5 Habits You Must Have To Speak English Fluently
here’s the deal you want to speak
English fluently like a native English
speaker but the problem is it’s
difficult well you see there are five
habits you need to have in order to
sound like a native English speaker and
speak fluently and I’m gonna teach you
those five habits today I’m teacher
Tiffany let’s jump right in
alright five habits you need to speak
English fluently habit number one
organize all of your plans and ideas now
you’ll remember in last week’s video we
went over this I gave you a plan and
showed you how to lay out all of your
goals for an entire year now if you
missed that just click right here and
you can watch the video right now and
learn about the English planner and how
to set out your goals for a year okay so
habit number one organize all of your
plans and ideas the first habit deals
with organizing all of your English
plans and ideas in other words you want
to make a habit of laying out all of
your English goals this is such an
important habit for you to have because
you need to have an idea of where you’re
going alright now there’s a really good
quote that I want to tell you about so
this quote comes from Christina Scalise
and it says organization isn’t about
perfection it’s about efficiency
reducing stress and clutter saving time
and money and improving your overall
quality of life now there were two words
in this quote that I want to explain to
you the first one was efficiency now
efficiency means the quality of being
able to do a task successfully without
wasting time or energy as an English
Learner even though you’re studying
English you also have a life
you’re also busy with work with family
and your schedule sometimes is a bit
hectic while being efficient using your
time wisely is so important
and this habit of organizing your plans
and ideas will help you do that
now the second word in the quote was
now clutter means a lot of things in a
messy state especially things that are
not useful or necessary so let’s say in
your room you may have a lot of things
strewn or thrown across the floor well
the same can happen with your life you
may have so many things going on that
you feel that you can’t make time for
English but if you organize your plans
and your ideas you will be able to
actually study okay now there’s one more
quote that I want to show you okay now
this quote actually comes from Benjamin
Franklin he said for every minute spent
organizing an hour is earned that’s
for every minute you take the time to
organize your plans and ideas you’ve
actually gained an hour
okay so again habit number one organize
all of your plans and ideas now the
benefits first you will know what you
know they may say teacher what does that
so for example as an English Learner
there are things that you’ve learned
over time for example if I say hey how
was your day today you know exactly what
I’m saying you know what you know but
this will also help you feel more
confident when you speak in English okay
so helps you to know what you know and
also what you don’t know okay
benefit number two you will see your
progress and be able to know the steps
or the next steps you need to take you
will also know which areas you need to
focus on and finally you will decrease
the nervousness and anxiety you
experience when you speak in English now
many of you have sent me messages or
even typed in the comments underneath
the videos and told me how nervous you
get when you speak in English and I
totally understand now there is a word
that I want to explain to you the word
is anxiety okay so anxiety is a feeling
nervousness or worry it’s another way of
saying that you’re nervous
and you feel like you can’t actually
speak so again when you have this habit
of organizing all of your plans and
ideas it will actually decrease the
nervousness you experience because now
you have an idea of what you know and
what you don’t know okay so how do you
do this I know you’re asking so let me
show you how to do this this is what you
need to do make or get an English study
planner okay now remember in our last
video I showed you how to set up your
planner and I also showed you the
planner that I created for you so if you
want to get the planner it’s still
available the link is in the description
okay alright so again you need to make
or get an English planner my English
study planner write your goals study
strategy focus areas and what you would
like to learn you need to designate the
time period for each as well this is
very important if you organize your
English study then you will actually
reach all of your goals okay alright so
now let’s move on to habit number two
happen number two is think in English
and believe that you can that’s a key
you have to believe that you can do it
now the second habit deals with thinking
in English instead of your first
language in other words you want to make
a habit of challenging yourself to
describe situations in English here’s
the folks first quote from Denis Waitley
if you believe you can you probably can
if you believe you won’t you most
assuredly won’t belief is the ignition
switch that gets you off the launching
pad now there are quite a few words in
there that I want to explain to you okay
there are two vocabulary words and then
a third concept that I want explain to
you or a third expression so the first
one was assuredly now this just means to
be definite okay to be a fact all right
the second one was ignition
now ignition is the part where the fuel
is ignited so I want you to think about
when you’re starting something starting
a car or even when you want
to spark the ignition okay and then the
third one was launching pad now this is
a platform from which rockets or
missiles or satellites are launched
so we’re saying launching pad being the
starting point so again looking back at
this quote here we go it says again if
you believe you can you most or probably
can but if you believe you won’t you
most assuredly won’t believe is the
ignition belief is the starting point so
you have to believe and you actually can
think in English all right
now the second quote I love is this one
from marianne williamson
you must learn a new way to think before
you can master a new way to be so before
you can speak like a native English
speaker you must first master how to
think like a native English speaker or
think in English don’t worry I’m gonna
show you how now here are the benefits
of this habit first you will respond
faster during conversations next you
will learn new words and patterns faster
because your brain will get used to the
flow and finally you will start
connecting your daily life to English
trust me this is gonna blow your mind
when you start putting into practice
this habit and start to make it a daily
habit now how do you do this here we go
I’m gonna show you so here’s what you
have to do keep a daily or weekly
journal in this journal you should write
about your day using the five W’s again
I love the five W’s who what when where
and why training your brain to think in
English about every situation all right
and doing this will also help you think
about situations in English throughout
your day all right
so habit number three overcome your
fears related to English the third habit
deals with overcoming the fears you have
related to English in other words you
want to make a habit of pushing yourself
to conquer your fears and speak in
here’s the fact sometimes English can be
no English is difficult many times right
many times when you’re trying to speak
in English you feel that it’s so
difficult and a lot of times you feel
fear you get afraid to speak in English
you’re afraid to make mistakes you’re
afraid to sound kind of let’s say you
don’t want to sound like a person who’s
not smart but listen you have to
overcome those fears I get it I totally
understand when I was learning Korean I
experienced the exact same fears but you
have to make a habit of overcoming your
here’s the quote I want to show you okay
here’s the first quote I have learned
over the years that when one’s mind is
made up this diminishes fear knowing
what must be done does away with fear
this is from Rosa Parks so two
expressions one expression in one
vocabulary word I want to explain to you
from this quote the first one is mind is
made up now this is used to say when
someone or that someone has made a
decision and will not change it I’m firm
in my decision I will not change so your
mind is made up for example you’ve made
up your mind to study English with me
your teacher and I’m so happy right now
the other word is diminished
now diminish means to become reduced in
size importance or intensity so again
like we said like we read in the quote I
have learned over the years that when
one’s mind is made up
what diminishes that’s right when you
make up your mind your fear will
now the second quote I want us to look
at that is very powerful comes from
Henry Ford one of the greatest
discoveries a man makes one of his great
surprises is to find he can do what he
was afraid he couldn’t do you can do it
that’s what Henry Ford was saying you
will surprise yourself right now you
feel like I like teacher I’m never going
to be able to speak English like a
native English speaker or
I’m never going to be able to speak in
front of a American I’m too shy no you
will surprise yourself you can overcome
your fear now what are the benefits of
making it a habit of overcoming your
fears let me show you so the first
benefit is you will gain more confidence
in yourself and in your ability to speak
next you will go further than you
thought you could fear limits your full
potential and holds you back now let me
explain the word potential and the
expression holds you back so potential
means to say that someone or something
has the necessary abilities or qualities
to become successful in the future you
have potential you have the potential
and I know that you can speak English
now the other expression hold you back
it means to prevent or restrict the
advance progress or development of
someone or something
so your fear is holding you back don’t
let it hold you back anymore
now here’s the third benefit here we go
the third benefit is you will have more
courage to tackle the next English
now the word tackle just means to deal
with something in a very determined or
efficient way you can do it you can
tackle it you can be determined to
overcome your fears how do you do it
here did you do here’s what you do
alright here we go
challenge yourself to use your English
skills in front of other people for
example you can make a phone call to a
business to ask a question that’s a free
call you can call them and ask them a
question about let’s say for example you
like iPhones or maybe you like Samsung I
love Samsung right call the company say
I have a quick question about some
feature that’s a free call but you’re
getting the opportunity to practice and
overcome your fear okay
now or you can write a comment
underneath a YouTube video there are
many ways to overcome your fears
remember I told you all in a previous
video in the comment section always
write a comment because your practice
your English don’t just watch these
videos and enjoy the lesson I want you
to take action every time you watch one
of my videos put a comment in the
comment section use the English overcome
your fear and don’t worry about what
other people say okay all right let’s
move on to the next habit here we go now
habit number four listen or watch things
in English the fourth habit deals with
listening and watching things in English
in other words you want to make a habit
of putting lots of real-life English
into your mind this is such an important
habit you need to watch a lot of things
in English you need to listen to a lot
of things in English now here’s the
first quote I want us to look at here we
go most people do not listen with the
intent to understand they listen with
the intent to reply so many times when
you’re watching something or listening
to someone speak you’re thinking about
what you’re going to say but know this
habit is listening intently now the word
intent let me explain it to you means to
be eager and determined to do something
right intent so be eager to truly listen
be eager to take in the information okay
and not just focusing on what you’re
gonna say at the moment and the next
thing I want us to look at is quote
number two also a powerful quote okay
here we go
the art of conversation lies in
listening you want to have better
English conversations right well Malcolm
Forbes just showed you what the key is
learning how to truly listen so lies in
this expression lies and it means to
come about from or to be the result of
something or to depend on something
basically the foundation or the origin
of good conversation is listening
alright so here are the benefits here we
go number one you will become a better
communicator and a communicator is just
a person who is able to convey or
exchange information news or ideas
especially one who is eloquent
who can explain and express themselves
very well okay themselves very well
all right benefit number two you will
gain an understanding of how your tone
of voice and intonation can change the
meaning of your words now intonation or
intonation is the way that your voice
rises and falls as you speak now as I’m
speaking to you I’m your teacher so I’m
speaking with confidence to express
these habits to you right to explain
them to you but if I suddenly change my
tone of voice and I’m just kind of
speaking like this suddenly the feeling
changes right you don’t feel as
confident in what I’m teaching you
exactly right
okay so your tone of voice is important
all right that’s intonation now the
third benefit is you will improve your
pronunciation and sound more like a
native English speaker all right now how
do you do this watch a YouTube video and
analyze it you want to pay attention to
the body language used speed tone of
voice expressions and vocabulary okay as
you’re watching you see that I always
use my hands when I’m speaking to you
well dissect the video wait a minute why
is teacher Tiffany using her fingers in
that way why is she doing that with her
facial expressions think about things as
you’re watching them okay all right so
let’s go to habit number five oh and I
want to tell you I’m giving you the five
habits that you need to have to be
fluent but if you want the action plan
part two this video again all members of
my Academy can watch part two of this
lesson and have the seven day action
plan to start putting these habits in to
practice okay all right so let’s go on
to have it number five here we go habit
number five take action and use what you
learn the fifth habit deals with taking
action and using what you learn in other
words you want to make a habit of
finding ways to use the English you
learn in real-life situations
here’s the quote from Joe Saba you don’t
have to be great to start but you have
to start to be great remember that you
don’t have to be great you don’t have to
perfect you don’t have to be fluent in
order to start but in order to start I’m
sorry in order to be fluent you must
start so start today if you want to be
fluent start today it starts now take
action all right now the other quote
quote number 2 says we are what we
repeatedly do excellence then is not an
act but I have it and that’s from
Aristotle so if you repeatedly study and
make it a habit to take action and to
use what you learn then you will excel
you will do well all right so three
benefits of taking action here we go
the first benefit is you will increase
your confidence next you will improve
your ability to speak off the cuff now
let me explain this explain this to you
off the cuff just means something done
or said without being prepared or
thought about in advance so without any
preparation so think about it when
someone comes to speak to you in English
you may not have prepared anything so
you have to speak off the cuff but if
you take an action prior to that
conversation and practice over and over
then you will be able to respond all
right now the third benefit here we go
the third benefit is you will turn
short-term memory into long-term memory
now how do you do this throughout your
day you will learn various words
expressions idioms patterns and other
things this is true you learn so many
things even through my video lessons and
through other amazing English teachers
that are on YouTube you learn so much
through their lessons through books and
websites right so you need to use these
things in real conversations now if you
don’t have anyone to talk to you may
make sentences let me show you again my
screens you can read along with me you
can make sentences alone about your
daily experiences again you can use the
five W’s to make these sentences now you
can also use what you learned in the
comments you type under YouTube videos
or in groups remember I told you in the
beginning of this video always comment
underneath the YouTube video
after you watch my lessons always
comment and in your comment try to use
something you learned in the lesson I’ve
taught you many words in this lesson and
many expressions use one of them in the
comment section okay alright now the
next thing you need to do is to study
the 7-day action plan now this is part
two of this lesson and part two is found
in my Academy so if you’re already in my
Academy click the link right in the
description and you can go and check out
the seven-day action plan I give you the
worksheet you need to actually put these
habits into practice to actually make
them habits starting today using the 7
day action plan ok so I hope you enjoyed
this video again watch part 2 click the
link in the description to go to my
Academy join and actually start studying
and using the 7 day action plan I will
talk to you next week but as always
remember to speak English now you know I
didn’t forget it’s story time
alright now today’s story is actually a
little bit of a serious one it’s good
but I want to tell you about one of my
close friends she’s Korean but I want to
tell you about something she did for me
that I will never forget and I’m telling
you this story because I want you to
realize that a longer journey studying
English there gonna be people that are
gonna help you and they’re gonna help
you get to the next level and you should
always be grateful for those individuals
so and I’ll tell you her name at the end
so when I was in South Korea you know I
was a teacher there and I loved it but I
also studied Korean and I was in grad
school in South Korea so I went to a
Korean University I went to Seoul day
which is Seoul National University and I
studied oriental painting and it wasn’t
easy I loved it I loved my classmates I
loved my teachers but it was a difficult
process when it got to the end because
everything was in Korean
and I had to take exams in Korean and
there was also exam that I had to take
that had some Hanja some Chinese letters
in it so preparing for the exam was very
difficult um and to be honest I failed
two times this was the graduation I was
for the graduation exam like the final
exam to graduate and I failed two times
now the exam was only offered once every
six months
and I told you I failed two times so I
studied for this test for a full year
and I still failed and when I was coming
up to the third time of taking the test
I was very stressed I was discouraged I
felt down I felt like can I really do
this and that’s why I always tell you
all that I understand exactly what
you’re feeling when you get frustrated
when you’re studying English because
English is difficult so my friend she
was also in our department she studied
oriental painting and she’s Korean mom
and we’re still friends now um I asked
her for some help so I actually left
Korea for six months just to study for
the exam so after I failed twice and I’d
spent a year so I said you know what let
me go back to America and spend six
months stay with my parents I said do
you guys mind supporting me for six
months so that I can study for this exam
full-time I had never done that in my
entire life
just only studied for six months for one
exam so it was very difficult um I had
to study Japanese art history Chinese
art history Korean art history there was
a lot to study so it was a bit
overwhelming um so I asked my friend I
said would you mind helping me and she
said of course for six months she helped
me and let me tell you what she did so I
was in America and she was still in
South Korea and I had many different
topics many books to study and what I
would do is I would read the books and
read the different topic about the
different topics and I would write let’s
say a full page in Korean about the
topic and I would send it to her just to
see if the information that I found was
correct and also if my grammar was
correct and she would literally read
every single thing that I sent her she
do her own research to make sure what I
was studying was correct she would give
me extra information telling me TIFF
this is what you need to study this is
what you need to know this went on for
six months and she never complained she
never asked me for any money she never
said she wouldn’t help me
I would message her and you know the
time difference sometimes night time
here is day time in Korea so sometimes
I’d be up late studying or be up early
studying which means it would be the
opposite for her she never complained if
I called her and I was stressed she’d
help me she’d get me through it and
because of her honestly
Wow hmm didn’t plan for that um yeah she
helped me a lot and I really appreciated
her man I didn’t I didn’t think this is
gonna happen anyways um she really
helped me and because of her I passed
the exam and you know she didn’t realize
how much she meant but ya guys her name
is soo young
and you know she’s a good friend to this
day and she really helped me a lot and
yeah I’m really happy and I was really
blessed to have her men sorry guys her
help really gave me the confidence in
the exam and the exam was difficult but
because of her help over that six-month
period I was able to pass and man it
didn’t stop there when I was writing my
thesis in Korean again very difficult
right before I turned it in she spent
literally I think a 12 12 hour a day Wow
sorry yes a 12 hour day with me editing
and looking over my thesis and making
sure that everything was correct for me
and yeah you know as you’re studying
English and going along your journey
there gonna be people that help you as
well never forget those people so yeah
the story time was a little bit
emotional but they’re happy tears not
bad tear so see I’m thank you
much um teach it comes I shinza comes I
thought I on me okay she’ll understand
alright guys enough with the tears
remember to speak English and I’ll see
you next week