
today we talked about a lot of
expressions wow I couldn’t be happier
I’m overjoyed Wow I love these
expressions you guys are sharing with
each other so let’s let’s review what
we’ve talked about so far first of all
if you are successful don’t let it get
to your head don’t let it get to your
also when you’re happy you could say I
am over the moon I am beside myself with
happiness I am on top of the world I am
overjoyed I am on cloud nine this is a
great way to extra express yourself
because you could say I’m so happy it’s
fine I’m so happy but you want to make
your English a little more colorful a
little more expressive and more complex
so these are perfect idioms for this
situation so I want to say to you thank
you again for learning English with me
for being part of this wonderful
community and I hope there will be many
more useful English lessons for you in
the future it’s my goal to continue
these lessons and I won’t let it get to
my head but thank you so much to all of
you if you would like to continue
learning English with me this month I
have a special guide a special download
that’s free if you have been watching my
recent YouTube videos about top three
tips I have a guide that organizes all
of these tips and also gives you some
website suggestions so if you would like
to download this free tip guide the best
way to do it is to write speak English
with Vanessa comm slash top three the
number three top three and you’ll be
able to download this free guide it will
organize a lot of my top tips for
improving your speaking your grammar
vocabulary pronunciation memory fluency
a lot of useful links so that you can
learn more details about each idea so I
have already made youtube videos about
each of those topics but I want to give
you some more resources how did I learn
that how did I find that information I
will give you those links and those
ideas so that you can take your English
to the next level great Mike said the
free tip guide is really good excellent
I’m so glad it was useful to you so I
will put a link in the comments below
this video and you can also just go to
speak English with Vanessa comm slash
top 3 and I hope that guide will be
useful to you it’s kind of my
end-of-the-year gift for you because I
we have a free ebook another free guide
and this is an extra 2016
end-of-the-year present so I hope that
you will enjoy this guide and be able to
continue learning English and continue
to be successful with English that is my
goal to help you as much as possible so
thank you everyone for joining me thanks
for being part of this community and
I’ll see you again next week
on Tuesday at 9 a.m. Eastern Time New
York time I hope you can join me and
I’ll see you again the next time bye
everyone have a beautiful night see you