5 Simple Steps To Speak English In Real Life
a few weeks ago I had a conversation
with one of my students in Brazil she
was telling me that she had been
studying English for many years she had
attended Institute’s
she had purchased books and she knew
lots of vocabulary words but for some
reason she wasn’t able to speak English
like a native English speaker basically
she wasn’t able to speak English in real
life well maybe you have experienced the
same thing you’ve been studying English
books you’ve learned lots of English
grammar and you even know lots of
vocabulary words but for some reason
you’re still not able to speak English
in real-life situations well today’s
lesson is just for you because I’m gonna
teach you five simple steps to actually
speak English in real life I’m teacher
Tiffany let’s jump right in
all right
today’s steps are the five W’s now for
those of you who have been studying with
me for a long time you’ve heard about
the five W’s literally who what when
where and why these are the five simple
steps now I’m going to show you actually
how to use these in real-life situations
so let’s say for example we have this
situation right here a real-life
situation there are two women and it
looks like there’s some sort of
transaction well using the five W’s we
would do this who is this woman
with long hair then what is she doing
with the credit card next where are they
when is this happening and why is she
buying something now we’re gonna figure
out how to use these steps to actually
speak about this real-life situation but
I want you to follow along closely
because the fact of the matter is people
like myself native English speakers
literally think like this when we are
speaking in English you see when I was
in high school that’s right many years
ago when I was in high school we were
taught to think like this and you know
guys honestly when I was a teacher in
South Korea I realized that this is the
key for native English speakers because
I had students who were super
intelligent I mean I had students there
were doctors lawyers even some of my
high school students and university
students who weren’t necessarily
professionals yet but they were
extremely smart but they still couldn’t
speak English well and I realized that
it wasn’t because of their ability to
memorize or study because they were
smart it was the fact that no one had
taught them these five simple steps no
one had taught them the keys to connect
the information they had learned so that
they could speak
like a native English speaker so that’s
why I came up with these five simple
steps to teach to you and my students
once they followed these five simple
steps they excelled and were able to
speak English in real-life situations so
let’s go back to the picture and see how
it actually worked okay when I taught
them this tip so let’s again look closer
so we have the who the first step who is
this woman with long hair so again we’re
guessing because we’re looking at the
image I said maybe she’s a college
professor or a stylish stay-at-home mom
or even an entrepreneur now again guys
I’m just giving my guesses I don’t know
this woman but I’m looking at this image
and I’m creating an idea or I am
creating up a situation who is this
woman what is it about her that makes me
want to look at the picture so again
this is the stage where you want to
think about who the woman is okay now
the word entrepreneur you may not know
what that word is so let me explain it
to you guys the word entrepreneur means
a person who runs and operates their own
in other words runs organizes and
manages so the best example is me I am
actually an entrepreneur remember I told
you guys in a previous video several
months ago that I actually used to work
for NASA I was a web developer for NASA
and I loved my job but I left my job and
I actually went to South Korea and I
became an English teacher now
fast-forward 10 years I am actually
working for myself running and managing
my own English business why because I
want to teach you so again your teacher
is an entrepreneur maybe some of you are
entrepreneurs you can put it in the
comment section and I’d love to know
what your business is ok all right so
let’s go back to my screen and let’s
continue so again this woman could be a
college professor a stylish stay-at-home
mom or an entrepreneur now we have
go to the second step okay the second
step is what what is she doing with the
credit card again you can see in a
picture that she has a credit card so
maybe she’s making a payment or testing
to see if it works or swiping it quickly
again all you’re doing is coming up with
your own idea of what could possibly be
happening in this situation this is
going to lead us to speaking about the
situation okay
now the word swipe maybe you don’t know
what that word is so the word swipe
actually means to pass through an
electronic device designed to read and
process the information encoded on it so
again as you look at the picture the
lady has a card in her hand and she’s
swiping it through the electronic device
I had to swallow real quick
alright so she’s swiping it through the
device think about when you go to the
store when you go to buy something right
if you don’t have cash on you you can
use your card and swipe it and the money
is electronically taken out of your
account let me say swipe in English okay
all right so let’s go back and go to the
third step okay all right so the third
step we want to look at is duh when so
when is this happening again I’m giving
my own thoughts I’m guessing maybe it’s
the middle of the day
why because it looks like it’s bright
and it looks like everyone’s kind of
relaxed or maybe it’s a Sunday afternoon
or maybe it’s during her lunch break
again guys once again when you’re
practicing these five simple steps maybe
you’re at home alone if you’re looking
at a picture I want you to do the same
thing that I’m doing right now this
practice is teaching you how to think in
English so that when you’re in a
real-life situation you’ll naturally use
these five steps okay all right so lunch
break now I want to explain this to you
guys really quickly okay so the term
lunch break just means the time when a
person stops working or studying to have
lunch or run errands
okay now the word Aaron’s just refers to
things that you have to do outside of
the house maybe you have a list of to
do’s basically it’s a to-do list and
these are things that you must do for
example let’s say I need to get some
groceries I need to take my clothes to
the dry cleaners these are things that I
have to do outside of the house my to-do
list or my errands okay all right so we
need to move on to the next step here we
go all right our next step is where so
where are they right now we can see
there are two women in the picture but
again where could they be
maybe they are at a natural or a local
natural tea cafe or at an organic market
or even at a convention for a natural
pottery again we’re just guessing now
the word convention is an assembly or
gathering of people for one purpose
usually it’s for business or sales so
let’s say for example there’s a business
convention about computers or technology
you can say you’re going to a business
convention or a computer convention or a
technology convention a large group of
people that come together for seminars
and to actually look at new products we
call that a convention in English okay
now guys as we’re studying you’re
learning a lot and I’m so happy to teach
it remember you can learn even more with
me by joining my Academy the links on
the screen some of you are already
members but I want to help you more so
remember if you want to learn more
vocabulary or also how to think more in
English and just continue studying with
me remember to click the link in the
description okay all right now we’re
gonna move on to our next and final step
okay so here we go I’m gonna take you
back to my screen the final one is why
why is she buying something so maybe she
loves unique herbal teas or maybe the
store won’t be open tomorrow or maybe
the saleswoman the one
on the left was very persuasive now this
word persuasive I want to practice the
pronunciation with you really quickly
I had another student this past week and
we were talking and I also taught him
the pronunciation and I realized that it
may be a little difficult for you all as
students so here we go / zwei SIV one
more time a little slow here we go
/ zwei SIV excellent job now one more
time quickly here we go
persuasive great job now let’s look at
the meaning of this word persuasive
because it’s a common English word that
we use here in America okay so the word
persuasive is good at convincing someone
to do or believe something through
reasoning now remember I said the
saleswoman was persuasive so again for
me as I looked at this picture I thought
to myself ah the saleswoman was really
good at convincing this lady to make a
she was very persuasive you got it okay
now guys so we’ve went through the five
simple steps as the creative side right
we’ve thought about what is going on in
this picture right now we need to
connect and speak about the picture this
is where it gets exciting okay so back
to my screen here we go so again we have
all the examples and we have the who
what when where and why I’ve written out
all of my thoughts for each of the five
W’s or each again of the five steps
alright so now let’s select let’s say
for example I select that she’s a
college professor she’s testing to see
if it works
referring to her card it’s the middle of
the day she’s out of convention for
natural pottery and the saleswoman was
very persuasive okay now again guys I
just chose these randomly right and I’m
gonna turn them into
my statement here we go all right here’s
my statement in the middle of the day a
college professor decided to stop by a
convention for natural pottery while
there she met a saleswoman who was very
so she was testing her car to see if it
now guys if I had said that at the very
beginning you may have felt like teacher
I’ll never get there because I can’t
speak like a native English speaker
well now you can because all I did was
connect the five simple steps the five
W’s and I made this very good response
or description of the picture and you
can do the same thing now I’m gonna show
you two more ways that I could describe
this picture okay so here we go I’m
gonna change it up now let’s say for
example I say she’s an entrepreneur
she’s making a payment on a Sunday
afternoon at an organic market and the
store won’t be open tomorrow so this is
what it would look like the entrepreneur
is making a payment at an organic market
she actually decided to go on a Sunday
afternoon because she heard the store
won’t be open tomorrow alright guys so
again you see what happened I just
switched it up and I still was able to
give a very good answer a good
description of this picture again using
the five simple steps the five W’s I’m
gonna show you one more example using
the information we already gathered okay
alright so here we go the last one a
stylish stay-at-home mom swiping it
quickly again referring to the card
during her lunch break at a local
natural tea cafe and she loves unique
herbal teas so we could say I saw a
stylish stay-at-home mom swiping her
card quickly at a local natural tea cafe
she told me that she went during her
lunch break because she loves unique
herbal tea
guys that is how you use these five
simple steps the five W’s who what when
where and why honestly I’m so excited
because it literally will change your
English learning journey you will start
speaking and you will start feeling so
confident when you’re in conversations
because the person listening to you will
be able to tell that your fluency has
improved because you’re giving all of
the necessary information now again guys
when you’re practicing remember this the
five W’s again who is involved in the
situation what is exactly happening when
is it happening why is it happening and
finally where is the situation taking
place now some of you may be wondering
teacher what’s the order again the five
simple steps who what when where and why
when you’re making your sentence you can
put them in any order that you’d like
okay so actually in the comment section
I want you to try make your own sentence
using the five W’s the steps okay these
steps right here now you can make a
sentence or you can make a short
description of the image we actually saw
today but guys I really hope these steps
help you I’m so excited that you guys
are finally learning how to think in
English and I will talk to you guys in
the next video