3 Tips To Improve Your English Today
hey when I was in high school I had a
really strict English teacher and you
won’t believe what I got in trouble for
doing I’ll tell you that story at the
end I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump right
in alright today I’m gonna give you
three tips to improve your English now
these tips are going to literally help
you take your English to the next level
because they’re gonna help you change
the way you think so let’s get started
with tip number one tip number one is
right here compare yourself to your self
that’s right don’t compare yourself to
other people compare yourself to
yourself now let me explain what this
actually means so basically you need to
analyze your progress based on where you
were in the past you need to see for
example how many new vocabulary words
have you learned how many new
expressions have you learned are you
able to speak longer now than you were
in the past these are all things that
you can do when you compare yourself to
yourself now let me look at three
reasons let me show you three reasons
why this is so important okay so the
first reason we have for why this is so
important is that this allows you to
recognize the improvements you have made
number two this is so important because
it helps you to see which areas you need
to work on more I can personally
remember what I was studying Korean I
had an issue or a hard time with the
vocabulary and sometimes with the idioms
so I was able to recognize that because
I was comparing myself to myself so I
made it a point to study those two
things more again when you compare
yourself to yourself you will also be
able to see the areas you need to
work on more now the third reason why
this is so important it is because it
encourages you to continue working
towards your goals when you compare
yourself you’re able to see how close
you are to achieving your goals for
example if your goal is to be able to
speak to a native English speaker for
five minutes you can see how close you
are to that goal well maybe you saw a
foreigner or you saw someone online and
you had a conversation with them for one
minute that means you have four more
minutes to go
okay so again tip number one is compare
yourself to yourself now let me show you
exactly how to do this okay in three
short steps here we go so the first
thing you want to do is set your timer
for five minutes and write about your
day now again I’m looking at the example
of someone whose goal is to be a better
writer to write better in English so
again comparing yourself to yourself
first you’re going to set a timer for
five minutes and write about your day
then what’s going to happen is you are
going to on the next day set your timer
for ten minutes and write about your day
then the third thing is on the third day
you’re going to review both of your
journals and see what the differences
are for example the length the
information the order the feeling etc
then you’re going to analyze yourself
trust me this works because you will be
able to see ah the one I wrote on day
one was pretty good but day two was even
better because I gave more information
let’s say related to the five W’s
remember I’ve taught you guys that who
what when where and why so again you can
do this in three different steps okay
now moving on to tip number two here we
go so the second tip is
learn something new or interesting
basically you need to search for an
English video article or podcast that is
about something you are interested in
now I’m gonna give you three reasons why
this is so important but I want to
remind you remember as your teacher my
goal is to help you enjoy English a part
of enjoying English is studying things
you are interested in you know that I
like cooking I like sports I like
exercise so when I was studying Korean
I would watch cooking programs I would
watch shows about sports why because it
was easier for me to grasp and
understand the information and to retain
it so let’s see three specific reasons
why this is so important okay here we go
back to my screen now the first reason
why this is important is it will help
you retain or keep information in
English faster number two it will help
you make fast connections which will
result in you using the information
faster like I mentioned to you I love
cooking so when I was watching Korean
cooking programs I would recognize
certain vocabulary words or expressions
that were used when they were cooking in
a way that I could relate to oh I
remember when I sauteed that vegetable
when I was in my kitchen two years ago
or last year instead of saying saute
they said a different word so again I
already had a connection in my mind
which is why this is gonna help you as
now the third reason why this tip is so
important and so useful is right here
this will remind you that English can be
fun English can be fun it doesn’t always
have to be stressful and I want you to
enjoy English okay all right so I’m
gonna give you simple how-to or simple
steps to actually put this in action
okay here we go back to my
Green first decide on a topic that you
are interested in remember I gave you
the example of cooking for me when I was
studying Korean that’s the first step
now the second thing you want to do is
you want to pick a video article or
podcast that focuses on that topic now
the one I watched in Korea for my Korean
students um named Jango boot okay yes
the refrigerator help me with my
refrigerator if I translate that to
English and the show was about cooking
and it was a cooking program and I
really enjoyed it so I selected that
program okay next we have the final step
is you’re going to listen or watch it
and then write down at least one
interesting thing you learned all in
English so remember this is the part
where you’re gonna enjoy you’re not
trying to sit and take in everything No
enjoy the program and then write
something that really caught your
attention like oh wow I’ve never heard
that expression before write it down
okay alright that’s tip number two learn
something new or interesting now we’re
gonna go to tip number three to change
your English alright okay going back to
my screen here we go tip number three
challenge your self that’s right
challenge yourself now let me explain
what this means okay so challenge
yourself basically you need to find ways
to overcome your fears related to
English it’s a fact English is not the
easiest language to learn and sometimes
you feel a little bit shy or scared to
speak to someone else or maybe there are
other things that you are afraid of when
you challenge yourself to do something
you literally take the chains off you
literally free yourself from that fear
now I’m gonna give you three reasons why
this is so important okay
here we go so the first reason why this
is so important is this will help you
become more confident trust me when you
challenge yourself you will after you’ve
accomplished and after you’ve overcome
that beer you will feel amazing you will
feel more confident now the second
reason is that you will what it will
help you realize that you can achieve
more than you first realize as a teacher
I’m gonna be very honest with you one of
the things I loved the most about
teaching in Korea was seeing one of my
students excel seeing one of my students
reach their individual goal so maybe
their goal was to give a speech in
English maybe their goal was to write an
email in English at their job when I saw
that student accomplish or reach that
goal I was so happy for them why because
they realized that they could even do
better than they initially thought they
could the same is true for you when you
challenge yourself okay all right now
reason number three here we go
reason number three is this will give
you more opportunities to use the
English you learn you’re very smart
you’ve studied hard you’ve studied many
books you’ve watched my lessons on
YouTube and now it’s time to challenge
yourself and what will happen you’ll
start to have more opportunities to use
what you have learned now again I would
love to hear all about your experiences
when you challenge yourself now one more
thing remember we’re gonna keep going on
I’m gonna show you how to do this
exactly in three simple steps but again
if you want to keep studying with me
remember you can always join my academy
and the link is in the description okay
I would love to be your permanent
teacher now again we’re talking about
challenging yourself so how do you do
that actually three steps here we go so
the first step write down one of your
fears related to English maybe you are
afraid of actually contacting an America
or emailing an American write that down
okay next you’re going to do this you’re
going to write down three reasons why
you are afraid and three things you
would do if you weren’t afraid why are
you afraid to email an American is it
because you may have the wrong grammar
is it because they may not respond now
what would you do if your grammar was
okay what would you do if they responded
to your email I want you to focus on the
feeling you would have when or if you
accomplished your goal okay now the
third part here we go right here figure
out one way to overcome the fear and do
it immediately
for example talking to strangers or
emailing an American I had one of my
students who’s actually in my Academy as
I mentioned to you before and she
actually the links on the screen and
also in the description if you want to
join my Academy and she told me she had
never ever spoken to an American but she
saw that I gave the opportunity to speak
to me in a video call and she took the
opportunity she challenged herself even
though she was nervous and she did
amazing I enjoyed our conversation she
spoke well and remember it’s not about
making grammar mistakes it’s all about
being able to convey or express your
opinion and your thoughts and overcoming
your fear so I was very happy to talk to
her I was proud of her for challenging
herself and overcoming her fear and all
it took was one email to ask me to speak
to me and again she’s in my Academy so
again think about yourself what are your
fears and how can you challenge yourself
to overcome them okay all right
so we looked at three different tips to
help you literally improve your English
today first compare yourself to yourself
learn something new or interesting and
challenge your self now
you learned three tips that will
literally help you improve your English
today I really hope you enjoyed this
lesson don’t forget to download the free
pdf that goes along with this lesson by
clicking the link in the description and
also you can join the speak English with
Tiffany Academy you’ll see it right here
on the screen by clicking the other link
in the description I’m teacher Tiffany
and I will talk to you in our next
lesson but as always remember to speak
English it’s storytime
okay all right today is just a quick
story so when I was in high school I had
an English teacher
now she was great but she was super
she had rules that we had to follow and
I was a good student so I followed all
of her rules
but there was one rule that she had that
was special
the rule was do not eat in her classroom
okay that seemed very simple now her
class was right after lunch so I would
eat a really good lunch to make sure
that I wasn’t hungry during her class so
one day you know I finished my lunch it
was delicious and I didn’t know if my
breath smelled so I wanted to put a mint
in my mouth but I had a small tic tac
now a tic tac is just a small mint
literally about that size so I put the
tic-tac in my mint in my mint in my
mouth now again super tiny so I am I was
proceeding to walk into the classroom
and as I was about to get to my seat I
heard my name Tiffany yes it was the
teacher she said what did I tell you
about eating in class now again remember
I said she was a very super super strict
teacher so I could tell by the look on
her face that she was serious so I said
oh you said there’s no eating in class
teacher she said so what are you doing
I said well I I’m not eating anything
teacher she said what’s in your mouth
and I remembered that I had a tic-tac in
my mouth now I didn’t consider a tic-tac
she said take it out of your mouth and
you have detention now to show you how
shocked I was I was a model student in
school I followed the rules I did well
in school I played sports I did
everything but I never got in trouble
this was the first time I ever got in
trouble in high school and it was for a
tic-tac a tic-tac and twenty-something
years later I still have never forgotten
that moment so even though I thought it
was something small she said it was
still food so I had to go to detention
which meant I had to have a mark put on
my record I had to stay after school for
an hour and sit in this room because I
got in trouble so the moral of the story
is tic tacs aren’t food no but she was
strict but she was an amazing teacher
and ironically she’s still one of my
favorite teachers even though I got in
trouble for a tic-tac well I hope you
enjoyed this story and I’ll talk to you
guys next week