3 THINGS YOU MUST DO Every Day to Improve Your English
you know this week I had a conversation
with one of my favorite students and he
asked me a question that I’m sure you
have asked yourself many times he said
TIFF you know I’ve been studying English
for a long time I I listen to a lot of
things and I read a lot of books but I
don’t seem to be improving he said that
when he listens to different audio clips
or watches of drama and tries to
understand what they’re saying he may
understand but later on he’s not able to
use what he learned and he said it’s
frustrating so I want to ask you have
you ever experienced that you know like
you put a lot of effort and time into
studying English and you see things on
TV you hear things in various
conversations but you just can’t seem to
use the expressions and vocabulary words
like a native English speaker and it’s
frustrating you know I told this student
I said you know what I understand what
you’re going through I went through the
exact same thing when I was studying
Korean Korean is not an easy language to
learn it’s a beautiful language but it’s
not easy and I help them to understand
that I also experienced the same
frustrations but in the midst of our
conversation I let him know three things
three things that will transform his
English journey and I want to teach you
those three things today I’m teacher
Tiffany let’s jump right in
all right just like the student I
mentioned there are three things I told
him to do three things that must be done
you see you want to know how to take in
new pieces of information how to process
the new pieces of information and how to
remember and use the new pieces of
information so here we go step number
one learn a new word expression or idiom
and maybe you’re like teacher we kind of
already know that
oh no no no stay along I’m gonna explain
it to you so here’s the thing when it
comes to learning a new expression idiom
or vocabulary word how can you do this
first you need to learn it from a video
a blog a conversation and English book
or any other natural English source now
notice I said natural and why am I
saying it’s important to find these
words and expressions from a natural
source you see as an English Learner I’m
sure you have been to many different
Institute’s you’ve had many other
amazing English teachers and you’ve
looked at many English textbooks but
you’ve also noticed that sometimes what
you learn in a textbook is not always
what native English speakers use now
don’t get me wrong the textbooks are
important they are your foundation but
you make it to a point where you
experienced the frustration my student
experienced because he’s not able to use
the natural expressions that we as
Americans or native English speakers use
that’s why the natural English resources
or the sources they’re so important all
right so how do you do it from a video
blog conversation or English book or any
other natural source now why always walk
through life as if you have something
new to learn and you will I love this
quote from Vernon Howard and it kind of
realises the fact that your English
language studies are part of a journey
not to a specific
nation this journey is gonna be
throughout the rest of your life think
about it I’m still learning new things
in English and I mentioned last week
I’ve mentioned in the previous video
young people are still teaching me new
expressions new slang terms and I’m
happy to learn them but again I’m a
native English speaker and my journey is
still continuing so just like Vernon
says remember walk through life and be
excited to learn so first again learn a
new English expression idiom or
vocabulary word this is everyday now
what will the results be here we go you
will develop the ability to use real
English in other words your English will
start to sound more natural and I hear
something funny
last week I talked GU Chee right I
mentioned that I taught that also on my
Instagram page looking for my phone
looking for my phone guys oh well I’ll
just tell you anyway so I mentioned that
on my Instagram channel that I explained
Gucci now that’s a slang term and some
of you actually sent me messages some in
the comment section and some of the
Academy students said teacher on ask
Gucci and immediately my feeling changed
a little bit because you used something
that’s naturally used in America by
Americans and my feeling changed in a
good way so it helps you to sound more
natural when you get English from
natural English sources alright okay so
let’s see exactly how this can be done
let’s say for example like I mentioned
Gucci this is a screenshot from last
week’s video alright so I talk gu Chi
now this term naturally came up during a
Q&A with teacher tiff episode so you
learn some new English slang again like
I mentioned from a natural source in a
natural conversation right hold on one
second I’m not sick don’t worry guys all
right so again first thing learn a new
vocabulary word expression or idiom now
after you do that this step is important
so important teach it to three other
immediately this is the step right here
that’s the key and I told my student I
said here’s the deal you’re learning so
many things but you feel frustrated
because you’re not able to use them and
you feel like your English isn’t
improving well the middle step that’s
missing is you have to teach somebody
else and maybe you’re asking yourself
teacher I’m not a teacher I’m a student
learning from you that is true but when
you learn something or when you see
something exciting
what do you naturally do you share it
with somebody else basically a viral
video is that something you see on TV or
something you see on the internet like
this is so funny oh my goodness my
friend would love this too and you share
it with your friend so you’re actually
teaching your friend about this video so
it’s a natural habit of ours to tell
other people something that’s important
to us funny to us or interesting to us
do the same thing when it comes to
English so let’s look at this a little
bit closer alright so again teach it to
three other people so you see this young
man right here find three friends or
other English learners you are connected
to and tell them what you learned and
explain it now again you’re not worrying
about your grammar right now like oh I
can’t explain it properly with the full
sentence it’s okay I taught you guys
Gucci right explain that to a friend
it’s something funny and something
interesting explain it in your own words
all right now why this is because when a
student spends time teaching what they
have learned they eventually start to
understand the information more and
remember it isn’t that amazing the way
your brain works is awesome so when you
literally take the time to okay I
learned this new expression from teacher
let me tell my friend your brain starts
operating in a different way because now
you have to take in the information
process it and then regurgitate or
produce it again
your brain is amazing that’s why this is
so important to teach three people and
you all know how much I love the rules
up three right so three people again
you’re gonna teach the first person baby
you’re a little nervous the second
person okay I’m a little bit more
comfortable by the third person a let me
tell you about this word I learned from
teacher Tiff’s make sense all right now
what are the results going to be here we
go the result you will remember more
information feel more confident in your
English speaking ability and be able to
use what you learn faster in real
conversations think about it you learn
something right and usually like the
student that I was talking to you learn
it and you’re by yourself maybe you
write it down but it stops but if you
learn it share it with three people
that’s four times your brain has had the
opportunity to process it so when you
come to a situation that requires that
expression or word you’re like oh man
I’m already comfortable with this
expression of vocabulary word and they
will come out in a natural way so let’s
see again how this is gonna work how can
you actually share it with three people
so again back to the example this
student learned guchi from me last week
the student goes to his three friends
and says hey guys guess what I just
learned have you ever heard someone say
guchi it’s actually an English slang
term that means good or nice so I can
say that new-car is Gucci man I love
this slang now I have seen students do
this actually well they learn something
from me and be so excited that they’ll
share it with someone else naturally and
the students that do that are the
students that remember the slang and use
it later so you may say teacher I don’t
have friends that I can actually share
it with well what I noticed was students
that are in my Academy this is these are
some screenshots of our private group we
have a family group just for students in
my Academy and they share things with
each other on a regular basis they tell
each other what they’re studying they
give each other advice for the IELTS
well advice for how to learn
cavalieri words and when they learn
something new they post it to the group
and say hey guys have you ever heard of
this it’s pretty awesome and then other
students asked them questions and they
immediately have to teach their friends
and other students so I’ve seen it work
in our family group again if you’re not
a part of my Academy and you’re not a
part of our family hopefully you can
join today click the link right in the
description or you can go to let’s jump
right in comm but again part two or step
two is you must teach it to three other
people three people who are learning
English just like you all right now so
we have learn something new
teach it to three people what’s the
third step what did I tell my student or
what should you do here we go now the
third step is also very important you
need to write it in your notebook now
looking at this right here how can you
do that you need to write the word or
expression the meaning and describe
where and how you learned it you see how
I’m very specific I didn’t just say
write the word write the definition no
you need to also connect it to the
situation connect it to the place where
you saw the word where you heard the
word or where someone used it around you
you see because that will create a
trigger for your brain for example the
students that heard me say Gucci right
they remember I said Gucci during my
video the last video where I talked
about my personal information about
being married about learning new things
and learning a new language being a
journey so they have this kind of
trigger in their brain and even if you
don’t recognize it your brain woo is
awesome so you need to put these three
pieces of information inside of your
notebook the word or expression the
meaning and then where you learned it
all right now why is this so important
here’s the quote when you write down
your ideas you automatically focus your
full attention on them
hola booth so by writing things down you
actually tell your brain hey write this
right here is important I need you to
remember it your brain says okay we can
remember this information and then you
say oh by the way brain here’s a trigger
I learned it from teacher Tiffany’s
video where she talked about why she’s
not married yet if you haven’t seen that
video you can check it out but again
you’re giving your brain these triggers
and it will help you to remember the
information that you’re learning all
right now what will the result be here
we go you will be able to track your
progress as you study English and you
will also be able to review what you
learn each day so again it’s important
to track your progress I think I’ve
mentioned it to you before many of you
have seen all of my youtube videos and
I’m so happy however sometimes you may
watch the videos not take notes and not
put into practice what I’ve talked it’s
not important to just sit and watch
something or read a book you have to go
to the next level you have to teach what
you learn and then write it down that’s
how your brain is able to connect and
actually help you to start using what
you learn all right so let’s see what my
notebook would look like ok here we go
going back to my screen so for example
again learned Gucci student spread it to
three different friends this student
here then he went to his notebook and
wrote wrote Gucci the meaning good well
or nice the source
I learned it while watching an episode
of QA with teacher TIFF now what’s gonna
happen for this student as he goes back
and reviews his notes he may say oh man
I can’t remember how to use Gucci
properly I I mean I know the meaning but
how did she use it well since he wrote
down the source he can go right back and
then provide visual triggers to help him
remember the word later on the slang
term later on kind of makes sense all
right so again now this is something I
want you to do in part
I go into more detail and I give you a
7-day worksheet I tell you some videos
blogs and podcasts to listen to and I
explain it even more again part two is
always for my Academy students because I
want to take you guys to the next level
if you’re not already a member all you
have to do is click the link in the
description now part two again is gonna
be so helpful because I literally found
a podcast I found a website I found a
video that you can use and sometimes
students just like you have a hard time
knowing which videos which blogs or even
which podcasts to listen to so again if
you’re not a student click in the link
click the link right in the description
let’s jump right in comm join the
Academy and you can watch part two right
now now guys I really hope you enjoyed
this lesson remember these three things
you must do every day if you want to
take your English to the next level it’s
not just about learning new things
you must also do what teach three people
and you need a family so join the
Academy and you can join our family and
you have a group that supports you each
and every day as you study English
after you share it then you write it
down and you review it after that I’m so
happy to see you all I’m so happy that
you guys want to speak English and I’m
also so honored to be your teacher well
guys I hope you enjoyed this lesson
remember I will be back next week I will
be back next week to give you some more
tips but as you wait for me to come next
week don’t forget to speak English
oh yeah you know what time it is it’s
story time
hey I said story time
alright so today’s story is actually
connected to my passion and love for
teaching so I’m gonna go all the way
back to when I was in university and I
think I was a sophomore so I was about
18 or 19 years old and I remember we had
a class it was a statistics class now
for pronunciation practice let’s do it
stuff to sticks there you go one more
statistics last time statistics good job
all right so it was a system it was a
statistics class even for Americans
pronunciation can be tricky so anyways
it was a statistics class and I love
math so statistics can be a little bit
tricky sometimes though so anyways we I
took the class and the class was being
given by a professor from another
University he was just coming over to
our University to teach the class and it
was a bit tricky but you know he was a
good teacher um and he told us how to
study so anyways one day I gave us an
assignment and I went back to my room
and that night and I studied hard and I
did the assignment and then I handed in
my homework and my professor he was an
older older white guy older kind of
short white guy in my memory now that
I’m thinking back he kind of reminded me
of a short Santa Clause like he had kind
of like the facial hair glasses really
nice guy
older gentleman I think at that time he
may have been about 50 and I think I
handed him my homework and it was at the
beginning of class and at the beginning
of class students started to ask him
questions like they didn’t understand
say one of the questions on the homework
assignment and I think let’s say for
example was number five and he looked at
me and he said TIFF come up to the board
and teach how to do this question now
the class was not small
there were about
30 or 40 students in the class now again
I was young I may have been 18 or 19 and
he said TIFF come to the front and I
want you to teach this problem I want
you to show us how to do it and I’d
still remember this to this day so I
walked up and you know I took at that
time we had chalk or I think we had
markers um and I looked at a question
and it was kind of like without he
wasn’t he wasn’t very talkative but I
just remember feeling like he believed
in me and he trusted me enough to teach
this class I was 18 or 19 I was 19 years
old this is the 50 year old professor he
knew his stuff very intelligent and he’s
trusting this 19 year old to teach an
entire class how to do a certain problem
and I show them what I did on my paper
and I explained how to do the problem
and I just remember him kind of looking
at me with a look of I guess like good
job like you did a great job and when I
think about my passion for teaching
that’s kind of one of the first moments
where I realized I enjoy helping people
understand difficult concepts I enjoy
seeing other students be able to gain
confidence in their ability to do
something so you know I’m an English
teacher now and you know I have a
passion for teaching you all but again
when I think about different experiences
that happen throughout my life that that
showed me that hey maybe teaching is
where I’m gonna be in the future that’s
one of the first times I think it
clicked that ah teaching is something
that I really love and I think it may be
something in my future now after that
you know I got a job at NASA and did web
development I didn’t teach after that
that was many years before I went to
Korea but I still remember that
situation and I remember how he believed
in me and gave me the opportunity even
as a young person to teach 30 or 40
other students so why am I telling you
this I’m telling you this because I want
to do the same for you right now you are
learning and I’m kind of in the
professor’s spot that I mentioned to you
in the story and though I may not be
able to
physically hand you hand you the the
Chuck or hand you the marker I want to
hand it over to you kind of
metaphorically and say start teaching
what you’re learning just like we talked
about in today’s lesson don’t feel shy
don’t feel like you’re not good enough
as you learn teach somebody else and I
guarantee it’s gonna start building up
in you a confidence you never knew you
had thank you for giving me the
opportunity to teach you but now I want
to hand it over to you and I want to see
you teach somebody else teach somebody
else what you’re learning and again let
us know you can always let us know in
the comments what you did and again if
you’re already a member of my Academy
you can let us know in our family chat
room a private chat room so again if
you’re not a part of our family please
join us I love to see all of the
conversations that happen on a regular
basis the students encouraging each
other and moving forward as they study
English so I hope you enjoy the story
guys I’ll never forget that professor
and I really appreciated his confidence
in me and yeah we’ll see what the next
ten years have in store as a teacher but
I hope I’ll be in your life for a long
time alright guys I’ll see you next week