5 Things You Must Stop Saying English With Tiffani
hey in today’s lesson I’m gonna teach
you the five things you must stop saying
but at the end of the lesson I’m gonna
tell you the story about when I got
kidnapped don’t miss it I’m teacher
Tiffany let’s jump right in alright
number one you need to stop saying I
can’t speak English well I have so many
students that say this on a regular
basis and I’ve had so many students in
the past that said I can’t speak English
well but you see there’s something about
this statement that is dangerous you see
what you’re actually saying is I don’t
have confidence in my ability to speak
English so I don’t want you to expect me
to do well now here are the reasons why
it’s so dangerous the person listening
to you will expect you to make mistakes
that’s right the moment you say I can’t
speak English well the person listening
to you will say ah okay well you are
gonna make mistakes and that’s not what
you want them to think now the other
reason why this is dangerous is because
you will immediately feel like a
beginner remember the words you use have
an effect on you immediately and the
final reason why this statement is so
dangerous is your confidence level will
continue to decrease so again this
statement of I can’t speak English well
needs to leave your brain you need to
stop saying this statement and instead
here is the solution don’t say this at
all instead when someone asks you a
question simply start speaking that’s
right just start speaking remember that
it’s okay to make a mistake the fact
that you try to speak in a language that
is not your first language will impress
them this is the main idea the
fact that you are learning a language
that is not your mother tongue is
amazing so don’t start off your your
ideas or your conversation by saying I’m
not good I can’t speak English well no
just go for it and start speaking don’t
be afraid of mistakes all right now
number two the second thing you must
stop saying is I know my pronunciation
is bad you’ve probably said this before
right I know my pronunciation is bad and
then you keep talking but let me tell
you what that means you’re basically
saying I sound horrible when I speak and
people probably can’t understand me now
this is something that has a really
detrimental or a bad effect on you now
real quick you notice that my voice
sounds a little bit different today you
can tell right I’m okay
but it’s early in the morning so my
voice really hasn’t turned on just yet
but I’m totally okay all right
so talking about your pronunciation
don’t say I know my pronunciation is bad
three reasons here we go it will be
harder for you to correct your
pronunciation mistakes next your brain
will adapt to your idea and it will be
hard for you to improve if you keep
saying oh I know my pronunciation is bad
your brain will say oh okay so let’s not
make an effort to even improve your
pronunciation all right the final reason
why this is dangerous is the person
listening to you will automatically what
assume that they won’t understand you
and this is not what you want again by
putting this statement out there in the
beginning by saying I know my
pronunciation is bad everyone listening
to you will say ah yeah his or her
pronunciation is probably going to be
bad and you don’t want them to think
that so here’s the solution instead of
saying this you need to say I want to
sound like a native
English speaker that’s right instead of
saying my pronunciation is bad don’t
acknowledge your weakness by repeating
it over and over again instead
acknowledge your goal keep saying your
goal I want to sound like a native
English speaker I will eventually sound
like a native English speaker there are
power in your words not just well there
is power in your words all right there’s
power in saying those words all right
now let’s go on to number three the
third thing you must stop saying all
right here we go
the third thing is I don’t know enough
vocabulary now I hear this all the time
even from my advanced english-speaking
students our teacher I just don’t know
enough English vocabulary but let me
tell you what you’re actually saying
when you say this I can’t express myself
using the English vocabulary that I know
you’re basically inhibiting yourself or
stopping yourself from being able to use
what you do now now here are the three
reasons why this is so dangerous
you won’t use the English vocabulary you
actually do know next the person
listening will automatically think that
you are a beginner and finally you will
remain frustrated because there are too
many words to learn in English listen
I’m going to tell you the truth as an
American as a native English speaker
even I learn new English words all the
time and I speak English fluently it’s
my native language but you know what
even yesterday I was listening to a
podcast episode with the pastor that I
really like and the pastor is super
intelligent and whenever he speaks he
uses very very difficult vocabulary
words and sometimes I have to look them
up I am an American but I don’t get
frustrated because there’s always
something new to learn so the same is
true for you realize that you’re not
gonna learn every single word but you
know a lot already
and use the words that you do know but
there is a solution that I want you to
file okay here’s a solution instead you
should learn three new English words a
day and then use those words to express
yourself throughout the day notice I
said learn the words and immediately use
them throughout the day that’s very
important this will build your English
vocabulary and give you confidence in
your ability to use what you learn it’s
so important to use what you learn
alright now let’s go on to number four
the fourth thing you must never say you
must stop saying when you’re trying to
speak English number four this person is
better than me now I put a space there
because you probably have a certain
person in mind maybe it’s Brandon maybe
it’s Rafael maybe it’s Susan there’s
someone that you see on a regular basis
or that you’ve seen maybe in an English
class and you say ah man fred is better
than me
Wow shell is better than me or you say
these individuals names now this is what
you’re actually saying I will never be
as good as the person’s name so I should
stop trying that’s the danger you’re
really saying I’m not as good as them so
why should I try I should just give up
now there are three reasons why this is
so dangerous and why you should stop
saying this you will focus on others
instead of looking at your own
improvements next you will feel
discouraged and frustrated and remember
a few weeks back we talked about this
frustration that you experienced as an
English Learner
and I totally understand because I also
felt frustrated many times when I was
studying Korean now the other reason is
you will get frustrated when you make
mistakes you see you have to be gentle
with yourself as a learner you’re
learning English as a student you are
going to make mistakes but if you are
certainly focused on what Sally or Sam
or someone else is doing and their
abilities when you make mistakes you’ll
just get more frustrated instead of
understanding that mistakes are part of
the process so here’s the solution the
solution is instead you should write
down three things you admire about the
person’s speaking ability that’s right
there are gonna be individuals who you
admire you admire their ability to speak
in English eloquently well write three
things you admire about them now the
next thing is figure out a study plan
that will help you improve your skills
in the same areas so for example if you
admire Johnny’s ability to express
himself using advanced English
vocabulary words okay find a book on
advanced English vocabulary or if you
admire Sally’s ability to give three
reasons whenever she speaks her ability
to organize her thoughts well focus on
how to organize your thoughts finding a
plan to do that all right now finally
you need to follow your new study plan
and practice all right now number five
is very important you need to stop
saying I will never speak English
fluently now last week you know we had
our English fluency marathon we loved it
it was great we spent so much time
together and I taught you how to speak
English fluently I gave you the
five-step plan here’s the thing though
in the midst of our English fluency
marathon many people said I will never
be fluent or they sent me emails saying
it’s impossible to be fluent teacher
we’re not native English speakers and as
an English teacher I really felt sad
because I have seen students begin to
speak English fluently by following a
certain plan and their confidence
improved so this is why I want to tell
you stop saying that because what you’re
actually saying is this right here I am
not smart enough to speak English and
that right there is not true you are
very intelligent you’re learning another
language you are already amazing now
there are three reasons why I don’t want
you to say this anymore all right first
you will never recognize your own
improvements if you say this next you
won’t apply techniques that will help
you become fluent in English for example
during the English fluency marathon I
gave you all the five simple steps that
will help you to be fluent in English
but I still got messages from other
students saying I don’t know teacher is
it really possible they enjoyed the
classes but they still doubted their
ability to speak English fluently they
felt like they weren’t smart enough and
I to let them know hey I guarantee if
you follow this plan you will speak
English fluently I believed in their
abilities more than they did so that’s
why it’s so important for you to stop
saying this and the other reason is you
will continue to feel discouraged and
frustrated now don’t worry I have a
solution here’s the solution instead say
I am not fluent yet but I will be in the
future come on now you’re not fluent yet
but you will be in the future I want you
to start saying that remind yourself hey
I’m not fluent right now but that butt
is the key I will be fluent in the
future and then your brain will go into
overdrive you’ll start to put all of
your energies and energy and effort into
really learning English and improving
your English skills remember what you
say will affect you in ways that you
never realized so I want you to remember
to stop saying these five things you can
accomplish all of your goals in English
now I do want to remind you all that
there is a part two as always I
interviewed my friend Johnny he’s
another ESL teacher and he is living in
South Korea I really enjoyed talking to
and we discuss even more things that you
as a student should stop saying things
that are actually hurting you and
inhibiting you from speaking English
fluently so again if you’re already a
member of my Academy all you have to do
is click the link in the description and
you can watch it right now I also
include the audio file that you can
download if you’re not one of my
students if you’re not in my Academy all
you have to do is go to this link right
here let’s jump right in comm sign up
right now enroll and join our family and
you can watch part two of my
conversation with Johnny and learn so
many other things you need to stop
saying so that you can improve your
English well I hope you enjoyed today’s
lesson these five things that you need
to stop saying right now so that you can
improve your English now I’m gonna talk
to you next week but as always remember
to speak English you know what time it
is and it’s been a while it’s story time
hey I said a story time my voice came
back a little bit alright so I promised
you guys at the beginning of the lesson
that I tell you about the time I got
kidnapped so when I was in college when
I was in university I actually worked
very hard I told you all in a previous
story time that my parents greatest
parents ever they sacrificed a lot for
my sister and I so when I enrolled in
university I got a scholarship but their
scholarship was partial so there was an
amount of money that I had to pay and I
told my parents don’t worry you won’t
have to pay anything you’ve done your
job I’ll work a few jobs and I’ll pay
the rest of my tuition of course they
were excited so thus began my journey of
working and studying when I was in
university now my first job when I was
on campus in my freshman year
I was about 17 years old no no it was my
sophomore year my second year in
university I was 18 years old 18 between
18 and 19 years old and we I went to an
Adventist College I went to a private
university right private Christian
University and they had a program where
during our Spring Break was a spring
break yep during the spring break we
could go canvassing now canvassing that
just meant that we would go door-to-door
selling books so for example this is my
notebook but imagine this is a book
talking about the love of Jesus the love
of Christ and explaining how to
understand the Bible we had tons of
books and we would go door-to-door and
sell the books right so it was a great
program and what would happen is we’d
sell the books and we’d get a percentage
of the profit whatever the book sale was
we get a percentage and I used that
money to help pay for my tuition so
that’s the back story right that’s the
background of the story now during this
spring break we call it a campaign a
large group of us went together alright
so there were about whew let’s say there
are about 15 of us there were I think
seven females and seven males and then
we had our leaders right so maybe there
was 16 of us because 7 student male
students 7 female students and then our
leaders were it was a female and a male
as well so there were 16 of us all
together um roughly so anyways now again
I was about 18 or 19 years old we were
all pretty young you know you’re in
college you’re young you love life right
but we were all interested in making
money and working hard for God so now
the Peete the individuals that were over
us they were so let’s say we were 18 or
19 they were only about 21 or 22
they weren’t that much older than us but
they were our leaders so we took was it
there were two vans so you know two two
vans and we drove from my University it
may have been maybe about six or seven
hours maybe to our location
and we stayed at a lady’s house and for
a seven day period every day from
to the evening we’d go out and we’d
knock on doors it was hard work but
again we developed a really good work
ethic because if you want to make money
you need to put the work the effort into
it and work hard so anyway so we’re
knocking on doors every day and what
normally would happen is uh each day the
guy and the female well actually I’ll
tell you their names the guy’s name was
Estes Estes and you ever see this I
never forget your brother Estes was one
of the leaders and Tiffany yes her name
was Tiffany right we the same name
her name was Tiffany she was the other
leader and they were about again two or
three years older than all of us so each
day we would go out and we go knocking
and they Estes would take one van and
Tiffany would take one van so on this
particular day they decided to let all
of the females go with Tiffany and all
the males went with Estes no problem so
we’re out we spent all day you know
working hard and we had kind of
walkie-talkies so throughout the day
Tiffany and Estes would talk to each
other and also a student’s us we had our
walkie-talkies to let them know like hey
I sold a few books I need kind of more
books so they’d come and drop off more
books so on this particular day we had
sold our books and we were back in the
van now Tiffany had all of us Tiffany
the leader had gathered all the females
and we were sitting in our van and Estes
had all the males all the male students
and they were in his van and we just
happened to be just Tiffany in our group
just happened to be sitting in a parking
lot because we were waiting for the boys
esses said hey we’re on our way don’t
worry we’re coming so we were sitting in
our van it was a dark parking lot but
this was years ago so we didn’t feel
unsafe or anything there was a safe area
so the girls were just sitting in there
you know as ladies do just talking
yappin just chatting and the doors were
unlocked but we weren’t thinking
anything about the doors because we were
fine so we’re sitting in the in the van
and all of a sudden a van pulled up
speeding like boom right beside us so it
caught us off guard and it pulled up
very quickly and a guy jumped out of the
the guy jumped out of the car ran to the
driver’s seat where Tiffany was sitting
open her door pulled her out and then he
got in and shut the door put it in drive
and he drove off and it happened so fast
now again there’s seven other female
students sitting in the van as this is
happening he’s in the path he’s in the
driver’s seat puts it in Drive and he
pulls off so we’re sitting there what is
going on then the driver as he’s pulling
off starts laughing so when I oh my
goodness and turns around and says hello
ladies it was Estes he had literally the
guys had come up with this plan to
kidnap the girls so Estes jumped in our
band kidnapped us and left Tiffany with
the other male students man he was
rolling as he was driving just laughing
so I got kidnapped by her while I was
trying to do work for God so we have
always laughed about that situation I
mean that seven-day period was so much
fun that was just one thing that
happened when he kidnapped us but we had
water fights we played basketball
together and we worked hard but that
situation taught me something about
being a leader and also about working
hard but also playing hard you know
sometimes in life you know we have to
work hard we have to put in a lot of
effort but it’s also good to enjoy life
to laugh sometimes and to enjoy what
you’re doing so I always try to with my
students you know you guys aren’t
physically in class with me but you’ll
notice I always try to make something
enjoyable have a good time because you
can enjoy yourself and work hard so I
always remember that situation and I
always remember you know what in the
future whenever I work with young people
or other individuals who are learning
from me I want to make sure that I
intertwine or include some fun things
some fun events kind of like this story
time I started story time months ago but
I only started it because you guys
started enjoying it so much so I said
you know what I can teach them but then
we can also have a good
time together so I hope you guys enjoyed
that story time of me getting kidnapped
but not really alright guys I will talk
to you next week have an awesome week
and I’ll see you next time